My three words were a slur? If so, please define slur.
Did you address the topic?
A slur is not speaking plainly. What do you mean?
For example what scare tactic? Do you mean this is a scare tactic centrally orchestrated by my team?. Am I guilty by association in your collective mind before we address what she said?. Is this correct?
Did she or did she not conflate civil rights with climate regulation?
Conflate- combine (two or more texts, ideas, etc.) into one.
"the urban crisis conflates a number of different economic and social issues"
"Climate change regulation is related to civil rights for reasons I don't know".
My point is she is pandering to an ideology and she does not offer any real solutions for addressing climate change. She's basically doing nothing but running her mouth.
The same thing both sides do as we fight this war against ourselves. The left of center is winning. They control the media and our educational system. Trump is a result of dissatisfaction with leftist ideology.
The bottom of this ideology is a utopian hell on earth. Nazi Germany was a utopian dream that resulted in hell.
There are many more utopian hells I have listed on another thread. The reason you aren't equally as concerned might be because you don't know. The media hasn't addressed it. Our educational system does not require its students to read the "Final Solution" and the "Gulag Archipelago" with regularity.
This is only one of a gazillion examples not to mention every other movie is Nazi crap, when there is much more than one example of to make movies about.
I can't possibly write in how we are not educating our kids correctly and we haven't for many many decades.