Doc guys .....Forever!!

Until Voting is officially over why not?
Because you cant change your vote at other polls. This is borderline voter fraud. Once your vote is cast, its official. Sorry Joe.
Now wait a minute, you have changed your mind on Coach and Stef and put your past behind you, people have the right to change their mind after getting all the facts.
Youre right Johnny. Coach Nickerson/Fox, Stef and I all got past our issues with each other and came TOGETHER! But we didnt vote on doing that. We did it over time.
Youre right Johnny. Coach Nickerson/Fox, Stef and I all got past our issues with each other and came TOGETHER! But we didnt vote on doing that. We did it over time.
Bosko you're sounding a little wishy washy right now. It almost seems like you want division amongst the group?? Do you really want us to come TOGETHER or not?!
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Bosko you're sounding a little wishy washy right now. It almost seems like you want division amongst the group?? Do you really want us to come TOGETHER or not?!
Of course I want us to come TOGETHER! That is what I have been about since the start. Im just saying, in an official vote, once your vote is cast, you cant change it.....
Youre right Johnny. Coach Nickerson/Fox, Stef and I all got past our issues with each other and came TOGETHER! But we didnt vote on doing that. We did it over time.

Well did he officially put in somebodies name? I mean I can say no but what did I say no too? Until you put a name in front of that no it is just an arbitrary no.
Well did he officially put in somebodies name? I mean I can say no but what did I say no too? Until you put a name in front of that no it is just an arbitrary no.
Johnny brings up a good point.....Joe only wrote no, he did not put anyones name on his ballot....
Ok Joe. Since you only wrote no on your ballot, you can edit your original post to reflect how you are voting. You only get once time to change though, so change wisely!
Sorry Calvin. After your last couple of posts about taking over. I am afraid you will go right back to your "replacements alliance" self. Creating division within our ranks. We need to come together not drift apart!
Still a lot of voting left to happen....
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If I could move my leg I would kick Kane and Candies asses quicker than you can say "we gunna blitz all night". Of course Candy doesn't know what that means because he has NEVER BEEN IN A FOOTBALL MOVIE. He was too busy playing a girly lad in Titanic or getting mauled by a bear. This is a sad day to be a Doc Guy.
If I could move my leg I would kick Kane and Candies asses quicker than you can say "we gunna blitz all night". Of course Candy doesn't know what that means because he has NEVER BEEN IN A FOOTBALL MOVIE. He was too busy playing a girly lad in Titanic or getting mauled by a bear. This is a sad day to be a Doc Guy.
Its statements like that, that will keep you from being voted in!
If I could move my leg I would kick Kane and Candies asses quicker than you can say "we gunna blitz all night". Of course Candy doesn't know what that means because he has NEVER BEEN IN A FOOTBALL MOVIE. He was too busy playing a girly lad in Titanic or getting mauled by a bear. This is a sad day to be a Doc Guy.
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This is what Shootdraw likes. Girly boys.

What movie is Shootdraw in? You are nothing but a pathetic groupie.

This is the kind of boy you like.

I am not a groupie Gerry! Ive been on here since the beginning! Way back when Stef was the only documentary star. Heck, Ive been on this site before ANY documentary stars were on here! Ive been here since 2005! Youve barely been on here a month! Plus Im still alive, YOURE DEAD!
I am not a groupie Gerry! Ive been on here since the beginning! Way back when Stef was the only documentary star. Heck, Ive been on this site before ANY documentary stars were on here! Ive been here since 2005! Youve barely been on here a month! Plus Im still alive, YOURE DEAD!
Heck, I have both you two combined beat! I remember when this board was actual football talk. But Ill admit, I enjoy every bit of this. I get a good laugh and it brings activity to this board. Especially right now, out of football season when its normally dead. I know this wont count, but if I were voting, this would be my vote;

CalvinCandie- NO