Oh yeah. They base their school all around sports right. And we all know St. Gen is such a big populated area that they can draw from such a big area. I'm from St. Louis, and have always amazed how such a small town was able to put out such great athletes. I credit the parents as being involved in their kids life and the kids having good work ethics. They have a great Catholic presence in that town. That is why it never was a surprise year after year that during the annual Knights of Columbus adult slowpitch softball tourney, St. Gen was always up there winning it all. Been going on for years. Sometimes they even had two teams, and of course they won it again this year. Great athletes, great families, usually put out great kids most of the times.
You want to know another small town that puts out great athletes in this state, and that town is Washington MO. This state better be very glad that like St. Gen, Washington has a small catholic school in Borgia, because if not they would be very dominant in many sports, just like St. Gen would be. Both schools if they added their private school students would still be competing in the same class as the public school is currently in now. Washington would be winning state championship after state championship in Volleyball. They would be up there every year in Basketball. Baseball would be very solid, Football would be competitive every year. I've always applauded those two small towns. Many of those families send their kids to a catholic grade school. What, do you think that all of a sudden they are going to go to a public high school, unless the Catholic high school steps in and persuades them to go to the high school. No, most know they are going to continue to the catholic education into high school. No persuasion necessary.
But I assure you Catholic education is always first before sports. Those private schools have great schools because of the parents. They take a very active participation into their kids, and volunteer greatly during the year for those kids. I bet when either one of those schools need some type of volunteer for something, they have no problem getting it, where as the public school district has to pull teeth to get the volunteers, or its the same small group of people do most of the work, at least that is the way it is in our district.