Compare Thighland and Hurt God with Joe the racist


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
How did the media cover it when Joe Biden said, all black people think the same?

Politico Headline. Joe Biden contrasted black and Latino communities stating the latter is incredibly diverse. Oooh, he contrasted them...bahahahaha You can tell when the media are covering for someone when they don't give the information.

I loved Biden's walk-back tweet then he added his get out of jail free card with an Ad of John Lewis.

WaPo did a fact check on Trump where they suggested Joe Biden didn't say what he said.

AP Headline: "Democratic Presidential Candidate faces new scrutiny over how he discusses race and ethnicity by drawing distinctions between black and Hispanics". OOh that's what happened. He just drew some distinctions...bahhahahhaha

CNN chyron was not "Biden insults the black community", it was "Trump claims Biden insulted the black community". Ooh Trump claimed it. The real story is republicans pouncing. Bahahahahaha
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If Biden kicks butt I’ll be the first to say so but how can any person with half a brain thinks he won’t make a fool of himself
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Joe Biden is a devout catholic and regularly attends Sunday mass. The last time Trump went to church, he gassed peaceful Americans and held a bible upside down.
Some Priests refuse to give communion to a pro-abortionist. Well, unless it's a progressive congregation, which is short for they don't believe in the Bible.
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