Mit San,
You should be ashamed of yourself. I mean that. The level of dishonesty you have demonstrated here is downright disgusting. I was raised in Bolivar and graduated from Bolivar High School in the 1980's. I played for coach Doug Potts. Lance Roweton was a younger student athlete. I have known him my entire life. Your character assassination of him while hiding behind a keyboard is the act of a coward.
First, when Lance Roweton came to Bolivar we had been through an upheaval in our football program. A coach who had been in charge of the program for three decades had retired. Two coaches had come and gone. Bolivar was a losing program with a losing reputation. Lance Roweton was willing to step in to that situation and within two years he had established a winning program. For more than a decade he has continued that winning tradition. Two of my sons played in his program. Is he a perfect coach. Hell no. I don't know a coach who is perfect. But, for you to insinuate that there is animosity in Southwest Missouri against him and that this is why Bolivar has not been placed in a new conference is unfair and patently wrong.
Why do we continuously have to cover the same old ground here? It is one of the reasons I stepped away from the forum. Bolivar is a member of the Small COC. Up until just a few years ago we were a Class 3 school. We are now a smaller Class 4 school. Bolivar is smaller than Marshfield and nearly the same size as Rogersville. We have been playing the other schools in the Small COC since Buffalo and Bolivar were nearly the same size and since the time when Nixa was a cow pasture with a small downtown. Catholic used to be a football powerhouse in the state. Reeds and Hollister made the decision to come in to the Small COC knowing the competition level and who the participating schools were. I haven't seen their fans on here complaining about the fact that they lost and constantly belly-aching about the margin of losses. We can't control the quality of the programs at the other schools. The idea that we should leave the conference because we win the Small COC championship regularly is laughable. I don't hear anyone arguing that Webb City should leave the Large COC because of that. Their fans would be deeply offended by the suggestion. Lance Roweton could control three games. And that is only when his athletic director, Todd Scrader, would support him in scheduling the schools that he wanted to play. Who did Lance Roweton Schedule? Harrisonville, Ozark, Branson, etc. Now I realize they are by no means the powerhouses that Rogersville scheduled in Springfield Central and Neosho. But for you to try to argue that Coach Roweton built a cream puff schedule is absurd. In his tenure we beat Nixa, Ozark, Harrisonville, Raytown South, Union, Republic, Hillcrest, and many other great programs. He dealt with parents like me who bitched about the fact that our sons were not playing the second half of many games because we scored so many points in the first half. You have consistently attacked his character in the worst possible way. Through innuendo and half-truths. At least have the testicles to just admit that you have a personal dislike either because you are a coach who has been on the receiving end of too many Bolivar ass whippings or a parent who is upset that you had to drive to Bolivar so many times (insert state championship year here) just to find out that, even in your best year, you couldn't put a team on the field that could compete with the Liberators. My apologies to the rest of you Rogersville fans. I love the rivalry but, this cat is too much!
In regard to the conference situation, of course you know just enough to totally misconstrue the situation. If you want to know why we are in the situation we are in then look no further than our past superintendent and current athletic director. It had nothing to do with any of the great coaches at Bolivar High School. We were left out of the discussions regarding the dissolution of the Small COC and the formation of the Big * expansion period. End of story. Nobody said, "Hey, Bolivar, we are dissolving the Small COC and you can come join the expanded Big-8." All sports at Bolivar were left out in the cold. There are many rumors floating around as to why. None of them involve Lance Roweton. Many of them involve our current athletic director, Todd Schrader, who just recently had his contract extended by a 4-3 split vote after myself and other spoke out in disagreement in a closed session of our school board. Many also came to support him in open session. I have been told by two different administrators in the Large/Small COC that the blame lies there. I have been told by Bolivar administrators that it doesn't I don't know the truth. But, one thing I haven't heard from anyone is that Coach Lance Roweton was to blame.
The offer from the OC for Bolivar to join has been out there for two years. It included all sports. So when you say that that two conferences offered to let us join without football you are wrong. My personal opinion is that our current athletic director waited too long to respond to the OC while he was responding to the disbanding of the Small COC and, for scheduling purposes, they had to accept Springfield Central in order to move forward. We then asked to be admitted without football and they said no. Had we responded in a timely manner over the past two years we would have been in with all sports. Again, I have had an administrator in the Large/Small COC tell me that this is a result of the actions of our athletic director. Coach Lance Roweton was not involved at all. I know for a fact that, during his time here, Coach Roweton, and three other coaches, did vote to move to the Large COC. But, the vast majority of coaches opposed it because are other programs are much smaller than the Large COC programs. It is absolutely not true that Coach Roweton refused to move to the COC. Every time you say that you are not telling the truth.
Bolivar does have many issues right now. Our school just suffered through a child molestation scandal, our previous superintendent was accused of intimidation and left under a cloud of suspicion. Three school board members resigned and left the problems they helped create for others to resolve. We most certainly need to shine a light on the issues regarding the conference. That will be done in a public forum that the school district is hosting next week. You will learn at that forum that none of these issues are the result of anything that Coach Lance Roweton or any other coach did.
So, please spare me the personal attacks wrapped up the cloak of "Heck, I am just a nobody asking simple questions."
And now I will do something that you are too afraid to do Mit San. i will sign my real name, address and telephone number here. I am not afraid to come on this board and talk football, kick it around with fans from other schools, or receive some good-natured jabs from other fans from other schools. But, the personal attacks need to stop. Coach Lance Roweton left Bolivar for two reasons. First, he got a great offer in administration from another school. Second, he he did not receive the support from our former superintendent and current athletic director that he should have. They made his job nearly impossible. I bleed Liberator blue and I am not afraid to stand up and ask for wrongs to be righted. What about you Mit San?
Will Westmoreland
Bolivar High School Class of 1986
Father of Two Liberators!
P.O. Box 983
Bolivar, MO 65613