8-man rumors

Not alot of baby making 1942-1945. Go to any small rural school that have those class pictures you can see in late 50's early 60's was some very small classes.

Oh I understand that, but back then just around us, Verona, Wheaton and Rocky Comfort all fielded 8-man and 6 man football squads, they wouldn't think of doing that today, and I think even Crane had one as I came across there name a few times. Just saying it seemed more small schools were fielding teams back then than would even think of doing it today.
Just heard Jasper I guess voted to go 8 man starting next year. I'm actually shocked !! And are looking for a new head coach.
I have been thinking for a long time you would see more and more schools In SWMO either go to 8 man or quit all together.
I don’t understand the resentment of it in the southern part of the state. I already know how much Bosko lives it.
Just heard Jasper I guess voted to go 8 man starting next year. I'm actually shocked !! And are looking for a new head coach.
sorry to hear that.. was looking at MSHSAA numbers and noticed that Lockwood is the smallest class 1 at 87 without Golden City... GC has 45... Miller is the next smallest at 137...
Just heard Jasper I guess voted to go 8 man starting next year. I'm actually shocked !! And are looking for a new head coach.

I can see where 8-man might make more sense simply for scheduling ease and actually having real conference honors for the athletes. However, what is the issue with the coach. Let's just say I've seen some anger expressed on Facebook which seems to be due to his "departure." He seemed well liked. Was it voluntary or mandatory?
I can see where 8-man might make more sense simply for scheduling ease and actually having real conference honors for the athletes. However, what is the issue with the coach. Let's just say I've seen some anger expressed on Facebook which seems to be due to his "departure." He seemed well liked. Was it voluntary or mandatory?

He got canned. He is a jerk to most and a pal to some. Very polarizing.
Everyone needs to remember the latest numbers have not been posted. We do not know the current 9-11 grade enrollments for each school.
Everyone needs to remember the latest numbers have not been posted. We do not know the current 9-11 grade enrollments for each school.

And based on this year, enrollments for next year may not be released until the Friday of the last district game next year.
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I can see where 8-man might make more sense simply for scheduling ease and actually having real conference honors for the athletes. However, what is the issue with the coach. Let's just say I've seen some anger expressed on Facebook which seems to be due to his "departure." He seemed well liked. Was it voluntary or mandatory?

The Coach I really have no idea. ( why he got fired) but people like him as a person just not sure about his coaching abilities. Around here its obviously better to like someone than them actually be good at their job.

Also theres tons of Pee'd off parents and Kids with most of the kids saying they wont be playing 8 man. I guess the enjoyed getting shut out by a team who hadn't won a game in 5 years. I've also seen parents talking about they wont get scholarship offers playing 8 man... Jasper doesnt have to worry about that we have no one who will even be looked at. I honestly find it funny how they want to continue to be man handled year after year.
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Well I am sure you know how that feels...How many state titles did Ampipe win while you were president.
Easy there Bullit! Dont make me come down to Monett and have a little "chat" with ya! While we dont win a state championship in the doc, I have continued to run the booster club since. I help guide Ampipe to several state titles since then!
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The Coach I really have no idea. ( why he got fired) but people like him as a person just not sure about his coaching abilities. Around here its obviously better to like someone than them actually be good at their job.

Also theres tons of Pee'd off parents and Kids with most of the kids saying they wont be playing 8 man. I guess the enjoyed getting shut out by a team who hadn't won a game in 5 years. I've also seen parents talking about they wont get scholarship offers playing 8 man... Jasper doesnt have to worry about that we have no one who will even be looked at. I honestly find it funny how they want to continue to be man handled year after year.

Quit giving him so much credit. There are as many people who do not like him as there are that do.
Quit giving him so much credit. There are as many people who do not like him as there are that do.

I dont personally Know him I've never gone out of my way to get to know him but I do know that he tends to be liked by most parents and the players I've spoken to.

I've never heard anyone say anything bad about him is what I'm saying.

I have heard these same parents gripe about having to drive two and a half hours to Windsor to get beat. I actually heard one parent say it was hurting the kids psyche and I laughed. Its turned into a town where every kid gets a trophy.

If we stayed 11 man we had 4 games on the schedule that was it Adrian,Midway,Butler, Eldorado Springs now imagine these same parents driving to 3-5 games just as far as Windsor and getting beat like a drum. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Jasper dont have a team next year.
In regards to Jasper, I don't know what is more concerning... that they got shutout by Sherwood or that Lockwood allowed 34 points to them last week.

Jasper plays Lockwood tough most years or at least the past 6-8 years... with Jasper actually winning 3 out of 4 years not so long ago.
Make the changes now and hopefully cooler heads will prevail in the long run. It is still football, and if successful, athletes will still draw attention. Small schools, whether 11 or 8-man, still have prospects that get noticed, although sometimes those coaches have to get loud in promoting their guys. Even Texas 6-man schools can have some athletes rise to an 11-man college roster. Also, with more 8-man teams joining the fold, the validity of championships and the quality of athleticism will surely be more noticeable. 8-man could well end up being the true Missouri small school division and end up showcasing the small school champion programs. Let the athletes get in the spotlight however possible. Jasper could do well in 8-man.
Is that just in swmo?
let me clarify
lockwood by their own numbers is the smallest in the state.. (from what i can see) they better hang on to golden city with their 45 students cause they could easily go to 8 man.
miller is the next smallest in the sw conference.. everyone else in the sw conference has more than 150... and these are 2018/ 2019 numbers.
sorry for my mind wanders at times..
I think Polo is most likely of the four. They have been exploring it for several seasons. With St. Joseph Christian going 11-man, Polo moving to 8-man would even out the GRC again.

I am not sure if Louisiana is below the threshold, but they have had trouble having enough players every week and have had to forfeit some games. The downside is that there are not a lot of 8-man teams around. North Shelby would be the closest Missouri school at about an hour and 20 minutes. The next closest would be Northwest (Hughesville) at 2 hours 35 mintues (Slater would be slightly closer at 2:30). Current Illinois 8-man schools are mostly in the Chicago area, but there are 6 schools within 2 hours that play 8-man: Jacksonville ISD, Cuba, Metro-East Lutheran, Westminster Christian, Bunker Hill and Pawnee. So they could put together a schedule with a mix of Missouri and Illinois schools.

Slater explored it last year, but decided to stay at 11-man.

Maysville is interesting. The only reason I list them is because of one my friends that knows an assistant coach there has mentioned that they are thinking about it. Of course if both Maysville and Polo move to 8-man, that would leave 7 11-man teams in GRC.
Hoops, my man - during our (Princeton) school board meeting Monday night, our AD reported on a meeting of the GRC's ADs, and he quoted the Polo folks as saying they are very solid on staying 11-man for at least the next 5 years (2020 through 2024).
Hoops, my man - during our (Princeton) school board meeting Monday night, our AD reported on a meeting of the GRC's ADs, and he quoted the Polo folks as saying they are very solid on staying 11-man for at least the next 5 years (2020 through 2024).
That is what I heard. Also heard Maysville administration wants to stay 11-man.

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