What comes next?

6 or so weeks to go

Kamala sleeping her way to the top didn’t twerk
Her laugh wasn’t annoying enough
the Walz swiftboating didn't sail
the Harris race stuff didn’t mix
the immigrant cats/dogs thing went woof
The US economy is too resilient
The market is thriving

What do they try next?

Massive caravan coming from Nicaragua?
Drunk immigrant running over a cop in St Louis?
What do they have in store for us?

Lebanon and Camdenton

Both teams are having their worst seasons in awhile. I've heard/seen a lot about it's because of their new conference. After watching both teams, that is not the case. Lebanon and Camdenton are both down compared to recent years. Are they in harder conferences? Yes. However if both teams were as good as they have been recently, Lebanon wouldn't be 1-4 and Camdenton wouldn't be 3-2

SW/SCMO Pick ‘em Week 5 Standings & Scoreboard

Probably the toughest week we’ve had of pics so far. I won the weekly, but still only picked 2/3 right. Definitely a lot of surprises this week.

Tad is holding down first place but MoSooner is right on his heels.

Gonna be another tough one this week!
Overall Standings
1. TadQueasy (51-19)
2. MoSooner69 (50-20)
3. mosofan (49-21)
—thetophat2021 (49-21)
—Veer2Eternity (49-21)
6. carthagefan2006 (48-22)
7. ——revno (46-23)
—swmotiger1997 (46-24)
9. WSquirrel15 (44-26)
10. ChaoticFanatic (43-26)
—trumanbulldog42 (43-27)
12. Invalid_67 (33-19)

Weekly Standings
1. ChaoticFanatic (12-6)
2. ——mosofan (11-7)
—MoSooner69 (11-7)
—swmotiger1997 (11-7)
—trumanbulldog42 (11-7)
6. ——revno. (10-7)
—thetophat2021 (10-8)
—Veer2Eternity (10-8)
—WSquirrel15 (10-8)
10. carthagefan2006 (9-9)
——Invalid_67 (9-9)
—TadQueasy (9-9)

1. Thayer 25 - Houston 13
2. Mt Vernon 42 - Lamar 32
3. Strafford 35 - Reeds Spring 26
4. North County 24 - Rolla 20
5. Kickapoo 27 - Glendale 14
6. Nevada 28 - East Newton 7
7. Webb City 34 - Neosho 28
8. Buffalo 44 - Hollister 42
9. Bolivar 47 - Marshfield 13
10. Pierce City 49 - Skyline 12
11. Sarcoxie 50 - ElDorado Springs 35
12. Republic 49 - Joplin 38
13. Stockton 34 - Central 7
14. Harrisonville 13 - Cassville 7
15. Rock Bridge 28 - Helias Catholic 22 (OT)
16. Hickman 42 - Smith-Cotton 22
17. Mountain Home(AR) 47 - Southside(Fort Smith, AR) 35 (biggest win for Ary in Arkansas so far.)
18. Pittsburg(KS) 23 - Fort Scott(KS) 14

NWCMO Pick Em Overall Standings after Week 5..................we have a new leader!

Congrats to Herman.Boone for not only winning the week but taking over the top spot as we pass the halfway point of the 2024 regular season:

102 pts:











TadQueasy, HHSX2






panther72, O Line Wins Games






Mowestdad, cardsfan200306






Anti-BS, CaptainMullet


BoosterBosko, LombardiHalas










trumanbulldog42, da bears 25





And just like that on to Week 6 which has been completed: 24 games all contested on Friday so the 7 PM deadline for entries on that day remains PLUS all stats will appear late that night. We are back to three "Games of the Week" plus this could be the most competitive one yet (schools did an amazing job, as previously noted, scheduling this year)!

Games will appear some time tomorrow morning................GOOD LUCK everyone!

NWCMO Pick Em Week 5 full Friday scoreboard

Archie 38, St. Joseph LeBlond 14 (NWCMO and 8-man Game of the Week)
Harrisonville 13, Cassville 7
Lone Jack 38, Cole Camp 26
Columbia Hickman 42, Smith-Cotton 22
East Buchanan 63, Lathrop 19 (bonus/deduction)
Oak Park 34, Fort Osage 0 (bonus/deduction)
Winnetonka 40, Grandview 22
Hogan Prep 22, Bishop Ward (KCK) 15
Washington (KCK) 60, KC Central 0 (SUPER bonus/deduction)
Northeast 68, East 14 (bonus/deduction)
Penney 41, North Platte 7 (bonus/deduction)
Raytown 54, Ruskin 24 (bonus/deduction)
South Harrison 36, Trenton 28
Cape Girardeau Central 47, St. Dominic 0 (Out of Region Game of the Week)(bonus/deduction)
Summit Christian Academy 52, St. Joseph Lafayette 15 (bonus/deduction)
William Chrisman 34, Truman 7
Westran 44, Gallatin 15

ABSOLUTELY unreal night with 2 games left tomorrow! Will post Week 5 standings once both finals are known.................

Question About Becoming a Professional Pickleball Player

Hey everyone,

I hope you're all doing well. I've been really getting into pickleball lately,
and I've started to wonder about the path to becoming a professional player in the sport.
I've been playing recreationally
for a while now and have improved quite a bit.
However, I'm not sure about the steps I need to take to transition from playing for fun to potentially playing professionally.
Are there any professional pickleball players here who could share their journey or offer some advice?
What kind of training, tournaments, and dedication did it take to reach the professional level?

SW/SCMO Pick ‘em Week 5 Scoreboard

1. Thayer 25 - Houston 13
2. Mt Vernon 42 - Lamar 32
3. Strafford 35 - Reeds Spring 26
4. North County 24 - Rolla 20
5. Kickapoo 27 - Glendale 14
6. Nevada 28 - East Newton 7
7. Webb City 34 - Neosho 28
8. Buffalo 44 - Hollister 42
9. Bolivar 47 - Marshfield 13
10. Pierce City 49 - Skyline 12
11. Sarcoxie 50 - ElDorado Springs 35
12. Republic 49 - Joplin 38
13. Stockton 34 - Central 7
14. Harrisonville 13 - Cassville 7
15. Rock Bridge 28 - Helias Catholic 22 (OT)
16. Hickman 42 - Smith-Cotton 22
17. Mountain Home(AR) 47 - Southside(Fort Smith, AR) 35 (biggest win for Ary in Arkansas so far.)
18. Pittsburg(KS) 23 - Fort Scott(KS) 14

SW/SCMO Pick ‘em Week 5

1. Thayer @ Houston
2. Mt Vernon @ Lamar
3. Strafford @ Reeds Spring
4. North County @ Rolla
5. Glendale @ Kickapoo
6. East Newton @ Nevada
7. Neosho @ Webb City
8. Buffalo @ Hollister
9. Marshfield @ Bolivar
10. Skyline @ Pierce City
11. ElDorado Springs @ Sarcoxie
12. Republic @ Joplin
13. Stockton @ Central
14. Cassville @ Harrisonville
15. Rock Bridge @ Helias Catholic
16. Hickman @ Smith-Cotton
17. Mountain Home(AR) @ Southside(Fort Smith, AR)
18. Pittsburg(KS) @ Fort Scott(KS)

A better slate than I was thinking it would be this week. 14 area games and 4 out of area games.

Enjoy and good luck to all.
