Savannah 11 Smithville 10 Final

Yep I think we agreed on this one. The Kirksville and Pleasant Hill games were far more indicia how good this Savannah D is than the blowout vs. one of the three Northland teams having what I call special years (Pius).
This also got you, Daddy, a rare Playoff Challenge solo bonus (26 players that is very rare I may up the bonus next year based on number of entries).
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Webb 21 GV 9 Final On to Carthage

I have liked Carthage all season agree.
I don't recall the stats from the regular season game . Ik the final was 14-13 and Webb missed an extra point. But my memory of that game was Carthage having a lot of nice drives and not scoring and Webb hit them with a few big plays . Side note # does Webb have a wildcat package with Young or #1 because Carthage doesn't have anyone who are near the athletes they are
