Winning is ultimately what matters!Yeah I'm assuming you are talking about other coaches. He doesn't treat many people very well..... but he does win!
BahahahahahaDumbest comment of the day. It’s football. Get over yourself.
Local boy does good, nothing like having an auctioneer from SWMO to run the IRS that’s a hoot
Billy don’t give a tinkers damn who he pisses off
Login to view embedded mediaoh took you forever and this is the best comeback you need to stay our of debates. LOL oh my.
Dumbest comment of the day. It’s football. Get over yourself.Maybe yall not reading everything idk?
Tad said I forgot a class
I reminded him 8man isn't football so it wasn't forgotten it was left out on purpose and then I stated I'd hope a C2 team could win 8 man.
Tad and I go on for days about 8man.
For understanding purposes I don't think 8 man should be a thing. If you have enrollment to play as many teams with as low as 90 prove it can be done then play. If you can't then either find a way to change the culture and get the students out or coop with another low turnout school.
I have nothing against Archie themselves just hate they don't play real football
I'd rather see the legislators take this up vs. post some thoughts and prayers for the local team claim a state title.Witness MO legislators reading MSHSAA board members the riot act for charging for streaming.
Every other state does it for free. It's supposed to be about the kids and not lining your pockets.
Witness MO legislators reading MSHSAA board members the riot act for charging for streaming.Rocco Marriot throws for 500 yards and sets a state record?
Lutheran North rolls to a state title and spends the entire press conference talking about how they should also be the MIAA champions after beating a D2 team?
Adrian and Penney combine for 100 rushes and the game is over in an hour and 25 minutes?
Dippin Dots make a comeback?
The forecasters are right and its actually good weather?
Have at it our guy... I don't think anything he said was too far off base. The prices being charge are ridiculous. Like another guy said, you could hire some specific trainers get better prepared than the little bit of coaching most kids will receive at this. On top of that, there is like 5 schools supposedly going to be there. I'd tell any HS kids this one is a Hard PassI think I will contact coach Ambro and William Jewell and let then know that the MoSports posters think he is fronting a ripoff.
Yeah I'm assuming you are talking about other coaches. He doesn't treat many people very well..... but he does win!I wasn't talking about how he treats parents cause I do agree that they need to be informed of their actual role at times.