You REALLY can’t make this stuff up

'the media'.

Does that include the whackjobs on twitter and the other nutcase 'forums' that allow people to spread their crazy?
It is no different than when I read a book or watch a movie or a documentary from anyone. I ingest the information and take into account who made it and paid for it and that is factored in to the weight of the message. Taking anything at face value these days without doing that is asking to be doomed by cognitive dissonance and fall into the mass hysteria. Your individual thought is taken from you and you are instead assigned an opinion.
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It is no different than when I read a book or watch a movie or a documentary from anyone. I ingest the information and take into account who made it and paid for it and that is factored in to the weight of the message. Taking anything at face value these days without doing that is asking to be doomed by cognitive dissonance and fall into the mass hysteria. Your individual thought is taken from you and you are instead assigned an opinion.
What media sources do you count on?
So if he is not elected in 2024, how will there be a blood bath in the auto industry? Please explain.
So if he is not elected in 2024, how will there be a blood bath in the auto industry? Please explain.
China will finish the car manufacturing plant in Mexico, they will flood the market with cars cheaper than US car manufacturers can and this will result in many of our companies going out of business and people losing their jobs (the bloodbath). Poor choice of words but still makes sense. Trump then claims if he is president he will be sure tariffs are included on those cars allowing our companies to compete therefor preventing the bloodbath.
So if he is not elected in 2024, how will there be a blood bath in the auto industry? Please explain.
I don’t think Trump is right or that with NAFTA what he’s saying is even legal at the moment but I can still understand what he is saying.
Call it whatever you want. I was demonstrating how his barely lucid statements could be interpreted by both sides to mean what they want. It is 2 movies on 1 screen. It shows how well the machine is succeeding in dividing people and creating mass hysteria on both sides of the isle. The lengths the media will go to try and divide should be what’s really amazing you.
Sorry Chief... not buying it !
I don’t think Trump is right or that with NAFTA what he’s saying is even legal at the moment but I can still understand what he is saying.
Right. I am not sure how he thinks he gets away with it with NAFTA.
That said, what he is planning won't hurt just Mexico. All makers are using parts from around the world.
All vehicles whether put together here or in other countries would ALL be impacted by this crazy plan of his.
China will finish the car manufacturing plant in Mexico, they will flood the market with cars cheaper than US car manufacturers can and this will result in many of our companies going out of business and people losing their jobs (the bloodbath). Poor choice of words but still makes sense. Trump then claims if he is president he will be sure tariffs are included on those cars allowing our companies to compete therefor preventing the bloodbath.
I can't figure out how people are affording to buy new cars that are so expensive. There are SUV's and trucks out there now going for over $100,000. Will be interesting to see what happens when these new UAW contracts run down as far as those workers getting pretty substantial raises. Seems like it is all unsustainable.
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What media sources do you count on?
Depends on what I’m getting news about. I will listen to stories from all sources left or right, legacy or independent, local, national and foreign. What I never do is take any of them at face value. If they are reporting on a bill that’s up for vote I will try to read the bill. If it’s too much of a word salad I will go the the Democrat and Republican sites to get each of their spins on it and see what they are sending out to members of congress to review. I’ve got family in DC whose job is to research topics and present to senators and congressmen so they are informed (shocker, they don’t read anything themselves) and I will talk with them about what is in between the lines. If it’s about laws I will listen to lawyers from both sides and the occasional independent (although they are harder to find these days) If reporting is on someone’s statement I will find the transcript and read it. It’s the only way to get a more full picture of what was said rather than quotes out of context or omitting important information. I watch CSPAN to watch debate live on the floor. That way I’m not getting a snap shot or what the media wants me to hear. I hear it from the mouth myself. This isn’t every topic but I do for the ones I find important or intriguing to me personally. One thing is for sure though, when I watch multiple news sources and they are all presenting the same talking points from the known liberal or conservative outlets I know that it’s just propaganda and I don’t take any of it at face value. The sniff test must be applied to both sides at all time and if people are getting worked up and won’t even listen to the other sides argument it is a clue that the propaganda is working and smart people aren’t thinking independently but have been assigned their opinion. The key for me is I never think I’m 100 percent right in my decision and if new information that is credible comes to light I will change my view rather than blindly follow the big narrative being plastered across media outlets left, right, big or small. It’s not all a conspiracy but it is all propaganda attempting to sway people opinion one way or the other or get people worked up so they don’t think straight and will instead attack those who don’t view things the same. I avoid the tribal warfare and look for my own answers somewhere in between. Nothing is so simple one side is just going to give you the whole story. If it were that easy we wouldn’t have so many people running around parroting their teams talking point unwilling to hear debate.
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Depends on what I’m getting news about. I will listen to stories from all sources left or right, legacy or independent, local, national and foreign. What I never do is take any of them at face value. If they are reporting on a bill that’s up for vote I will try to read the bill. If it’s too much of a word salad I will go the the Democrat and Republican sites to get each of their spins on it and see what they are sending out to members of congress to review. I’ve got family in DC whose job is to research topics and present to senators and congressmen so they are informed (shocker, they don’t read anything themselves) and I will talk with them about what is in between the lines. If it’s about laws I will listen to lawyers from both sides and the occasional independent (although they are harder to find these days) If reporting is on someone’s statement I will find the transcript and read it. It’s the only way to get a more full picture of what was said rather than quotes out of context or omitting important information. I watch CSPAN to watch debate live on the floor. That way I’m not getting a snap shot or what the media wants me to hear. I hear it from the mouth myself. This isn’t every topic but I do for the ones I find important or intriguing to me personally. One thing is for sure though, when I watch multiple news sources and they are all presenting the same talking points from the known liberal or conservative outlets I know that it’s just propaganda and I don’t take any of it at face value. The sniff test must be applied to both sides at all time and if people are getting worked up and won’t even listen to the other sides argument it is a clue that the propaganda is working and smart people aren’t thinking independently but have been assigned their opinion. The key for me is I never think I’m 100 percent right in my decision and if new information that is credible comes to light I will change my view rather than blindly follow the big narrative being plastered across media outlets left, right, big or small. It’s not all a conspiracy but it is all propaganda attempting to sway people opinion one way or the other or get people worked up so they don’t think straight and will instead attack those who don’t view things the same. I avoid the tribal warfare and look for my own answers somewhere in between. Nothing is so simple one side is just going to give you the whole story. If it were that easy we wouldn’t have so many people running around parroting their teams talking point unwilling to hear debate.
Sounds like a non-answer.
Depends on what I’m getting news about. I will listen to stories from all sources left or right, legacy or independent, local, national and foreign. What I never do is take any of them at face value. If they are reporting on a bill that’s up for vote I will try to read the bill. If it’s too much of a word salad I will go the the Democrat and Republican sites to get each of their spins on it and see what they are sending out to members of congress to review. I’ve got family in DC whose job is to research topics and present to senators and congressmen so they are informed (shocker, they don’t read anything themselves) and I will talk with them about what is in between the lines. If it’s about laws I will listen to lawyers from both sides and the occasional independent (although they are harder to find these days) If reporting is on someone’s statement I will find the transcript and read it. It’s the only way to get a more full picture of what was said rather than quotes out of context or omitting important information. I watch CSPAN to watch debate live on the floor. That way I’m not getting a snap shot or what the media wants me to hear. I hear it from the mouth myself. This isn’t every topic but I do for the ones I find important or intriguing to me personally. One thing is for sure though, when I watch multiple news sources and they are all presenting the same talking points from the known liberal or conservative outlets I know that it’s just propaganda and I don’t take any of it at face value. The sniff test must be applied to both sides at all time and if people are getting worked up and won’t even listen to the other sides argument it is a clue that the propaganda is working and smart people aren’t thinking independently but have been assigned their opinion. The key for me is I never think I’m 100 percent right in my decision and if new information that is credible comes to light I will change my view rather than blindly follow the big narrative being plastered across media outlets left, right, big or small. It’s not all a conspiracy but it is all propaganda attempting to sway people opinion one way or the other or get people worked up so they don’t think straight and will instead attack those who don’t view things the same. I avoid the tribal warfare and look for my own answers somewhere in between. Nothing is so simple one side is just going to give you the whole story. If it were that easy we wouldn’t have so many people running manatoki around parroting their teams talking point unwilling to hear debate.
You really can't make this stuff up! Picture this: a small, unassuming startup, housed in a garage, with a team of passionate innovators. Against all odds, they develop a revolutionary technology that changes the way we interact with the world. Their product, no bigger than a deck of cards, holds the power of a supercomputer, unlocking possibilities previously unimaginable. This tale embodies the essence of "the power of a tiny package" — proving that with determination, creativity, and a touch of magic, even the smallest beginnings can lead to monumental achievements.
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You really can't make this stuff up! Picture this: a small, unassuming startup, housed in a garage, with a team of passionate innovators. Against all odds, they develop a revolutionary technology that changes the way we interact with the world. Their product, no bigger than a deck of cards, holds the power of a supercomputer, unlocking possibilities previously unimaginable. This tale embodies the essence of "the power of a tiny package" — proving that with determination, creativity, and a touch of magic, even the smallest beginnings can lead to monumental achievements.
You created a new account on a Friday night to post that at 12:57 am Saturday? Thanks for thinking of me at such a point in your night. I am flattered.
Depends on what I’m getting news about. I will listen to stories from all sources left or right, legacy or independent, local, national and foreign. What I never do is take any of them at face value. If they are reporting on a bill that’s up for vote I will try to read the bill. If it’s too much of a word salad I will go the the Democrat and Republican sites to get each of their spins on it and see what they are sending out to members of congress to review. I’ve got family in DC whose job is to research topics and present to senators and congressmen so they are informed (shocker, they don’t read anything themselves) and I will talk with them about what is in between the lines. If it’s about laws I will listen to lawyers from both sides and the occasional independent (although they are harder to find these days) If reporting is on someone’s statement I will find the transcript and read it. It’s the only way to get a more full picture of what was said rather than quotes out of context or omitting important information. I watch CSPAN to watch debate live on the floor. That way I’m not getting a snap shot or what the media wants me to hear. I hear it from the mouth myself. This isn’t every topic but I do for the ones I find important or intriguing to me personally. One thing is for sure though, when I watch multiple news sources and they are all presenting the same talking points from the known liberal or conservative outlets I know that it’s just propaganda and I don’t take any of it at face value. The sniff test must be applied to both sides at all time and if people are getting worked up and won’t even listen to the other sides argument it is a clue that the propaganda is working and smart people aren’t thinking independently but have been assigned their opinion. The key for me is I never think I’m 100 percent right in my decision and if new information that is credible comes to light I will change my view rather than blindly follow the big narrative being plastered across media outlets left, right, big or small. It’s not all a conspiracy but it is all propaganda attempting to sway people opinion one way or the other or get people worked up so they don’t think straight and will instead attack those who don’t view things the same. I avoid the tribal warfare and look for my own answers somewhere in between. Nothing is so simple one side is just going to give you the whole story. If it were that easy we wouldn’t have so many people running around parroting their teams talking point of predovac unwilling to hear debate.
You really can’t make this stuff up. The twists and turns in the Trump legal saga have reached a new level of unpredictability with the indefinite suspension of the classified documents case in Florida. Just when it seemed like the momentum was building towards significant legal consequences, this latest development throws everything into uncertainty. It’s a reminder of how complex and unpredictable the legal system can be, and it leaves us wondering what the next chapter will bring in this ongoing saga.
You really can’t make this stuff up. The twists and turns in the Trump legal saga have reached a new level of unpredictability with the indefinite suspension of the classified documents case in Florida. Just when it seemed like the momentum was building towards significant legal consequences, this latest development throws everything into uncertainty. It’s a reminder of how complex and unpredictable the legal system can be, and it leaves us wondering what the next chapter will bring in this ongoing saga.
Dating back to the days when Trump was getting sued by contractors he was screwing, Trump will drag things out in courts as long as possible.
Dating back to the days when Trump was getting sued by contractors he was screwing, Trump will drag things out in courts as long as possible.
Reading up on Trump’s business “strategies”, for every contractor that took him to court there were 3 who couldn’t.

Trump would pay them a partial amount of the contract then make up some issues on why he wouldn’t pay the rest knowing that it would cost the contractors more to sue him than they would get from the settlement because in NY you don’t get reimbursed for court costs when you win. He is a scum bag to the 10th degree. He has been abusing the court system with appeals and delays his entire life.
Reading up on Trump’s business “strategies”, for every contractor that took him to court there were 3 who couldn’t.

Trump would pay them a partial amount of the contract then make up some issues on why he wouldn’t pay the rest knowing that it would cost the contractors more to sue him than they would get from the settlement because in NY you don’t get reimbursed for court costs when you win. He is a scum bag to the 10th degree. He has been abusing the court system with appeals and delays his entire life.
He learned everything he knew from Roy Cohn.

Research that guy and you'll start to understand why donnie does what he does.
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