Will there be HS football in 2020?

Will MO have HS football in 2020

  • Yes

    Votes: 49 48.0%
  • Yes, but nobody in stands

    Votes: 24 23.5%
  • No

    Votes: 29 28.4%

  • Total voters
I would be looking for info this week or next. Some schools get out in two weeks. Got to let people know what to do.
Little birdie told me that NCAA legal department saying if fall sports are played they and schools are opened up to litigation if althetes get infected. But no final decision by the board has been made.
I’m leaning towards “no”. With the stuff coming out from the Missouri School Board - school and athletics as we know it may be drastically changed.
I’m leaning towards “no”. With the stuff coming out from the Missouri School Board - school and athletics as we know it may be drastically changed.

I thought it was jumping the gun a bit with them putting that info out there at this point. We're not even done with this school year yet. Things have changed so drastically since mid March, give it another month or two and see where we are at.
The government is only allowing 25 people in a group as of May 11th, do you really think they are going to allow 3000 people at a football game in Aug. No one wants to say it but they are not going to allow us to play football next year. Even though has STL 80% or so of the cases in MO. My bet is that if they say one school can't play, they will not let anyone play
I’m leaning towards “no”. With the stuff coming out from the Missouri School Board - school and athletics as we know it may be drastically changed.
The Missouri School Boards Association has no power. DESE, after the Department of Health and Senior Services makes a recommendation, wields the power.
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No Football this upcoming season is my guess. I can not imagine a school that will be willing to take the risk of being the cause of a resurgence of covid19 because of an athletic event. How many parents are there going to be that would not allow their child to participate even if MSHSAA, and or the schools allowed the startup of athletics. I am curious to see what things are like by the time it is time for the next school year to begin, Will the schools even be able to open the school buildings back up to full capacity?
I would love for everything to go back to what it was before, but I just don't think it is anything that can happen that quickly, without the risk of a mass return of the virus.
There is no telling. It's impractical to force "social distancing" a large crowd in bleachers so trying is pointless. My thought has always been IF they have school, which I think they will try, there is no practical reason not to also have games and let people make their own decision if they should go. It really depends on if we're still steadily logging thousands of new cases per day or if cases are clearly declining.

Even if declining I think we'll see many decisions in the coming weeks and months based on fear of lawsuits and negative publicity should new cases appear and be linked to their facility or event.

Until it's clear that the outbreak is OVER, I'm expecting something like this: Participating students (but not all students) each get 2 passes for guests to get into the event, whether its football, volleyball, a play, whatever. No one gets in without the special pass. You'll have those awkward situations to deal with where step parents are shut out and parents choosing between each other or a special grandparent or relative. Some kids will lose their passes and the parents show up and argue with the gate keepers who are just doing their job. But it limits the crowd size and they will post signs everywhere and frequently remind the small crowd over the loudspeaker to "please stay safe and remember to social distance" but won't go as far as to tell people where to sit or not sit. Everyone will hate it but it's relatively easy to manage, better than nothing, and is a drastic enough measure to CYA.

Honestly some of the things I've been hearing about schools in the fall just seem idiotic though I can't necessarily blame anyone. I don't envy those people having to make decisions in this situation which is bad enough on it's own but inflamed by the political climate and social media.
MSHSAA announced last week that it has relaxed summer contact rules and teams can start planning summer activities. Our local HS just notified students playing spring sports that practice can begin as soon as the last scheduled school day is over for a shortened season. Our local school intends on playing baseball, softball, and golf matches in June, I haven't heard about other spring sports but guessing it's the same. My guess is most schools will be able to scheduled games in June with area teams and no playoffs.
Some good news for the kids.
I think at this point, MSHSAA intends to play fall sports.
MSHSAA announced last week that it has relaxed summer contact rules and teams can start planning summer activities. Our local HS just notified students playing spring sports that practice can begin as soon as the last scheduled school day is over for a shortened season. Our local school intends on playing baseball, softball, and golf matches in June, I haven't heard about other spring sports but guessing it's the same. My guess is most schools will be able to scheduled games in June with area teams and no playoffs.
Some good news for the kids.
I think at this point, MSHSAA intends to play fall sports.

Our district told us nothing is allowed now until July 1. I don't think we will play. I know summer softball and baseball are having issues getting insurance. I have heard of fear of lawsuits of "my kid was fine, then after playing @ ---, he got sick". Bottom line is what a mess, you don't know what info to believe, if numbers are correct, etc. Hopefully its the only one of our generation.
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Our district told us nothing is allowed now until July 1. I don't think we will play. I know summer softball and baseball are having issues getting insurance. I have heard of fear of lawsuits of "my kid was fine, then after playing @ ---, he got sick". Bottom line is what a mess, you don't know what info to believe, if numbers are correct, etc. Hopefully its the only one of our generation.

The numbers everywhere are simply not believable. A family in Bonne Terre with two adults and five kids, including a newborn, all have the virus. Only the mom has been tested so St Francois County’s case count only went up by one even though they all clearly have it.
I pray we’re in school,
The numbers everywhere are simply not believable. A family in Bonne Terre with two adults and five kids, including a newborn, all have the virus. Only the mom has been tested so St Francois County’s case count only went up by one even though they all clearly have it.

That seems to be the opposite here. All of the positives in the STG came from the same family.
I still think the best idea (if they are unwilling to play in fall) is to move track, baseball, tennis and golf to the fall for this one year. None of those sports are high contact nor are they high in crowds in a confined space. Move football to the spring and hopefully a cure will be out.

Anyone else wondering if this will have a domino effect on athletes choosing to stay in school an extra year? All that reclassifying junk would become rampant? Can you do that as a senior if you already have the credits to graduate. It isn't like you can take Master's degree classes.
I still think the best idea (if they are unwilling to play in fall) is to move track, baseball, tennis and golf to the fall for this one year. None of those sports are high contact nor are they high in crowds in a confined space. Move football to the spring and hopefully a cure will be out.

Anyone else wondering if this will have a domino effect on athletes choosing to stay in school an extra year? All that reclassifying junk would become rampant? Can you do that as a senior if you already have the credits to graduate. It isn't like you can take Master's degree classes.

I don't think anyone wants to stay in high school an extra year just to play sports.
I have not heard of any schools around here getting to play their spring sports in summer. I haven't heard the state said this was ok. Heck we dont know summer school is a go for certain. I have not heard what summer plan for football is for us cause it is still in the air. If we have sports this fall it will be by the grace of God. How many kids are not going to play because of the uncertainty of this thing. Things are not back to normal.
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I have not heard of any schools around here getting to play their spring sports in summer. I haven't heard the state said this was ok. Heck we dont know summer school is a go for certain. I have not heard what summer plan for football is for us cause it is still in the air. If we have sports this fall it will be by the grace of God. How many kids are not going to play because of the uncertainty of this thing. Things are not back to normal.
I have heard absolutely nothing regarding summer sports/practice around here yet. I don't think any of that is happening. The fall sports season will be a bit weird if it happens.

I have "heard" that Webb City and Joplin at this point are both planning to do summer school - supposedly as normal. Carthage is doing "virtual" summer school and said in a letter that they "might" offer in-class summer school in July which would be subject to "social distancing guidelines" and enrollment limitations. My guess is when it comes down to it they don't do it at all.

I have also "heard" that Kansas is considering a statewide plan for the 20/21 school year to limit buildings to half enrollment at a given time, while the other half virtual/home schools. Most likely alternating 2 week periods but possibly something like AM/PM shifts. If we start seeing states announcing plans like that, other states will start getting social and political pressure to follow suit even if they don't see it necessary.
I have not heard of any schools around here getting to play their spring sports in summer. I haven't heard the state said this was ok. Heck we dont know summer school is a go for certain. I have not heard what summer plan for football is for us cause it is still in the air. If we have sports this fall it will be by the grace of God. How many kids are not going to play because of the uncertainty of this thing. Things are not back to normal.

MSHSAA had a release on April 17 that said that a school could choose to waive the contact days for this summer and that seniors could represent their school through the summer. Up to schools if they choose to do this.
I have heard absolutely nothing regarding summer sports/practice around here yet. I don't think any of that is happening. The fall sports season will be a bit weird if it happens.

I have "heard" that Webb City and Joplin at this point are both planning to do summer school - supposedly as normal. Carthage is doing "virtual" summer school and said in a letter that they "might" offer in-class summer school in July which would be subject to "social distancing guidelines" and enrollment limitations. My guess is when it comes down to it they don't do it at all.

I have also "heard" that Kansas is considering a statewide plan for the 20/21 school year to limit buildings to half enrollment at a given time, while the other half virtual/home schools. Most likely alternating 2 week periods but possibly something like AM/PM shifts. If we start seeing states announcing plans like that, other states will start getting social and political pressure to follow suit even if they don't see it necessary.

I believe this is called "hybrid" schooling. Probably the new buzzword going forward.
We need a miracle to play this fall.

Believe what you want about fake news or it’s the real deal. It’s not about that. It’s about the legality of playing and returning to business as usual. Schools don’t want to get sued and go under.
I don't think anyone wants to stay in high school an extra year just to play sports.
I agree with you for the most part, but I'm talking about the fringe future college athletes as juniors that need that senior year fo r recognition. Some sports could get by with club ball (maybe depending of facility availability for tournaments)
I just saw on Twitter some lady's daughter plays volleyball at Long Beach State and they were informed no volleyball and all online schooling. What happens with redshirting, etc and does it cause a domino effect into high schools and middle schools of kids reclassifying so they have a chance for a scholarship.
Some friends with kids playing in a Webb City club league (don't know if it was baseball or softball) said the league was making everyone sign waivers stating that they were playing at their own risk and wouldn't sue the league or coaches or each other for coronavirus.

I've heard of several colleges already cancelling classes for fall semester. I think there will be more. LOTS more as administrators, especially k-12, grapple with the reality that if even one kid gets sick (which is almost inevitable) and either dies from a complication or transmits to someone who dies of a complication the $*%t will hit the fan because presumably it could have been prevented.

Personally I'm hoping it's not an all or nothing approach. I'd like a scenario where schools open but allow families to opt out and continue home based lessons in coordination with the teacher. That way those who are high risk or just less comfortable with returning can wait and those who are willing to accept the inherent risks of life with coronavirus can do so. If I were a superintendent I'd require parents whose kids return to sign off on a statement acknowledging that the school cannot guarantee absolute protection from any contagious disease including coronavirus and accepting that risk.
Those documents aren't worth the ink they used to make them. You want to sue somebody they will still try. The state and or federal government will have to come up with a bill that they can't sue us just like they are doing for businesses.
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Our mayor just issued a statement that even baseball fields aren't going to be included in phase 1 June 1st. Dang. My son has nowhere to turn. No basketball all summer is my guess (dependent on school gyms), baseball getting pushed even further back than what most of us thought in KC and football who knows.
QUOTE="quadzilla200, post: 411775, member: 11461"]Our mayor just issued a statement that even baseball fields aren't going to be included in phase 1 June 1st. Dang. My son has nowhere to turn. No basketball all summer is my guess (dependent on school gyms), baseball getting pushed even further back than what most of us thought in KC and football who knows.[/QUOTE]

With the state and school district budgets taking a severe beat down it is inevitable that sports is going to move down the totem pole for at least a few years in most towns.

Depending on what modifications schools make they may need to invest even more in technology, possibly different furniture for some classrooms and other equipment or building changes to protect workers in the schools.
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Unless testing becomes easily available, think of the problems for teams that have a player test positive. If they can't test all of the team, then presumably the whole team would need to quarantine for 14 days? Then that team would have to cancel the next two games? If testing is easily available, then you test the whole team and only those sick have to sit out 14 days. With the shortage of test, no local health dept is going to say we don't have enough for grandma, but if the local team needs to test all their players multiple times a season, they are all yours. I hope I am wrong, but I just don't see a season happening.
Unless testing becomes easily available, think of the problems for teams that have a player test positive. If they can't test all of the team, then presumably the whole team would need to quarantine for 14 days? Then that team would have to cancel the next two games? If testing is easily available, then you test the whole team and only those sick have to sit out 14 days. With the shortage of test, no local health dept is going to say we don't have enough for grandma, but if the local team needs to test all their players multiple times a season, they are all yours. I hope I am wrong, but I just don't see a season happening.

I second that thought,very sad to contemplate but pales compared to lives and aftermaths to health following infection. Now they are talking Kawasaki disease, especially in children, heart abnormalities and even Covid in men's semen following infections and obviously we know there is bound to be other things we are unaware of right now. Right now, I can't even see sports on the horizon. Hopefully it will change.
I'm not convinced I am living a dream/nightmare right now from a coma I sustained while taking a fall getting the Christmas lights down in January. I hope to wake up and find life is great, Cardinals are in first, Blues in first and the Vikings are ready to get over the hump.......Then again if I wake up to that I am prolly still in a coma....
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I truly can’t imagine how I would have felt if they had cancelled the football season my senior year. Devastating. Personally, it would have changed my entire life. They have to do everything they can to prevent that.

My dad would have had me working 50 hours a week during the school year for one thing. :eek: