Why people should have a choice!

People have their choice. They had a choice all along. Employers also have their choice to require vaccines, masks, uniforms, etc.
We all know this. Even MG admits that. But the constant crying about freedom, as if we don’t have it and the disinformation about negative side effects works as justification for the anti-vax zealots. Constantly attacking the vaccine companies and the CDC is just nonsense.

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The vaccines saved lies. Ron DeSantis said this during Spring/summer of 2021. He literally said “if you are fully vaccinated you basically have zero chance of dying from Covid”. Then internal polling showed that was not a popular stance with the Maga crowd so he did a 180 for purely political reasons instead of focusing on the safety of his citizens.

Your freedom from vaccines nonsense has energized the anti-vaxers in this country, making it a political stance now and as a nation our school aged children have the lowest vaccination rate in many years leaving them susceptible to illnesses that have previously been almost eliminated.
The vax rate according to the article you posted in another thread is Stable among Children same rate as 2005 on ward.... Virtually a 92% vax rate.

How can you call Freedom of Choice Nonsense? Do you feel the same about Abortion? The Right to Vote for whom you want? How you call this stuff Nonsense is actually telling.

Why are you so gung ho about being a Fear monger and spreading division by acting like there is some huge portion of the population that isn't vaxing and that it's a actual Threat to children? Why do you hate the freedom of choice to choose not to vax? Many anti-vaxxers choose not to do so for Religious reasons. I guess Freedom of Religion is nonsense as well.

I'm curious about what type of life you lived to Create such a Totalitarian personality an you feel it's the Govt job to Force and Coerce people into Treatment. You do know People have the lawful right to refuse Treatment! And that is as it should be.

Ron DeSantis job is to focus on protecting the Freedom and Rights of his Citizens first and foremost. Freedom and Liberty before Life. Ron DeSantis is under no obligation to try and Sway people into Vaxing. The state of Florida offered Vax's to those who wanted it. 80% Vax rate...

I'm pro vax I 100% agree children should take their vaxes... I got mine and My children had all of theirs.... But I'm not some Oppressive Leftwing Commie who wants to shame and coerce people to bend a knee and do what I think is right. That is where Me and you toots part Ways. You have Zero issue with Human Rights violations as long as it fits into your World Views.

Only about 20% of the U.S. Population is not C19 Vaxed....why are you so concerned?
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This the same DeSantis that asked the FL Supreme Court to allow for a grand jury to investigate the vaccine makers?
You are against BIgPharm being investigated? I think it's funny how you guys flip flop.... The same BIg Pharm that is price gouging on insulin you trust on the Vax and 100% support.
April 22, 2022

The drop has not been precipitous: About 94% of kindergarteners had their required vaccines during the 2020-2021 school year, a drop of about one percentage point and just below the 95% vaccination target, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a new report.

"This means there are 35,000 more children in the United States during this time period without documentation of complete vaccination against common diseases," Dr. Georgina Peacock, acting director of the CDC's immunization services division, said during a media briefing on Thursday, The New York Times reported. "This is further evidence of how pandemic-related disruptions to education and health care could have lingering consequences for children."

The numbers of children missing vaccines may even be higher, since there were 400,000 children who had been expected to start school but did not.

Why the drop in shots? It could be that families skipped routine pediatrician visits during the pandemic, an easing of immunization requirements for remote school, heavy demands on school nurses, or more evidence of a backlash against the COVID-19 vaccine, CDC scientists suggested.
"There's a greater proportion of parents who are questioning routine vaccines," Dr. Jason Terk, a pediatrician practicing in a suburb of Dallas who also acts as a spokesman for the American Academy of Pediatrics, told the Times.

"The experience of the pandemic, and the agenda-driven disinformation that has been pushed out relative to COVID vaccines fed the fire of distrust and skepticism that is really sort of the new pandemic of hesitancy for routine vaccines," Terk added.

Some states saw bigger drops in childhood vaccination rates than others in the report, published April 22 in the CDC publication Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
Nationally, the vaccination rate was slightly below 94% for the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine; the diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccine; and for the varicella vaccine(chickenpox), the CDC report found.

But Idaho had only 86.5% coverage of the MMR vaccine, while Maryland's rates dropped 10%. Wisconsin, Georgia, Wyoming and Kentucky all had rates of decline of about 5%. Virginia, Kansas and Alabama were among a small number of states that reported higher levels of the MMR vaccine. The United States nearly lost its status as a country that had eliminated measles in 2019, when the country experienced a high number of measles outbreaks in communities where vaccination levels had slumped.

The numbers were based on counts provided by federally funded immunization programs that work with schools and local education departments. National coverage estimates from this report include 47 of the 50 states, plus Washington, D.C.

Dr. Gary Kirkilas, a pediatrician in Phoenix, Ariz., who cares for patients whose families are often poor or homeless, noted that some families have become more resistant to vaccines than they had once been.

"All the rumblings about vaccines for kids and the misinformation that was going on at the time — that sort of amplified that particular segment of families, where 'I'm distrustful of the flu vaccine and then I'm also distrustful of the COVID vaccine and maybe I'm starting to be distrustful of vaccines in general,'" Kirkilas told the Times.
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You are against BIgPharm being investigated? I think it's funny how you guys flip flop.... The same BIg Pharm that is price gouging on insulin you trust on the Vax and 100% support.
lol You took I don't want BigPharm investigated because I pointed out the flip-flop of DeSantis. You are really stretching lately.
April 22, 2022

The drop has not been precipitous: About 94% of kindergarteners had their required vaccines during the 2020-2021 school year, a drop of about one percentage point and just below the 95% vaccination target, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a new report.

"This means there are 35,000 more children in the United States during this time period without documentation of complete vaccination against common diseases," Dr. Georgina Peacock, acting director of the CDC's immunization services division, said during a media briefing on Thursday, The New York Times reported. "This is further evidence of how pandemic-related disruptions to education and health care could have lingering consequences for children."

The numbers of children missing vaccines may even be higher, since there were 400,000 children who had been expected to start school but did not.

Why the drop in shots? It could be that families skipped routine pediatrician visits during the pandemic, an easing of immunization requirements for remote school, heavy demands on school nurses, or more evidence of a backlash against the COVID-19 vaccine, CDC scientists suggested.
"There's a greater proportion of parents who are questioning routine vaccines," Dr. Jason Terk, a pediatrician practicing in a suburb of Dallas who also acts as a spokesman for the American Academy of Pediatrics, told the Times.

"The experience of the pandemic, and the agenda-driven disinformation that has been pushed out relative to COVID vaccines fed the fire of distrust and skepticism that is really sort of the new pandemic of hesitancy for routine vaccines," Terk added.

Some states saw bigger drops in childhood vaccination rates than others in the report, published April 22 in the CDC publication Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
Nationally, the vaccination rate was slightly below 94% for the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine; the diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccine; and for the varicella vaccine(chickenpox), the CDC report found.

But Idaho had only 86.5% coverage of the MMR vaccine, while Maryland's rates dropped 10%. Wisconsin, Georgia, Wyoming and Kentucky all had rates of decline of about 5%. Virginia, Kansas and Alabama were among a small number of states that reported higher levels of the MMR vaccine. The United States nearly lost its status as a country that had eliminated measles in 2019, when the country experienced a high number of measles outbreaks in communities where vaccination levels had slumped.

The numbers were based on counts provided by federally funded immunization programs that work with schools and local education departments. National coverage estimates from this report include 47 of the 50 states, plus Washington, D.C.

Dr. Gary Kirkilas, a pediatrician in Phoenix, Ariz., who cares for patients whose families are often poor or homeless, noted that some families have become more resistant to vaccines than they had once been.

"All the rumblings about vaccines for kids and the misinformation that was going on at the time — that sort of amplified that particular segment of families, where 'I'm distrustful of the flu vaccine and then I'm also distrustful of the COVID vaccine and maybe I'm starting to be distrustful of vaccines in general,'" Kirkilas told the Times.
So 35,000 kids is a big deal? And 1% is sending people into a frenzy! Man the Group think mindset is really becoming the party line of the Left.

People should question Vaccine and all the side effects and ramifications. And the Healthcare industry should provide information and then let the parents make choices based on that information. Just because the choice might be counter productive or against the Idea's of the Healthcare industry then so be it.

If you want to know the reason for the Drop it's not Vaccine Disinformation which is laughable because the drop is so small it's within the margin of error, One of the reasons for the small drop is obvious's because nobody experiences Measles, Mumps and Rubella in a personal and horrifying way.

Couple that with the fact that Govt and Big Pharm have a history of being untrustworthy. Out right lying and Flip Flopping on information and then creating fear will That creates doubt and distrust.

The Poor have always been distrustful of this stuff..... and rightfully so I mean it's not like the CIA and Other Govt dept. in the past didn't do some horrific things to those populations in the name of science. Oral history is a female dog to overcome.

Really I'm surprised the Drop is much larger and pervasive across the country. That must mean that the actual front line workers and providers are doing a honest and trustworthy job of explaining why you need vax's and such.
lol You took I don't want BigPharm investigated because I pointed out the flip-flop of DeSantis. You are really stretching lately.
Not sure how DeSantis Flip-Flopped? Stating that getting the Vax protects you, but also championing people right not to based on Individual freedoms is not flip flopping, it's allowing for both sides to exercise their freedom of choice.

A investigation into whether the Practices of BigPharm was purposely misleading people on the Vax for financial gain is not a bad thing. Clearly Big Pharm kept lowering the Bar on the effectiveness of the Vax and minimalized the side effects. Remember when BigPharm and the MSM all but guaranteed that the Vax was 93% plus effective and no side effects. Then the Data showed it was closer to 60% effective and only lasted around 6 to 8 months.

You can believe that the Vax is worth getting and effective and also Understand that BigPharm might well of outright lied and Leveraged C19 with false non-data driven information to get people to take the Vax and to Drive up Profits.

Launching a investigation into this is not Flip Flopping. I haven't read any quote from DeSantis saying the Vax isn't effective or that people shouldn't take it. His investigation is to see if BigPharm as per their normal procedures lied to the public about their product. Of course I'm not naive enough to not realize DeSantis is also using this politically.

So since we've established that DeSantis hasn't flip flopped..... on the issue at all. He is pro people getting the vax if they desire to and pro not getting the vax if they desire to and he also wants BigPharm to be upfront and honest with their Propaganda.

I guess I am at a bit of a loss in what your point was? Because he is wanting to investigate BIgPharm on fraudulent advert and information practices for profit. And you call that flip flopping?
It was a DeSantis publicity stunt. You may be the worst consumer of propaganda in Missouri.
Not sure how DeSantis Flip-Flopped? Stating that getting the Vax protects you, but also championing people right not to based on Individual freedoms is not flip flopping, it's allowing for both sides to exercise their freedom of choice.

A investigation into whether the Practices of BigPharm was purposely misleading people on the Vax for financial gain is not a bad thing. Clearly Big Pharm kept lowering the Bar on the effectiveness of the Vax and minimalized the side effects. Remember when BigPharm and the MSM all but guaranteed that the Vax was 93% plus effective and no side effects. Then the Data showed it was closer to 60% effective and only lasted around 6 to 8 months.

You can believe that the Vax is worth getting and effective and also Understand that BigPharm might well of outright lied and Leveraged C19 with false non-data driven information to get people to take the Vax and to Drive up Profits.

Launching a investigation into this is not Flip Flopping. I haven't read any quote from DeSantis saying the Vax isn't effective or that people shouldn't take it. His investigation is to see if BigPharm as per their normal procedures lied to the public about their product. Of course I'm not naive enough to not realize DeSantis is also using this politically.

So since we've established that DeSantis hasn't flip flopped..... on the issue at all. He is pro people getting the vax if they desire to and pro not getting the vax if they desire to and he also wants BigPharm to be upfront and honest with their Propaganda.

I guess I am at a bit of a loss in what your point was? Because he is wanting to investigate BIgPharm on fraudulent advert and information practices for profit. And you call that flip flopping?
Not sure how DeSantis flip flopped... I guess that video is not being shown on Fox News.
It was a DeSantis publicity stunt. You may be the worst consumer of propaganda in Missouri.
I literally said that a component of the whole thing was for political reasons..... but that doesn't discount that doing a investigation or allowing freedom of choice isn't valid and just.
Not sure how DeSantis flip flopped... I guess that video is not being shown on Fox News.
I never watch fox..... ever. It's a propaganda wing of the Right

Try and refute my analysis.... Saying people should get the vax and allowing and protecting peoples rights and freedom of choice not to vax is not flip flopping... Well in the rational world outside the Leftwing Cult it's not flip flopping.
Your point? 28% are supporting the exercising of their ad others Free will and Idea's. Good for them. Do you not support that right? Public officials need to stop trying to coerce the tax payers and just shut up and do their jobs and let life take it's do course. It's not complicated or hard to understand.

It would be a great world if we could get to 98% or all adults agreeing that People should have a choice on Vaxing and control of their bodies and their children's bodies. That would mean only 2% of the population is jack booted Fascists who want to control their neighbors to soothe their own desires.

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