Trump subpoena


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2019
Does Trump testify?

The latest Jan 6 committee hearing laid out the entire conspiracy orchestrated by Don the Con from beginning to end. How can anyone watch this hearing and deny Trump's involvement in the events leading up to and including Jan 6. The man is a criminal.
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Does Trump testify?

The latest Jan 6 committee hearing laid out the entire conspiracy orchestrated by Don the Con from beginning to end. How can anyone watch this hearing and deny Trump's involvement in the events leading up to and including Jan 6. The man is a criminal.
It's just another log on the fire for Fat Donnie... It gets referred to DOJ and then what ? When does Merrick Garland act... and on what ?
The rich and powerful rarely answer for any wrong doing no matter what tribe.
True, but this "wrong doing" is bigger than previous presidents' actions. Trump's acts were a seditious attempt to overtake the government. Maybe that's difficult to prove, but inciting a riot and dereliction of duty for idly standing by are provable. Dems desperately want to hang a felony on Trump, and the majority of Repubs Washington establishment wouldn't mind it a bit either, even if they are too chickensh*t to say it publicly.
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True, but this "wrong doing" is bigger than previous presidents' actions. Trump's acts were a seditious attempt to overtake the government. Maybe that's difficult to prove, but inciting a riot and dereliction of duty for idly standing by are provable. Dems desperately want to hang a felony on Trump, and the majority of Repubs Washington establishment wouldn't mind it a bit either, even if they are too chickensh*t to say it publicly.
Oh not just talking President's, it is politics in General. It's all tribalism today, to many politicians will overlook dirty deed of their leadership and fellow politicians if it helps the party win majority.

I watched a piece the other day and it was mentioned that many in congress from both parties agree in general on many items, but cannot be seen in public supporting an idea or part of an idea the other party, or they would be ostracized.
Does Trump testify?

The latest Jan 6 committee hearing laid out the entire conspiracy orchestrated by Don the Con from beginning to end. How can anyone watch this hearing and deny Trump's involvement in the events leading up to and including Jan 6. The man is a criminal.
And now we know how much he has been soaking "us" for the secret service guys to stay in his hotels to protect he and his family.
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And now we know how much he has been soaking "us" for the secret service guys to stay in his hotels to protect he and his family.
They interviewed Hope Hicks today. Put her on in prime time.
Riiiiight. No pressure from the orange guy.
bahahahahaha. Where were you for the last 6 years?
HMMMM shifts of different agents rotating. When you worked for the railroad did you all live in the same bunk house? Or did you live at home and commute to the job site?

While Logistically staying in the same place is better , it's not necessary, I'd say staying at Trump hotels had perks for the agents and first family as well, I bet the staff was motivated to provide all of them better service and access than at other places....I'm sure it made for a safer and better experience all around.
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HMMMM shifts of different agents rotating. When you worked for the railroad did you all live in the same bunk house? Or did you live at home and commute to the job site?

While Logistically staying in the same place is better , it's not necessary, I'd say staying at Trump hotels had perks for the agents and first family as well, I bet the staff was motivated to provide all of them better service and access than at other places....I'm sure it made for a safer and better experience all around.
In the early years if we were on an extra gang working away from home we had bunk cars that we all stayed in. That was basically a box car painted silver with windows, a heating stove, cooking stove, bunk beds, a bathroom and showers with water that came from a tank in the ceiling in it and it was parked on a side track next to the main line with trains going by 60mph about 6 feet away all hours of the night. When it was possible to be near the work site they were parked on a business spur that was not in use so it was farther from the main line but still trains going by all night. Later they paid for for motel rooms if you were on an extra gang that moved down the track as the job required. If you were on a headquartered gang that was too far to drive to everyday you were on your own to to pay for a motel or some kind of accommodations on your own dime. What that has to do with the people protecting a president and his family I have no idea! They have to be VERY close to do their job. I have NO idea!
Yes they have to be close but all agents don't have to be in the same hotel at the same time. My point is that sometimes people commute to work from home and sometimes the reside on that location or near the location of work.

This whole thing is just BS political games...which is fine but it's not some big smoking gun scandal.
So you think that Secret Service agents are just ordinary folks that can commute to their job no matter where that is?
I have no idea what it should cost to stay in Trump's place/places but from what I've heard it's about half what he was charging US.
Poor guy can't get over his TDS. PATHETIC BAHAHAHA
Is it uncomfortable wearing blinders every day? Trump pressured his own VP to stay at his property in Scotland even though it was hundreds of miles out of the way from where he was visiting. On multiple occasions visiting dignitaries while he was in the WH stayed at the Trump hotel in Washington or he wouldn’t even meet with them. Is his bum tight when you shove your head up in there? The biggest scheming conman ever was president of your country.
You should probably donate some more money to help him fight that “rigged election” or remove cranium from orange rectum.
Lol you're funny as hell. Who's the one that can't stop talking about Trump? Your tribe whined, cried, and attacked for 4 years (and beyond) and now look where we're at. Bahahaha, a PATHETIC LOSER
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Lol you're funny as hell. Who's the one that can't stop talking about Trump? Your tribe whined, cried, and attacked for 4 years (and beyond) and now look where we're at. Bahahaha, a PATHETIC LOSER
Yea. Look where we are at is very correct. It’s unreal how much one man can destroy a political party on his own and brainwash ignoramuses. It’s much easier to fool an ignoramus than get him to admit he has been fooled. You are proof.
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Is it uncomfortable wearing blinders every day? Trump pressured his own VP to stay at his property in Scotland even though it was hundreds of miles out of the way from where he was visiting. On multiple occasions visiting dignitaries while he was in the WH stayed at the Trump hotel in Washington or he wouldn’t even meet with them. Is his bum tight when you shove your head up in there? The biggest scheming conman ever was president of your country.
You should probably donate some more money to help him fight that “rigged election” or remove cranium from orange rectum.
I heard last night that one the things he tells his followers to donate to gets a nickel of every $5 donated, the rest goes right to Trump.
Who did you hear that from? I have done a search for that and found nothing. Maybe You have other resources that show this to be the Truth. Please enlighten us with the data.

Don't get me wrong both Parties use the same BS tactics to garner Money....Trump, Pelosi, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee all Use Match Promotions to Pad their Finances.

I understand that both parties are equally disgusting..... I just decided that the GOP represents me better. 2A,Immigration, Strong Economy, not giving My tax dollars to the Undeserving, fighting the insane Climate Policies and Woke Agenda of nut's.

But it appears that you Truly Believe that Only Rep. play under handed games and engage in grifting, and that the Dem's are so Clean and upfront and for the peoples. Of course that is what SM and the MSM tout up so I'm not surprised in the least that is your belief.
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As soon as Republicans take control of the House and Senate all the silly Trump and Jan 6 hearings are gone. No way anything of substance happens after the election and before transfer of power. There will be no referral to DOJ about anything until Hunter and the Big Guy are indicted
Bahahahahaha. Congress doesn’t control the DOJ. Are you an immigrant?
As soon as Republicans take control of the House and Senate all the silly Trump and Jan 6 hearings are gone. No way anything of substance happens after the election and before transfer of power. There will be no referral to DOJ about anything until Hunter and the Big Guy are indicted
For what?
3RN insinuated Trump was Conning people by not being upfront ..... you can change the donation split easy as pie it even states that in the article. And Masters is well aware of the Split and clearly is all in on this split to get access to more donors without having the infrastructure or the Broad Donor List.

This is not some big grift at all it's clearly spelled out on the donor site....3RN appeared to be stating Trump was flim flamming people and it was a big secret among him and his followers.....which would probably encompass most of the Rep. politicians as well who are Donating to masters.
As soon as Republicans take control of the House and Senate all the silly Trump and Jan 6 hearings are gone. No way anything of substance happens after the election and before transfer of power. There will be no referral to DOJ about anything until Hunter and the Big Guy are indicted
The Hearings will go away....... Hunter nor Biden will be indicted. And then it will just be a Stalemate until BIden is voted out.

Where is it spelled out on the donor site? I haven't seen anything saying that. Most all other politicians are 50/50 or close to it. It's ridiculous to suggest this isn't another strong-arm tactic by trump to get money out of people.
3RN insinuated Trump was Conning people by not being upfront ..... you can change the donation split easy as pie it even states that in the article. And Masters is well aware of the Split and clearly is all in on this split to get access to more donors without having the infrastructure or the Broad Donor List.

This is not some big grift at all it's clearly spelled out on the donor site....3RN appeared to be stating Trump was flim flamming people and it was a big secret among him and his followers.....which would probably encompass most of the Rep. politicians as well who are Donating to masters.
Who is 3RN?
Where is it spelled out on the donor site? I haven't seen anything saying that. Most all other politicians are 50/50 or close to it. It's ridiculous to suggest this isn't another strong-arm tactic by trump to get money out of people.
It was in the article you linked.... you had the option to change the amount. And the politician's who signed up for it are well aware of it and the people as well.
It was in the article you linked.... you had the option to change the amount. And the politician's who signed up for it are well aware of it and the people as well.
(Donors could choose to change the default split, but it requires clicking through a link written in smaller type and jammed between several more eye-grabbing colored boxes.)
I missed this, but do the emails say how the split is? If they don't know to change it, they won't, especially with it being not easy to find.
I agree the option is not user friendly.... But those Politicians clearly have no issue with partnering with Trump and taking the split from Donors who are Donating to them.

It's on the Donor base to do their homework and either change the split, find another way to Donate if they don't like the Split or Live with the Split.

My point is this is just More Left Wing Media Trump pounding........ I can promise you that the People who are donating to these candidates are Probably donating to Trump as well. So the Big Media Headlines that Trump is tricking people is only playing to the TDS people who hate him already.

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