Trump May Have Read The Constitution, It's Unclear If He Understands It

The left is not even tolerant of ineffective Presidents like both Bushs. They are intolerant of a Republican party even though they suck. If they'd just shut up, let things occur naturally they'd reach their dream of Utopia.
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Hell, the reason why some Christians voted for Trump, is because they hoped he wouldn't sic the ALCU on them for praying at a football game.
The first thing Gays did after they won the right to get married, was the pressing issue of forcing evangelicals to bake them wedding cakes.
It's similar to what my old man told me one time, my company wants me to suck sh## through a rag and tell them it tastes good.
Good question. IDK. A Christian that lives in hells fury. WTF are they doing there? Please don't announce you denounced Allah and converted!
As far as I understand, there is no difference between the Government and Religion. That's why they want to come here! The Government actually wants you to die, and take as many infidels along the way.
Christians in this country don't want a theocracy. They aren't like liberals, demanding that everyone enthusiastically support their beliefs. Liberals have one belief, be tolerant of the intolerant and intolerant of the tolerant.

How high are you?
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Hillary/Bernie voters are repulsed by Christians. I read it here every day. I'm not pretending that some of the holy rollers in the Republican party don't get offended (as bad or worse than Liberals do) for farting in public. I get the fake religiosity thing.
Trump is the last person left in America that will not change my backyard into a refugee camp. His biggest allegiance to the sanctity of marriage is a prenuptial agreement.
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Uh huh.

I'm certainly repulsed by the christians I see on here. Other christians that I encounter IRL are generally pleasant people.
You're a no-nonsense dude. What part? I'll discuss religion, though I'm really bad about the part where you have to live out the bible in your daily walk of life. We all write things on here we'd never say to a person's face to face. We'd hurt their feelings. This why we're so divided, we don't talk, we text, blog, email, and tweet too much. The entire country does this. You can rest easy knowing that you're the best. You can literally take everything written on this political board add it up and it equals zero.
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The article presented at the beginning of this thread is nothing more or less than liberal approval.

The article at the beginning of this thread has nothing to do with a "liberal approval" and you can go ahead and quit derailing the thread, like now.
Yes. Good joke.
Let's continue with "I hate Trump show". It's only fair, the Obama show is in reruns now.
Trump is trampling the constitution. Check
What else? Where were we?

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