COVID-19: Democratic Voters Support Harsh Measures Against Unvaccinated
While many voters have become skeptical toward the federal government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a majority of Democrats embrace restrictive policies, including punitive measures against those who haven’t gotten the COVID-19 vaccine.
55% of Dem's want to Fine non-vaxers....WOW
59% of Dem Voters want a gov. Policy to force People to be confined to their homes if they Refuse the Vax.
48% of Dem Voters....Nearly half believe/want anyone who questions the efficacy of the Vax on any type of platform should be imprisoned or fined by the State/Feds....Good Gosh a lot of the Democratic party has become nearly full on Fascist Nazi/Commies.
45% want and support concentration camps for the Non-Vaxxed......
47% of Dem's want a some type of tracking Digital surveillance tracking system of the unvaxed
29% of Dem's want to take Children away from unvaxed parents.....
I'm sometimes embarrassed by the Rep. party, recently some idiot Rep. in Texas wanted to ban some books from schools.....I 100% disagree with book banning. He should of been shouted down by the Party.
But to want to put people in camps, lock them up under house arrest, take their Children, force them to be tracked or imprison or fine them for exercising their personal freedom's and constitutional rights is Scary and Dangerous. And most of all disgusting.
Thank God that the Rep's and Independents are standing up against the Jack booted Leftist that control the Dem's. I feel sorry for the Blue Dog Dem's/ Moderates who haven't realized the Democratic party is not what it once was.....