Soros/CNN/MSNBC/NYT the only Truth to be allowed...


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2001

Nice strategy by the Leftist Dem's Teamed up with Billionaires trying to 100% use power and money to control most Media Outlets and Social Media platforms, to squash any individual thought ,unbiased independent reporting and to engage in full on censorship of anything that refutes or proves their Narrative is propagandist lies.

You know to save the Democracy insert eyeroll... they want to control the Citizens of America by not allowing any information but the information they approve to reach the masses, I mean nothing like rebranding Evil power elite censorship schemes as noble public safety campaigns. Listen only to us we are the Good Information people all other facts and Evidence are clearly lies. Please make sure you follow our information and ONLY vote IN OUR BEST INTEREST.

If America is going to engage in any type of Social Censorship, which is a bad Idea, but if that is the path then it should be based upon the judgement of the Overall citizens not the Whims of a View Billionaires and their cronies who clearly want to reshape America and the world to their warped Ideology and Power Interests!

I get why Billionaires are going after the Internet....because at this time it's the only outlet they don't 100% control with their wealth and ownership of the MSM. The net at least makes the playing field a bit even. It allows Non-Billionaires and Gov. Cronies a chance to be heard.

I'd hope 95% of the population would be on board with stopping the scheming of Billionaires and their Cronies efforts to control the internet and to eliminate the last vestige of Free Speech, Open Discourse and Free Individual Thought, that is not subject to their oligarchy control and reprisal.
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