Just in your comment “why do we teach kids losing is a bad thing”. My belief because it is? My thought is you learn losing is okay then you think why should I bust my ass if it’s okay to lose? Is that not true? I’m not going to kill my self for nine months because I know you are going to beat me. I’m going to bust my ass because I know I’m going to beat you. Just like the contract comment. Loose one to Bobby, okay let’s work a little harder. Lose two and your out the door and Bobby’s getting a raise to come over and replace you. Take WEBB for instance they have bought in. They know they follow this line, bust your butts and work hard and you are going to win. They expect to win. Then take just for, Mac County. They go into the game against WEBB already beat. Why, because they accept it. All kids, all have the same weights the same heat to work out in, they all strap on the jocks the same way, they just all don’t have the mindset or belief that they are going to win. I believe that 100%.. not trying to be a jerk I just think the motivation of winning is the only motivation to put yourself through what you do in most sports especially extremely physical ones ala Football. Wrestling etc..