The MAGA's seem pretty quiet on here lately!

Honestly I just quit replying to Toots lol. I don't mind debating back and forth with some of you other guys, but I just tune him out. And he is about 90% of the posts.

I'm not going to defend Trump, because as stated many times before I think he is a terrible person along with 95% of the other politicians.

The only thing that gets posted on here is stuff about Trump or Biden. There is nothing of substance or actual discussion that goes on. When I ask an actual question about inflation on a previous post it gets ignored because no one actually has insight on it. If it doesn't refer to arguing about Trump or Biden it seems that no one has actual knowledge. Anything that gets posted just goes back to Trump or how terrible he is and how Biden has saved the country. Toots worships Biden more than the MAGA worship Trump.

I'm not going to respond to a Twitter post from a liberal account that talks about Trump. I guess I could post a tweet from a conservative account about Biden, but they all just show the same thing. We have the two worst presidential candidates of all time possibly.

Rant over lol
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You young people think this inflation thing is something new. People my age lived thru this and worse in the 70’s and early 80’s.
There are micro and macro economic factors that got us where we are today.

There isn’t a simple solution. If the current admin had lost in 2020, we would have still had this inflation. There is no simple answer.
This is capitalism. Our companies have one motive. Maximize profit. The Fed has done its best to tame inflation, but the housing situation will require a bipartisan solution and this won’t happen until Trump releases control of the GOP. Same with the immigration issues.
You young people think this inflation thing is something new. People my age lived thru this and worse in the 70’s and early 80’s.
There are micro and macro economic factors that got us where we are today.

There isn’t a simple solution. If the current admin had lost in 2020, we would have still had this inflation. There is no simple answer.
This is capitalism. Our companies have one motive. Maximize profit. The Fed has done its best to tame inflation, but the housing situation will require a bipartisan solution and this won’t happen until Trump releases control of the GOP. Same with the immigration issues.
I started reading the post and thought, finally we have something of conversation. Then it gets to the end and of course it goes back to Trump. Everything is Trumps fault with you. If he was in office right now you would be talking about how he's doing nothing to slow inflation and it's all his fault. He's not in office and you still blame it on him. This is why I can't take you seriously.
I started reading the post and thought, finally we have something of conversation. Then it gets to the end and of course it goes back to Trump. Everything is Trumps fault with you. If he was in office right now you would be talking about how he's doing nothing to slow inflation and it's all his fault. He's not in office and you still blame it on him. This is why I can't take you seriously.
Your exposure to me is limited. I don’t blame any president for inflation nor gas prices. And I never have. Read what I just posted. Dude, Trump just cock blocked the immigration bill created by his own party and agreed to by both parties. Wake the F up.
Your exposure to me is limited. I don’t blame any president for inflation nor gas prices. And I never have. Read what I just posted. Dude, Trump just cock blocked the immigration bill created by his own party and agreed to by both parties. Wake the F up.
Why can't a bill just be about one thing? Why does the the bill about immigration have to include aid to Ukraine? This is why no one can agree on anything. It's always one side will get this, but essentially in return we will get this. Why not just make a bill soley on immigration laws and vote on that and then see if it gets passed through?
They need to make sure the profiteers get to cash in, while flirting with starting a world war. Seems legit
You young people think this inflation thing is something new. People my age lived thru this and worse in the 70’s and early 80’s.
There are micro and macro economic factors that got us where we are today.

There isn’t a simple solution. If the current admin had lost in 2020, we would have still had this inflation. There is no simple answer.
This is capitalism. Our companies have one motive. Maximize profit. The Fed has done its best to tame inflation, but the housing situation will require a bipartisan solution and this won’t happen until Trump releases control of the GOP. Same with the immigration issues.
Where do you draw the line between inflation and corporate greed..?
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Toots do you read all of these bills? I know that I don't. In the American Rescue Plan, why do we need to give Howard University 35 million? Is it because Kamala went there or because they're historically black? Why do we need 1 billion to go to Socially Disadvantaged Farmers? Why pay up to 120% of their debt? There are always hidden things in these bills that no one sees because the media pushes that people were getting a check and everybody thought it was all good. But people are too ignorant to realize the effects of these bills. It goes both ways and we have problems on both sides, but you only blame it on Trump. IT'S BOTH PARTIES!! THEY'RE BOTH CORRUPT!!
Toots do you read all of these bills? I know that I don't. In the American Rescue Plan, why do we need to give Howard University 35 million? Is it because Kamala went there or because they're historically black? Why do we need 1 billion to go to Socially Disadvantaged Farmers? Why pay up to 120% of their debt? There are always hidden things in these bills that no one sees because the media pushes that people were getting a check and everybody thought it was all good. But people are too ignorant to realize the effects of these bills. It goes both ways and we have problems on both sides, but you only blame it on Trump. IT'S BOTH PARTIES!! THEY'RE BOTH CORRUPT!!
That’s the way it has been happening for decades. It’s annoying that they can’t submit stand alone bills. But add ons and earmarks are not why the immigration bill failed. They only started complaining about that particular bill when one man told them not to let it pass.

To really fix the border we need both parties. It has been an unaddressed issue for 30+ years.

To stop the corporate entities from buying up a lot of residential property and destroying the housing market we need
a bipartisan effort.

This has been the worst do nothing Congress in a long, long time.
Where do you draw the line between inflation and corporate greed..?
Back in the good ole days when corporate America was actually owned by mostly Americans, the greater good was at least sometimes considered by these companies.

Now that gigantic investment companies/mutual funds own most of the stock and have far too much control, decisions are all about how much money can we make this quarter. They don’t think twice about jacking up prices or shrinking packages or making life suck for Americans.
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That’s the way it has been happening for decades. It’s annoying that they can’t submit stand alone bills. But add ons and earmarks are not why the immigration bill failed. They only started complaining about that particular bill when one man told them not to let it pass.

To really fix the border we need both parties. It has been an unaddressed issue for 30+ years.

To stop the corporate entities from buying up a lot of residential property and destroying the housing market we need
a bipartisan effort.

This has been the worst do nothing Congress in a long, long time.
And you know the old saying "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Maybe we need to change how they present bills. Maybe both parties could present bills about one certain topic. Immigration and Ukraine do not coincide. Just like giving money to Kamala's Alma Mater and covid do not coincide.

My whole point in all of this and essentially every post is that both sides are to blame. There needs to be a major change in our government, but every one of your posts goes back to Trump and it's his fault and the Dems are never wrong.
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We can’t do anything without bipartisanship.
We are at a crucial time. Demographics of our country have changed and the gov hasn’t kept up. Developing technologies are putting our government further and further from protecting us.

The boomers have reached retirement age. There are more people reaching 65 (Medicare) this year than ever before. They changed the age for full SS benefits several years back so people born in 1960 and after got hosed. There needs to be more adjustments made.

When the fed raises interest rates and housing prices dont come down, you know we have issues that aren’t being addressed.

Gen Xer here buying our first house at the end of this month. It is crazy what the market is and how much it jumped in just a few years.
We can’t do anything without bipartisanship.
We are at a crucial time. Demographics of our country have changed and the gov hasn’t kept up. Developing technologies are putting our government further and further from protecting us.

The boomers have reached retirement age. There are more people reaching 65 (Medicare) this year than ever before. They changed the age for full SS benefits several years back so people born in 1960 and after got hosed. There needs to be more adjustments made.

When the fed raises interest rates and housing prices dont come down, you know we have issues that aren’t being addressed.

I think other unspoken issue is everyone thinks the economy is great because people keep spending. But IMO Gen X and Boomers have different philosophies with spending money. Most millennials my age spend every dime they have and have credit card debt racked up. At some point and time all of this has to change. There are so many people living paycheck to paycheck because they have no financial education.
Back in the early 80s the interest rates were double digits, but my wife and I were so desperate to get out of apartment life in south St. Louis we went 30 miles south and bought what most people would consider a 2 bedroom dump. It didn’t require much of a down payment. It was small and the basement leaked. Are young people today willing to do that??? Have we built all these large homes so it’s hard to find starter homes now? Isn’t one of our problems that we are demanding too much house?
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Back in the early 80s the interest rates were double digits, but my wife and I were so desperate to get out of apartment life in south St. Louis we went 30 miles south and bought what most people would consider a 2 bedroom dump. It didn’t require much of a down payment. It was small and the basement leaked. Are young people today willing to do that??? Have we built all these large homes so it’s hard to find starter homes now? Isn’t one of our problems that we are demanding too much house?
What was the cost of a starter home back then? Honestly asking, not trying to be malicious. In speaking with my parents, they built the home they currently live in and that I grew up in, for roughly 70k at 12% interest. To build that same home today would cost roughly 450k. That was 1983.
Back in the early 80s the interest rates were double digits, but my wife and I were so desperate to get out of apartment life in south St. Louis we went 30 miles south and bought what most people would consider a 2 bedroom dump. It didn’t require much of a down payment. It was small and the basement leaked wuvisaaft charge. Are young people today willing to do that??? Have we built all these large homes so it’s hard to find starter homes now? Isn’t one of our problems that we are demanding too much house?
In recent times, there appears to be a noticeable decrease in the visibility of individuals who identify with the MAGA movement on various online platforms. While once highly vocal and active, their presence seems subdued of late. This shift could stem from a variety of factors, including changes in social media algorithms, evolving political landscapes, or shifts in priorities among members.
What was the cost of a starter home back then? Honestly asking, not trying to be malicious. In speaking with my parents, they built the home they currently live in and that I grew up in, for roughly 70k at 12% interest. To build that same home today would cost roughly 450k. That was 1983.
I honestly don’t remember for sure. But that particular little place was probably 45,000-50,000. We didn’t make any money off that sale when we moved north two years later and bought a $75,000 house. That was around 1986.

We made a few small updates and sold that house for 120k in 1994 when we moved to a small town away from St Louis and bought a much bigger home for far less than that. We couldn’t believe how much more house you could get away from the city/suburbs.

Ten years later we sold that place for a 50% profit and bought 5 acres and our dream home. All of my mortgages have been 15 years, but we have paid 3 of them off early.

To build this place now would cost twice the amount that we paid for it. But it’s bigger than anyone needs. Which was one of my earlier points. The average house today is far larger than it was when I graduated from college.
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And you know the old saying "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Maybe we need to change how they present bills. Maybe both parties could present bills about one certain topic. Immigration and Ukraine do not coincide. Just like giving money to Kamala's Alma Mater and covid do not coincide.

My whole point in all of this and essentially every post is that both sides are to blame. There needs to be a major change in our government, but every one of your posts goes back to Trump and it's his fault and the Dems are never wrong.
it appears all your posts do is attack the dems for doing the same things the GOP does.
it appears all your posts do is attack the dems for doing the same things the GOP does.
Glad you're catching on. Must've taken you longer than I thought it would. Both sides complain about that same stuff, yet both do the same things. Maybe we need to change politicians as a whole. Maybe we need to change the people we vote into office. Biden has been in some sort of office for over 50 years. Not just him, but no person needs to hold office that long. If you can't see that both parties are lying crooks then I'm not really sure what to tell you.
Glad you're catching on. Must've taken you longer than I thought it would. Both sides complain about that same stuff, yet both do the same things. Maybe we need to change politicians as a whole. Maybe we need to change the people we vote into office. Biden has been in some sort of office for over 50 years. Not just him, but no person needs to hold office that long. If you can't see that both parties are lying crooks then I'm not really sure what to tell you.

So limit the 'will of the people'? That's un-American IMO.

Want to fix politics?

Get the money out of it.

Too late for that though.
So limit the 'will of the people'? That's un-American IMO.

Want to fix politics?

Get the money out of it.

Too late for that though.
I agree with the money part. All politicians are bought, democrat or republican.

But how does voting in different people limiting the will of the people?
Both sides do things I don’t like. Both sides are not the same. Period. Stop saying this falsehood.
I agree with the money part. All politicians are bought, democrat or republican.

But how does voting in different people limiting the will of the people?
If you tell them they can't vote for the same person....that's limiting the will of the people.

The system is broken.
If you tell them they can't vote for the same person....that's limiting the will of the people.

The system is broken.
If people keep voting for the same people in office for 40-50 years and things don't get fixed or get better, that is the definition of insanity. Which is where we are now. The government needs a complete overhaul.
We should have sister states. So people in Missouri can vote against Ted Cruz or Mitch McConnell and people in other states can vote against Pelosi or Schumer.
I do know that I prefer candidates that aren’t required to meet with their probation officer.

If people keep voting for the same people in office for 40-50 years and things don't get fixed or get better, that is the definition of insanity. Which is where we are now. The government needs a complete overhaul.
Which part of the Constitution would you like to throw out?

The system works if you keep the money out. You do realize who the rich support, right?

Thanks Citizens United.
Which part of the Constitution would you like to throw out?

The system works if you keep the money out. You do realize who the rich support, right?

Thanks Citizens United.
You're not throwing the constitution out. It is literally people waking up and not voting for the same ol people every single time.

So there are no rich people that support the Dems? They just fund their campaigns with all their hard earned money? Please.
You're not throwing the constitution out. It is literally people waking up and not voting for the same ol people every single time.

So there are no rich people that support the Dems? They just fund their campaigns with all their hard earned money? Please.
People have the right to vote from whomever they want. To say 'when you reach age 80 you can't run' isn't Constitutional.
Most of the rich support GOPers due to the policies the GOP implement that make them richer.
People have the right to vote from whomever they want. To say 'when you reach age 80 you can't run' isn't Constitutional.
Most of the rich support GOPers due to the policies the GOP implement that make them richer.
And please find where I said that. You take what you want and twist it to fit your narrative. Yes, I believe no one needs to be in politics for 50 years, but no where did I say to make it a law. I'm saying for people to wake up and vote different people into office.

But twist it how you want lol.

Veer you are delusional. To think that rich people don't support Dems or donate to their campaigns is idiotic. I guess Greylock and Sequoia Capital are just struggling companies donating their money for good ol Joe. Come on Man! You know there are wealthy companies on both sides.

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