The Ferguson Effect

Why should such an important responsibility for a citizen be easy? Getting rich shouldn't be easy, getting promotions shouldn't be easy, winning a game shouldn't be easy and the most't be easy. It should be available and free to all with the same requirements to all to be eligible.
Like a poll tax? A requirement that one own land?
Not disputing that. All I was saying is that a majority of poor, white, rural people still vote repug so that any voting restrictions would also effect a major supporter of the party here in Missouri.
Not to the same degree. Hence why they push the laws
No cow,
It shouldn't be easy, because it is one of the most important things you can do.

I respect NM, but I call bullshit when he thinks republicans want to limit minorities from voting.

You have to have an id to buy beer, drive a car, enroll in school, buy tobacco, pick MY own kid up from school, get a license, enter R rated movie, enter the hospital with your arm missing, book a hotel room, etc.

BUT, to elect the most powerful man in the world, the dems think if you have to prove you are an AMERICAN CITIZEN, the pubs are disenfranchising the poor and minority's .... I call BS
Your better than that NM,

Rebuttal me with fact, not emotion.

Why is it wrong for a person to prove they are an American citizen to vote?
Answer the following question instead:

Republican legislatures have passed dozens of laws related to voting in the past five years. How many of these laws expanded access to the ballot box for poor Americans? The answer is zero or something close to it. The entire purpose of these laws is to make it harder for democrats to vote.

And, to answer your question, I'm not opposed to the general idea. I'm opposed to the disingenuous "voter fraud" legislations which are really laws designed to make it harder for certain people to vote.

Again, as I said above, if republicans wanted to push a fair reform of our voting system that moved it into the 21st Century which included some form of voter ID law, I would support that. What I don't support is laws which are purely voter suppression. And I really find it distasteful that they push such bills with scaremongering about voter fraud when it is a nonexistent problem in the United States.
No cow,
It shouldn't be easy, because it is one of the most important things you can do.

I respect NM, but I call bullshit when he thinks republicans want to limit minorities from voting.

You have to have an id to buy beer, drive a car, enroll in school, buy tobacco, pick MY own kid up from school, get a license, enter R rated movie, enter the hospital with your arm missing, book a hotel room, etc.

BUT, to elect the most powerful man in the world, the dems think if you have to prove you are an AMERICAN CITIZEN, the pubs are disenfranchising the poor and minority's .... I call BS

You don't have to have an ID to book a hotel room or get emergency medical care, and none of those things you listed are rights protected by the constitution.
Answer the following question instead:

Republican legislatures have passed dozens of laws related to voting in the past five years. How many of these laws expanded access to the ballot box for poor Americans? The answer is zero or something close to it. The entire purpose of these laws is to make it harder for democrats to vote.

And, to answer your question, I'm not opposed to the general idea. I'm opposed to the disingenuous "voter fraud" legislations which are really laws designed to make it harder for certain people to vote.

Again, as I said above, if republicans wanted to push a fair reform of our voting system that moved it into the 21st Century which included some form of voter ID law, I would support that. What I don't support is laws which are purely voter suppression. And I really find it distasteful that they push such bills with scaremongering about voter fraud when it is a nonexistent problem in the United States.

Why do you think the entire purpose is to make it harder for democrats to vote? The law applies to all, do they have special provisions to single out democrats? We vote on Tuesday, that makes it harder for Republicans to get to the polls, because they are at work. Those on welfare and poor and underemployed can go easier, maybe that is pug voter suppression?

You mention re-evaluating laws for felons. I want to keep a felon from voting, they have proved they can't abide by the nations laws, why do they get to pick our leader?

It all comes down to minorities, Hispanics, illegal aliens and the poor. Democrats have sold them a bill of goods to get their vote and they want that vote, doesn't matter to them if they are a legal citizen of this country or not. If they have to buy that vote with freebies, same thing.

But pubs think you ought to be a citizen to vote so dems come up with the term "voter suppression", kinda like when the pubs think a women shouldn't be able to murder her unborn child, the dems call that a "war on women"

We know why dems don't want voter ID, it's pretty apparent.
Here is a good example. In Texas your ss # or college ID is not good enough to vote. but your concealed weapon ID is.
Here is a good example. In Texas your ss # or college ID is not good enough to vote. but your concealed weapon ID is.
Isn't that on your drivers license? It sounds to me like you guys just want to wrestle and drag a person to the polls because they are to lazy to make an effort on their own.
Isn't that on your drivers license? It sounds to me like you guys just want to wrestle and drag a person to the polls because they are to lazy to make an effort on their own.
Your SS# is not on your drivers license.
Why do you think the entire purpose is to make it harder for democrats to vote? The law applies to all, do they have special provisions to single out democrats? We vote on Tuesday, that makes it harder for Republicans to get to the polls, because they are at work. Those on welfare and poor and underemployed can go easier, maybe that is pug voter suppression?

You mention re-evaluating laws for felons. I want to keep a felon from voting, they have proved they can't abide by the nations laws, why do they get to pick our leader?

It all comes down to minorities, Hispanics, illegal aliens and the poor. Democrats have sold them a bill of goods to get their vote and they want that vote, doesn't matter to them if they are a legal citizen of this country or not. If they have to buy that vote with freebies, same thing.

But pubs think you ought to be a citizen to vote so dems come up with the term "voter suppression", kinda like when the pubs think a women shouldn't be able to murder her unborn child, the dems call that a "war on women"

We know why dems don't want voter ID, it's pretty apparent.
1. Tuesday voting helps Republicans because retirees vote R.
2. Felons outside of jail and off of parole should have a right to vote. They work and pay taxes like everyone else. I'm comfortable with the idea that people in jail shouldn't vote, but it's ridiculous to take voting rights away from someone who is subject to no other restrictions under the law.
3. It all comes down to the fact that Republicans don't like the fact that marginal voters don't vote for them. If they felt that expanding voting hours would help them, they'd be falling all over themselves to pass bills extending voting hours.

If you were to design a voting system from scratch, there are a lot of things you would change about the current voting systems.

As the head of the Pennsylvania GOP himself stated, voter ID helped them cut Obama's margin of victory from 2008 to 2012. They know why they pass these bills. It has nothing to do with making elections free and fair. It's all about making it harder for Democrats to vote.
And I do think the war on women stuff is a bit disingenuous, yeah, but Republicans also show little interest in supporting policies which are good to women, such as discrimination laws, mandated maternity leave, opposition to mandates that insurers provide birth control, etc. It's about far more than abortion.
And I do think the war on women stuff is a bit disingenuous, yeah, but Republicans also show little interest in supporting policies which are good to women, such as discrimination laws, mandated maternity leave, opposition to mandates that insurers provide birth control, etc. It's about far more than abortion.

War? No. But when state legislatures pass measures that would force women to have transvaginal ultrasounds before abortions, I can see why they'd use that language.
Like a poll tax? A requirement that one own land?

Can't you read? I said FREE!
Why would owning land make a better voter?
All I want is to verify that a person voting is alive, a citizen, and who they say they are. There is ZERO reason to oppose such requirements.
Can't you read? I said FREE!
Why would owning land make a better voter?
All I want is to verify that a person voting is alive, a citizen, and who they say they are. There is ZERO reason to oppose such requirements.
Don't make generalizations that turn out to be stupid.
Your SS# is not on your drivers license.
Your drivers license number was your SS number for a while. You could ask that it not be then they figured how bad and idea that was and changed it for everyone. That was back before all the ID theft stuff we have in the world of everyone having computers.
Now you think wanting integrity in the voting process stupidly generalized?
Every rule deserves to be analyzed with an account for the costs and benefits.

There is no substantive voter fraud in the US according all government entities and nonpartisan, non governmental groups. None. That should be accounted for when we pass laws that make it harder for people to vote
People I think the last study they did found there were more than 20 people in the last election who tried to fraud the voting system. This type of rampant fraud has to be stopped even if it puts out some democratic voters, oh I mean young people and minorities!!!!!!!!!!
Voter ID laws are a solution not to voter fraud, but to changing demographics that are unfavorable to republicans. Let's just call it like it is.
No cow,
It shouldn't be easy, because it is one of the most important things you can do.

I respect NM, but I call bullshit when he thinks republicans want to limit minorities from voting.

You have to have an id to buy beer, drive a car, enroll in school, buy tobacco, pick MY own kid up from school, get a license, enter R rated movie, enter the hospital with your arm missing, book a hotel room, etc.

BUT, to elect the most powerful man in the world, the dems think if you have to prove you are an AMERICAN CITIZEN, the pubs are disenfranchising the poor and minority's .... I call BS

Your BS call is the dumbest post you have ever made. State after state of republican legislators tried to restrict voting for the 2012 election. You know that. You are better than this absurd post. Explain to me why we want smaller turnout in election? Why do we want less democracy? Please
It's also amazing to read a thread full of supposed conservatives complaining we need regulations that don't fix any real problem but do create additional bureaucracy and inhibit the actions of citizens.
Is there anything you all wont argue about? Voter fraud and regulations? Really?
Your BS call is the dumbest post you have ever made. State after state of republican legislators tried to restrict voting for the 2012 election. You know that. You are better than this absurd post. Explain to me why we want smaller turnout in election? Why do we want less democracy? Please

You just now getting to a reply after almost a week Duck,

I have lost interest in this thread, but if the dems think the only way they can win an election is by having people vote that are not qualified to vote, says more about them , than me.
You don't have to have an ID to book a hotel room or get emergency medical care, and none of those things you listed are rights protected by the constitution.
Cow you may not have to show ID to "book" a hotel room but you will have to show ID before they will check you in and they make a copy of it.
You just now getting to a reply after almost a week Duck,

I have lost interest in this thread, but if the dems think the only way they can win an election is by having people vote that are not qualified to vote, says more about them , than me.
False. No one is claiming that any material amount of people are illegally voting. All are qualified.
Cow you may not have to show ID to "book" a hotel room but you will have to show ID before they will check you in and they make a copy of it.
Not always true.

They never copy my ID at most hotels. Only time they ask for ID is to verify your CC (which you can legally decline). I have stayed in plenty of 2-5 star hotels where I showed ID, and plenty of others where I just give them the CC. Especially if you are dressed in decent clothes and are clearly over the age of 30 they don't hassle you too often.

There is no reason for them to copy your ID, you have a good reason to complain about that policy.
Not always true.

They never copy my ID at most hotels. Only time they ask for ID is to verify your CC (which you can legally decline). I have stayed in plenty of 2-5 star hotels where I showed ID, and plenty of others where I just give them the CC. Especially if you are dressed in decent clothes and are clearly over the age of 30 they don't hassle you too often.

There is no reason for them to copy your ID, you have a good reason to complain about that policy.
I don't stay in hotels/motels a lot but I haven't stayed in one for several years that did NOT asked for my drivers license and make a copy of it.

Show us evidence of significant voter fraud or tell us of an election where the result was changed by fraud or shenanigans. We already know about Jeb stealing Florida for W. in 2000 so find a different example.

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