Texas Buoys


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2019
Why are Dems so up in arms about the buoys on the Texas border? Here's a thought.....stay on your side or cross legally!!

Dems are so wrong on immigration!!
Perhaps the razor wire under the water that is slicing desperate people up?

Maybe you should put some land mines in your yard so those darn kids who know you don’t want them to pass thru will get what they deserve.
What part of "illegal" in illegal alien is so hard to understand? I have wondered that since the 80s when it first became a national concern.

What other civilized countries allow people to enter without proper documentation? It's the law!!! Twist it anyway you like, toots, hop a plane and go to Germany or Japan or Russia and try to get in without legal papers.
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Is Your Holiness's solution to open the borders to anyone and everyone to freely come and go as they please??

Well let's all get in a circle and sing kumbaya!!

Would Jesus go on vacation for a couple weeks or use that money to feed the homeless??
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Yawn. WWJD?
He would follow the law, and work to fix what he felt was wrong.
If the Dems or anybody really wants to really do something seriously about immigration why don't they first start with fixing it, since they say that is the issue? How many bills in the two years that the Dem controlled the house, Senate and Presidency did they bring up to fix immigration? The issue is nobody wants to do the hard things...
The house passed immigration reform and many other bills on critical topics under Pelosi but the gop controlled senate and your turtle wouldn’t even debate the bills, let alone vote on them.

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