Taliban 'deal'

The problem with fighting an enemy like the Taliban we the American people are never going to fight on thier level...And do what it will take to win the war, it's not who we are or what we believe in.

Your right the Taliban is uncivilized. That is why we cannot and will not win this war, we can only maintain the line for the time we are willing stay in the Country and while doing that we will suffer our own loses for people who are not willing to do the same.
The Taliban will just wait until we decide to leave and pounce. WE are not willing to go over there and exterminate them, so they are always going to be there...that is not who we are... or what we believe in. However, the Taliban will do that and much worse to win long term, they know they cannot leave anybody alive who will oppose them. They rule by fear and terror, they are terrible people doing unspeakable things to stay in power.
The Afghan people are going to have to fight and sacrifice a lot to win. Yes, sometimes if you want freedom there will be sacrifices, so far, they are not willing to step up and do that. They want us to do it.
I don't blame them, I would like to think I would be willing to make that sacrifice, but I sure as heck would not sacrifice my wife as well.
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I don't blame them, I would like to think I would be willing to make that sacrifice, but I sure as heck would not sacrifice my wife as well.
That's BS. How many women and children were killed in the American Revolutionary War and American Civil War? Freedom has a price. The Afghans can fight the Taliban at all costs or surrender to the Taliban's way of life. There are 40 million Afghans against an est. 75,000 Taliban in Afghanistan. Man Up!!!.
We took away their Air Support and supply support so basically they couldn't fight using the tactics they had been trained with.
They didn't even try! , They probably still had better weapons that the Taliban. It's their country and their own people they gave up. If they don't care why should we? We should have left there long ago, and there was NO way do it gracefully.
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Well if Biden continues as I suspect he will to govern by Polling's going to get bad. The monetary investment going forward to keep a skeleton crew of troops and contractors going forward was very much worth it. I don't care what the American polling numbers say. Logic has to override emotional drivel from the average citizen.

At this point I bet that Biden regrets not doing something different. His polling numbers are dropping do to his actions on C19 and the withdraw Chaos. And weirdly the Leftist Media isn't shilling for him...this doesn't bode well long term.
I doubt seriously if he will running again anyway. You mean the awful MSM as you guys call it is actually reporting what's going on very fairly regardless of who is in the WH?
They should be hard on him. He has not handled this well.
They should have known it will be bad, but I don't think they realized it could get this bad.
My first thought was what several on here have said: "If they don't want to fight for themselves why are we?"
I heard on some report, that it isn't that they don't want to fight for themselves, but the Taliban will kill all of their family if they catch someone fighting against them. I wouldn't want to do that to my family either.
I understand why they threw their arms down. I don't know that I realized just how uncivilized the Taiban is.
Ok I will give you a pass this is standard procedure for all the terrorist groups. I have several Military buddies one is my best friend, they are infantry aka ground pounders. He did 3 tours in Iraq. He can tell you stories, about everyday brutality of these people. It is unreal. Have you never seen any of the video's of what they do to people?

And their goal is to bring this to the world. I know most of you don't think it's possible. But they have a plan and it's very effective they move into regions, they comply at first to what ever they need. Then they work to become the majority, then they force conversion or compliance using the above tactics. Then they slowly but effectively take over. It's not about religion it's about using a Religion to control and maintain power using horrific means.

To me it was worth keeping a minimal amount of troops and support staff in Afghan to keep these thugs and evil vile people at bay.
The problem with fighting an enemy like the Taliban we the American people are never going to fight on thier level...And do what it will take to win the war, it's not who we are or what we believe in.

Your right the Taliban is uncivilized. That is why we cannot and will not win this war, we can only maintain the line for the time we are willing stay in the Country and while doing that we will suffer our own loses for people who are not willing to do the same.
The Taliban will just wait until we decide to leave and pounce. WE are not willing to go over there and exterminate them, so they are always going to be there...that is not who we are... or what we believe in. However, the Taliban will do that and much worse to win long term, they know they cannot leave anybody alive who will oppose them. They rule by fear and terror, they are terrible people doing unspeakable things to stay in power.
The Afghan people are going to have to fight and sacrifice a lot to win. Yes, sometimes if you want freedom there will be sacrifices, so far, they are not willing to step up and do that. They want us to do it.
I think you are wrong we do have the stomach for it, if it starts hitting home....we Nuked Japan, we targeted Kadhafi Family, we used chemical weapons in WW1.

Now The issue is the MSM, they will twist and warp any extermination of the Taliban, because of some small collateral damage situations. The answer is simple. A Press Blackout from the Operations. It can be done and should be done. And any press that imbeds with the Enemy to spew their propaganda should be put on trial by a military tribunal for treason.

World War 1 should be the templet for dealing with the MSM in this war. If so it could of been won.
I don't blame them, I would like to think I would be willing to make that sacrifice, but I sure as heck would not sacrifice my wife as well.
Yeah the issue is that once in Power they can rape, kill and brutalize her at their will. And they do. This is common practice in these regions. In the end all individual freedom and free will is wiped away. Living in a Terrorist state has to be pitiful.
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I doubt seriously if he will running again anyway. You mean the awful MSM as you guys call it is actually reporting what's going on very fairly regardless of who is in the WH?
No the MSM just happens to be at Odds this time with Biden. The Liberal Elite and the Neocon's are all for nation building and world policing. That is why you see a split within both parties in how they view this. Makes for strange bed fellows. Some Leftist and Some conservatives Attacking Biden....other Conservatives and Dem's all for getting out and support him.

I'm conflicted on it. Part of me is happy we are washing our hands of it and are done. That is the emotional side. The Logical side feels we have invested time, effort, life, and money to keep the Taliban out of power. Abandoning ship is not a intellectual course of action, keeping a small amount of troops and support staff would of been a small investment. Heck even Obama increased Troop strength against his own promise and word ....why because he got the complete set of data points and made a logical decision.
That's BS. How many women and children were killed in the American Revolutionary War and American Civil War? Freedom has a price. The Afghans can fight the Taliban at all costs or surrender to the Taliban's way of life. There are 40 million Afghans against an est. 75,000 Taliban in Afghanistan. Man Up!!!.
I agree with your premise but you do realize that many of those 40 million actually agree with the Taliban and love the oppressive tactics they use to control people. And of course the Islamic culture in these terrorist states is so divergent from the American Individualistic ideals it would take pages and pages to explain why fighting for freedom is such a hard sell. Westernized followers of Islam often imbibe similar view points as other Westerners.....but in these regions not so much.
Exactly why we had no business getting involved in their civil war, How many times must we make the same mistake before we learn?
No the MSM just happens to be at Odds this time with Biden. The Liberal Elite and the Neocon's are all for nation building and world policing. That is why you see a split within both parties in how they view this. Makes for strange bed fellows. Some Leftist and Some conservatives Attacking Biden....other Conservatives and Dem's all for getting out and support him.

I'm conflicted on it. Part of me is happy we are washing our hands of it and are done. That is the emotional side. The Logical side feels we have invested time, effort, life, and money to keep the Taliban out of power. Abandoning ship is not a intellectual course of action, keeping a small amount of troops and support staff would of been a small investment. Heck even Obama increased Troop strength against his own promise and word ....why because he got the complete set of data points and made a logical decision.
Keeping the Taliban at bay was NOT our mission there. It was to get Bin Laden and take out Alqaida to the extent possible and we much accomplished that. We should not stay there and fight for the Afghan people when their own army wouldn't! It's there own wives and daughters that will suffer because they ran and hid.
How can you say that....where you in on mission briefs...did you make policy? Clearly it was part of the Mission because keeping the Taliban at bay and fighting there doesn't allow them to focus their terrorism on other places.
How can you say that....where you in on mission briefs...did you make policy? Clearly it was part of the Mission because keeping the Taliban at bay and fighting there doesn't allow them to focus their terrorism on other places.
We did NOT go there because of the Taliban I didn't have to be in on any briefings to know that. And we should NEVER have stayed this long!!!
Being emotional and upset doesn't bring any data or proof to your idea or opinion. Again you have zero Idea about the mission or plan. I don't either but I Freely admit that. But I do know that somewhere along the way the plan and mission became occupying that country....that changed under Trump and Biden. That is pretty clear. Plans change all the time. You are a strange fellow who thinks in a linear path.
Being emotional and upset doesn't bring any data or proof to your idea or opinion. Again you have zero Idea about the mission or plan. I don't either but I Freely admit that. But I do know that somewhere along the way the plan and mission became occupying that country....that changed under Trump and Biden. That is pretty clear. Plans change all the time. You are a strange fellow who thinks in a linear path.
Dude I watched the news all the years we've bene there and those folks talk to politicians and the military at every level. What ever the mission became it was NOT the reason we went there, thus we should have left YEARS ago! You can't fix stupid and this people ain't gonna change the way they think and live because we have troops on the ground. We had several of them killed by the people they were training to help us and their own country. Call it emotional or whatever you want but there is NO way we should stayed there so long.
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One of these days we will figure out we are not very good at fighting other countries civil wars.
Dude I watched the news all the years we've bene there and those folks talk to politicians and the military at every level. What ever the mission became it was NOT the reason we went there, thus we should have left YEARS ago! You can't fix stupid and this people ain't gonna change the way they think and live because we have troops on the ground. We had several of them killed by the people they were training to help us and their own country. Call it emotional or whatever you want but there is NO way we should stayed there so long.
Yes the news is so reliable....and politicians and military personal never spread disinformation ever or withhold details. Keep believing all that the press says it makes for a easier life.
Yes the news is so reliable....and politicians and military personal never spread disinformation ever or withhold details. Keep believing all that the press says it makes for a easier life.
So I should just believe all the 'books' you've posted on various subjects on here. :rolleyes:
So I should just believe all the 'books' you've posted on various subjects on here. :rolleyes:
At least those are based on research and digging into subjects as opposed to Propaganda. But nope don't believe me, actually dig into subjects and look at various sides of the coin. Also it's pretty clear that sense Afghan has been the grave yard of empires since the dawn of time that our military would know that this was going to be a occupying mission. And not just some exercise to kill Bin Laden. It was suspected that Bin Laden was out of that area as early as 07 and the military actually shut down it's CIA op's in around 2005. The one thing that Obama did that he did well was he claimed it was necessary and the highest priority of the U.S. to capture or Kill him...and he got it done. Kudos on that....
At least those are based on research and digging into subjects as opposed to Propaganda. But nope don't believe me, actually dig into subjects and look at various sides of the coin. Also it's pretty clear that sense Afghan has been the grave yard of empires since the dawn of time that our military would know that this was going to be a occupying mission. And not just some exercise to kill Bin Laden. It was suspected that Bin Laden was out of that area as early as 07 and the military actually shut down it's CIA op's in around 2005. The one thing that Obama did that he did well was he claimed it was necessary and the highest priority of the U.S. to capture or Kill him...and he got it done. Kudos on that....
How old are you
At least those are based on research and digging into subjects as opposed to Propaganda. But nope don't believe me, actually dig into subjects and look at various sides of the coin. Also it's pretty clear that sense Afghan has been the grave yard of empires since the dawn of time that our military would know that this was going to be a occupying mission. And not just some exercise to kill Bin Laden. It was suspected that Bin Laden was out of that area as early as 07 and the military actually shut down it's CIA op's in around 2005. The one thing that Obama did that he did well was he claimed it was necessary and the highest priority of the U.S. to capture or Kill him...and he got it done. Kudos on that....
A whole bunch of the 911 guys on planes were not even from Afghanistan and came to our country legally then trained to become pilots as they overstayed their visas. So I guess we should have attacked Saudi Arabia instead.
A whole bunch of the 911 guys on planes were not even from Afghanistan and came to our country legally then trained to become pilots as they overstayed their visas. So I guess we should have attacked Saudi Arabia instead.
HMMMM I guess you did know the SA trained in Afghanistan or did you forget or not know that. That was the pretext for invading Afghanistan. Their country of birth really does not correlate into the discussion.

You think they were breaking afghani law?

Don't be obtuse.
My point is they the terrorist Trained legally in the U.S. so why would we invade Florida? Clearly a superficial response by you.

The reason to invade Afghanistan is because They trained to be Terrorist and became radicalized in the Afghan region...I thought this was obvious and clear to all.

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