Your putting words in my mouth is typical a-hole behavior I would expect from MGHS. What do you think is the point of my post? Did I say this loan forgiveness is wonderful? I was simply pointing out that the same exact people who accepted MILLIONS are bitching about thousands going to others. It’s hypocrisy. Nowhere did I say any of this was ok. Good grief.Toots pointing out another wrong still don't make another one right?
This is what is so wrong with both parties it's okay for our party to do something stupid because look what the other party did!!! they are worse than us we are helping!!! Helping who? those who will vote for you?
Well guess what Toots_mgee, guess who ends up paying for all of this bull crap the middle class Yep both parties keep screwing the middle class!! Those who have done nothing wrong but go to work try and feed thier families pay thier bills (actually pay to send thier kids to college) then pay taxes on all this crap that the Pubs and Dems just keep taking and taking and giving it back out to those who support them so they will vote for them again and it is bull#$#%#!!!
Your telling me some poor smuck making $125,000 a year cannot pay off $10,000 worth of student loans? What the holy hail!! Maybe just maybe instead of paying off thier debt we need to pay to send them to Dave Ramsey so they can actually learn how to pay off debt!!! by giving up some luxury's like Starbucks eating out overnight. If you are making $125,000, hell if you are making $50,000 you should be able to easily pay off $10,000 in debt with your eyes closed. I payed off two cars in a year that had loans of over $75,000 and nobody gave me a hand out. I sent two kids to school paid to send them and we managed to do it all the while adopting three more. I don't feel sorry for some spoiled brat making $125,000 a year who cannot pay off $10,000 in college loans, I feel sorry that they are so stupid that they cannot figure out how to pay that off.... that is the issue, we need to educate them on how to pay it off, not pay it off for them.
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