Stubborn facts

While studies in 2016 found that motor vehicle accidents surpassed gun deaths for children, a roughly 30% spike in the latter between 2019 and 2020 made firearms the leading cause of death, according to an analysis of CDC data published in the New England Journal of Medicine in late April.

The CDC reported 4,368 child deaths by gunfire in 2020, the vast majority of which were homicides, followed by suicides. Unintentional gun deaths and deaths where a motive could not be determined accounted for a very small portion of the data.
THE FACTS: Chicago hasn’t had a ban on handguns for over a decade. And in 2014, a federal judge overturned the city’s ban on gun shops. Big supporters of the NRA, like Ted Cruz, may well know this, given that it was the NRA that sued Chicago over its old handgun ban and argued the case before the U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled the ban unconstitutional in 2010. Yet Cruz still cited Chicago’s gun ban on Friday during his speech at the NRA convention in Houston.
While studies in 2016 found that motor vehicle accidents surpassed gun deaths for children, a roughly 30% spike in the latter between 2019 and 2020 made firearms the leading cause of death, according to an analysis of CDC data published in the New England Journal of Medicine in late April.

The CDC reported 4,368 child deaths by gunfire in 2020, the vast majority of which were homicides, followed by suicides. Unintentional gun deaths and deaths where a motive could not be determined accounted for a very small portion of the data.
They define "child" deaths to include anyone under 18, take out all the gangbangers who are slaughtered by each other and that numbe goes way way down
A lock on the classroom door is one of the most basic and widely recommended school safety measures. But in Uvalde, it kept victims in and police out.

Nearly 20 officers stood in a hallway outside of the classrooms school for more than 45 minutes before agents used a master key to open the classroom’s locked door.
I’m pretty sure on God’s scorecard he counts all of those “gangbangers” as human beings.
Guns are out of control. The “more guns” method has not made things better. Until gun owners start admitting we have a problem and sit down to help with solutions instead of being frightened by Ted Cruz and Greg Abbott and company it will continue to get worse. Doing nothing is not a solution.
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And the more you talk about gun regulations the more guns and ammo are sold. Congratulations on being part of the problem!😂
And the more you talk about gun regulations the more guns and ammo are sold. Congratulations on being part of the problem!😂
It’s going to happen. You can be part of the solution or just continue to make sophomoric jokes as children die. Russia is getting exactly what they wanted when they poured cash into the NRA.
lets outlaw guns... Im sure those "gangbangers" you mentioned will abide.
It’s going to happen. You can be part of the solution or just continue to make sophomoric jokes as children die. Russia is getting exactly what they wanted when they poured cash into the NRA.
Your tweeting and posting here is not part of the solution. I for one have no problem with the second amendment. Have you written your congressman, senator, governor or president?
Your tweeting and posting here is not part of the solution. I for one have no problem with the second amendment. Have you written your congressman, senator, governor or president?
At the state and federal level. But not the president. He knows what needs to be done.
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The Governor has not been receptive to my phone calls. His people aren’t very empathetic.
A lock on the classroom door is one of the most basic and widely recommended school safety measures. But in Uvalde, it kept victims in and police out.

Nearly 20 officers stood in a hallway outside of the classrooms school for more than 45 minutes before agents used a master key to open the classroom’s locked door.
If the door wasn't held open by a chair placed by a teacher but locked,,,and if the classroom door was locked there is a very good chance it would have kept the murderer out long enough for police to have killed him. So friggin simple concept
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The bottom line is more and more Americans voters favor stricter gun laws. Repubs better start compromising on gun laws, starting with banning assault rifles, or they are going to lose a lot of independents.
Still no explanation on why there were fewer mass killings when there was a ban on assault weapons. I’ll prepare myself for some manipulated stats to rationalize why it’s not true when we all know it is.
Still no explanation on why there were fewer mass killings when there was a ban on assault weapons. I’ll prepare myself for some manipulated stats to rationalize why it’s not true when we all know it is.
You don't know crap
Yea. I know kids are dead and you aren’t willing to sacrifice a damn thing to save them. Mr. Selfish
From Studies have shown the ban had little effect on overall criminal activity, firearm homicides, and the lethality of gun crimes. There is tentative evidence that the frequency of mass shootings may have slightly decreased while the ban was in effect.[2]

What is terrible is that the people who are responsible for the safety of our children in school generally are educated idiots with PHD's with absolutely no experience in security. They have a Doctorate in Administration and no common sense. No skills at all in doing what needs to be done.
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What is terrible is that the people who are responsible for the safety of our children in school generally are educated idiots with PHD's with absolutely no experience in security. They have a Doctorate in Administration and no common sense. No skills at all in doing what needs to be done.

You are ignorant. Active shooter training for teachers is required in Missouri.
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My gosh! Reading the posts on here if we are supposed to take all the guns away from evil people and involuntarily hospitalized half of y'all would lose your guns and standing in the window at Arkham. If you think this comment is about you then maybe you should evaluate your choices.
Americans are weak and cowardly murderers and therefore nobody should own an AR-15. This is the same claim made by despots throughout history who murdered millions.

In order to make your ridiculous post truthful, you have to ignore the 20th century up to the time you are claiming. You make this claim that Democrats reduced the scourge of mass killings for political posturing. This is in line with the idea of ignoring large spans of time, so that laws passed against lynching can still be seen as relevant. This statement is incoherent and unhinged from objective reality.
Gun ownership hasn't changed. Communities and people have changed for the worse. The police on hand literally waited for a safe space.
You wrote a door lock prevented police from breeching a door, when this is literally what cops do everyday. Having trouble breaking through a locked classroom door is an excuse made by cowards.
Being weak is no excuse for being a coward. This is the actual claim being made by Democrats.
We are weak and cowardly and 4th graders needed to die to prove our point.
Gun ownership hasn’t changed?
18 year olds legally OWNING AR-15s???
You are full of ship
So get rid of both vehicles and guns? CDC says guns are used defensively up to 2.5 million times a year.
While studies in 2016 found that motor vehicle accidents surpassed gun deaths for children, a roughly 30% spike in the latter between 2019 and 2020 made firearms the leading cause of death, according to an analysis of CDC data published in the New England Journal of Medicine in late April.

The CDC reported 4,368 child deaths by gunfire in 2020, the vast majority of which were homicides, followed by suicides. Unintentional gun deaths and deaths where a motive could not be determined accounted for a very small portion of the data.
A lock on the classroom door is one of the most basic and widely recommended school safety measures. But in Uvalde, it kept victims in and police out.

Nearly 20 officers stood in a hallway outside of the classrooms school for more than 45 minutes before agents used a master key to open the classroom’s locked door.
In a early thread you said some well placed AR15 shots would tear a steel door and lock to shreds....hmmmm why didn't the LEO just shoot the door open like in the movies.
THE FACTS: Chicago hasn’t had a ban on handguns for over a decade. And in 2014, a federal judge overturned the city’s ban on gun shops. Big supporters of the NRA, like Ted Cruz, may well know this, given that it was the NRA that sued Chicago over its old handgun ban and argued the case before the U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled the ban unconstitutional in 2010. Yet Cruz still cited Chicago’s gun ban on Friday during his speech at the NRA convention in Houston.
They still have some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation. Do some research and it hasn't stopped gun crime and it never will.
I’m pretty sure on God’s scorecard he counts all of those “gangbangers” as human beings.
Guns are out of control. The “more guns” method has not made things better. Until gun owners start admitting we have a problem and sit down to help with solutions instead of being frightened by Ted Cruz and Greg Abbott and company it will continue to get worse. Doing nothing is not a solution.
We won't compromise ever I donate a lot to the gun lobby why would I ever back trak on the 2A...gun violence isn't a issue where most of the guns owners reside...Fix the issue in those area's and Leave us law abiding citizens alone.

It’s going to happen. You can be part of the solution or just continue to make sophomoric jokes as children die. Russia is getting exactly what they wanted when they poured cash into the NRA.
You make act like a sophomore all the time. Jeez in another thread you literally said Your Boys Choke defund.

Children die daily from a lot of things...since Columbine around 300 kids have been killed in Mass shootings. Around 370 kids a year die from diarrhea.

The problem with people like you is that you believe that ineffective Laws and over regulation will fix the problem. It won't and it never has. Again why do the area's with the most gun restrictions have the most Gun Violence. And outlaw AR15 and they just use another style of weapon....I'm surprised none of these nutters haven't made up a bunch of pipe bombs to toss in class rooms.
Your tweeting and posting here is not part of the solution. I for one have no problem with the second amendment. Have you written your congressman, senator, governor or president?
I do as well with the opposite opinion.....and millions of other GOA do as well.
The bottom line is more and more Americans voters favor stricter gun laws. Repubs better start compromising on gun laws, starting with banning assault rifles, or they are going to lose a lot of independents.
You do know it was those independents buying a lot of guns during BLM chaos and still are buying those guns as we post. As it becomes more apparent that laws are just meaningless words on paper and that LEO have been defanged and can't protect more and more people are waking up to the idea it is everyone's responsibility to protect themselves and theirs.
You do know it was those independents buying a lot of guns during BLM chaos and still are buying those guns as we post. As it becomes more apparent that laws are just meaningless words on paper and that LEO have been defanged and can't protect more and more people are waking up to the idea it is everyone's responsibility to protect themselves and theirs.
You do know assault rifles will be banned soon.
Still no explanation on why there were fewer mass killings when there was a ban on assault weapons. I’ll prepare myself for some manipulated stats to rationalize why it’s not true when we all know it is.
Mass shooting have increased because of the breakdown of Social and Family structures and the increase in mental health issues do to drug usage becoming more prevalent at a younger age. Not a coincidence that increased drug use for the young since the 90's has led to a increase in mass shooting. More people damaging their brains and a few will become paranoid, psychotic and unbalanced and be prone to violence.

You do know assault rifles will be banned soon.
You are wrong on that account. The Senate will never go along with that and the SC and Federal judges will never allow it.

Just for days ago in Lefty land Callie a federal judge stuck down raising the age of owning a AR15.

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Yea. I know kids are dead and you aren’t willing to sacrifice a damn thing to save them. Mr. Selfish
Why would anyone sacrifice a constitutional right that would save themselves and their family and that wouldn't of saved those kids from dying from this highly motivated insane individual? Mr. Irrational....keep believing your warped sense of reality.

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