Stocks in the next recession

Do you know how much money Wall Street will spend to stop Sanders from being the president. I almost hope he is the nominee just to see the bloodbath. The next president is going to take a beating with the recession headed our way.
Do you know how much money Wall Street will spend to stop Sanders from being the president. I almost hope he is the nominee just to see the bloodbath. The next president is going to take a beating with the recession headed our way.

Predict a recession long enough and eventually you'll be right. It's almost like economies are cyclical...
Do you know how much money Wall Street will spend to stop Sanders from being the president. I almost hope he is the nominee just to see the bloodbath. The next president is going to take a beating with the recession headed our way.
Why don't Bernie Sanders supporters insist on cracking down on Crony Capitalism and corruption bit by bit.? This is something that could build bipartisan support. This is better than uprooting the current worst system (except all the others). Once economic individual freedom is removed, freedom is removed. Do you agree?
Why don't Bernie Sanders supporters insist on cracking down on Crony Capitalism and corruption bit by bit.? This is something that could build bipartisan support. This is better than uprooting the current worst system (except all the others). Once economic individual freedom is removed, freedom is removed. Do you agree?

Leftist aka the Dem's hate Capitalism, because most of them are Lazy and jealous of the success of others.Many want to live off the sweat and labors of others while producing nothing... It's not complicated.

Socialism is a emotional based economic system of redistribution of wealth to the less worthy. Sure our Capitalistic system has massive components of Socialism jammed into it, at all levels, Farm subsidy,Social services,Bailout money,gov. grants, and Pork Projects etc etc.

But the Leftist Dem's want to control the whole system from top to bottom and let's be truthful the Massive corporations are on Board with it.They are all mini oligarchy in league with their partners the Government to control all aspects of our lives because of course they believe their so called intellect makes them wiser and they need to shepherd the common peasants to make our lives better.
Leftist aka the Dem's hate Capitalism, because most of them are Lazy and jealous of the success of others.Many want to live off the sweat and labors of others while producing nothing... It's not complicated.

Socialism is a emotional based economic system of redistribution of wealth to the less worthy. Sure our Capitalistic system has massive components of Socialism jammed into it, at all levels, Farm subsidy,Social services,Bailout money,gov. grants, and Pork Projects etc etc.

But the Leftist Dem's want to control the whole system from top to bottom and let's be truthful the Massive corporations are on Board with it.They are all mini oligarchy in league with their partners the Government to control all aspects of our lives because of course they believe their so called intellect makes them wiser and they need to shepherd the common peasants to make our lives better.

But the Leftist Dem's want to control the whole system from top to bottom and let's be truthful the Massive corporations are on Board with it.They are all mini oligarchy in league with their partners the Government to control all aspects of our lives”

You are one mixed up individual. Get help.
But the Leftist Dem's want to control the whole system from top to bottom and let's be truthful the Massive corporations are on Board with it.They are all mini oligarchy in league with their partners the Government to control all aspects of our lives”

You are one mixed up individual. Get help.
Name the massive corporations coordinating with Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren to take over every aspect of your life.

Liz is getting corporate donations. I have not specifically looked at donors for either, but this is America, and its comprised of capitalists that create, manufacture and sell. This is irrelevant and avoids the meat of my questions concerns.

If they want total control. Once it's given away, then what? It seems very complex and I don't think a board of lawmakers can handle the enormity. This has been tried. The results are dismal.

How come you can't explain how this works? Specifically when it comes to corporations cooperating with a central government system.
Liz is getting corporate donations. I have not specifically looked at donors for either, but this is America, and its comprised of capitalists that create, manufacture and sell. This is irrelevant and avoids the meat of my questions concerns.

If they want total control. Once it's given away, then what? It seems very complex and I don't think a board of lawmakers can handle the enormity. This has been tried. The results are dismal.

How come you can't explain how this works? Specifically when it comes to corporations cooperating with a central government system.

We have tons of “cooperation” between the two. We all know how it works. Just follow the money for every single dereg executive order made by Trump.
We have tons of “cooperation” between the two. We all know how it works. Just follow the money for every single dereg executive order made by Trump.
We all do not how it works. Neither you or me or Sanders and Warren.
So you can't explain how their plans can improve the system? I did catch a 2-hour Sanders interview. It is extensive. He could not articulate it in a way that improves the system. He was good at pointing too what he says are problems. These points are debatable.
At the end of the day, he couldn't explain the practical application.
If a man has strong opinions, he should be able to explain his plan. That's not too much to ask.
Here's some interesting stats on stock ownership in the US;
50% of Americans do not owe any stock.
Of the 50% who own stock, 10% own 86% of the stocks, the next 10% own 9% of the stocks. The remaining 80% own less than 5% of stocks.
Somehow, Reps keep telling us how well off we all are because of the stock market.
We have tons of “cooperation” between the two. We all know how it works. Just follow the money for every single dereg executive order made by Trump.
If candidate Sanders took over the toy industry, what would he do?
If candidate Sanders wanted to eliminate the single worst trait a corporation or Wall Street does, (you pick one...i.e greed?) how will he change this?
Here's some interesting stats on stock ownership in the US;
50% of Americans do not owe any stock.
Of the 50% who own stock, 10% own 86% of the stocks, the next 10% own 9% of the stocks. The remaining 80% own less than 5% of stocks.
Somehow, Reps keep telling us how well off we all are because of the stock market.
I don't think I would perish if the SM is not doing well. But when it's not doing well, what happens financially to average people that work or are retired or on assisted living?
Oh I'm sure the economy is better when the stock market is strong, but let's not kid ourselves, the stock market is legalized gambling for the rich. Trump's (self-serving) massive tax cut for the wealthy and corporations did not trickle down, as the wealthy just bought back stocks they sold off during the '08 crash. And let's not forget, the tax cut for the wealthy is permanent, while the tax cut for the rest of us expires in 2025.
Name the massive corporations coordinating with Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren to take over every aspect of your life.
Choose any non Trump related soundbite of the recent Bernie Sanders. How does he detail his plans or address the issue?
Oh I'm sure the economy is better when the stock market is strong, but let's not kid ourselves, the stock market is legalized gambling for the rich. Trump's (self-serving) massive tax cut for the wealthy and corporations did not trickle down, as the wealthy just bought back stocks they sold off during the '08 crash. And let's not forget, the tax cut for the wealthy is permanent, while the tax cut for the rest of us expires in 2025.
Good. But how will your candidate specifically a address your fears or make significant changes? As for me, I am not directly affected yet. At least until the next recession.
If candidate Sanders took over the toy industry, what would he do?
If candidate Sanders wanted to eliminate the single worst trait a corporation or Wall Street does, (you pick one...i.e greed?) how will he change this?

Sanders has never proposed to take over the toy industry. Sanders has already proposed a requirement of having employees represented on corporate boards of directors like they do in Germany.

Sanders wants to tax the greed. I assume you think he wants to “take over” every industry in the country?
Choose any non Trump related soundbite of the recent Bernie Sanders. How does he detail his plans or address the issue?

Sanders doesn’t use the John Wayne/Clint Eastwood method of repeating a 2-3 word sound bite which is very effective because it is easy for the simple minded to follow and repeat. Like “Build the Wall” , “Fake News” and “No collusion”. His policies are a bit more complicated. However his inability to make it simple for you is a weakness. Seriously.
Sanders has never proposed to take over the toy industry. Sanders has already proposed a requirement of having employees represented on corporate boards of directors like they do in Germany.

Sanders wants to tax the greed. I assume you think he wants to “take over” every industry in the country?
I think the Toy industry is a model for you, to give an explanation. Economic model of Socialism on a smaller scale.
To me Bernie and his crew do a poor job of selling M4A to small businesses and workers themselves. Hey small business and school district want to discontinue this spiraling cost of health Ins and the headache of having to shop around for it every year??? Get rid of this burden with M4A.

Hey workers with kids, unable to switch jobs due to health ins considerations? M4A.
All Dem candidates will repeal wealthy tax cut.

While Obamacare isn't perfect, he tried to do something. Reps have done nothing. Health insurance and prescription drug costs are breaking the middle class.
Sanders doesn’t use the John Wayne/Clint Eastwood method of repeating a 2-3 word sound bite which is very effective because it is easy for the simple minded to follow and repeat. Like “Build the Wall” , “Fake News” and “No collusion”. His policies are a bit more complicated. However his inability to make it simple for you is a weakness. Seriously.
This is objectively false. Sanders does repeat Medicare or Healthcare for all very loudly and he gets applause. He doesn't say Universal or Single pay. He's not the carnival barker on trumps level. He's very demonstrative in most things he says and he's as left as anyone on all the major issues with minor exceptions.
He is not complicated either, he's trying to remake a complicated industry. He pretends climate change, anti Trump and healthcare are not vehicles to his individual power. This is a huge endeavor. I only say this to say, these are the facts. I have nothing against the guy. But I do wish he was up front about where this could lead, but pass it off as doing something that is not risky for every person.
Here's some interesting stats on stock ownership in the US;
50% of Americans do not owe any stock.
Of the 50% who own stock, 10% own 86% of the stocks, the next 10% own 9% of the stocks. The remaining 80% own less than 5% of stocks.
Somehow, Reps keep telling us how well off we all are because of the stock market.

How many of those who own stock actually own the stock, versus purchased thru a mutual fund?
This is objectively false. Sanders does repeat Medicare or Healthcare for all very loudly and he gets applause. He doesn't say Universal or Single pay. He's not the carnival barker on trumps level. He's very demonstrative in most things he says and he's as left as anyone on all the major issues with minor exceptions.
He is not complicated either, he's trying to remake a complicated industry. He pretends climate change, anti Trump and healthcare are not vehicles to his individual power. This is a huge endeavor. I only say this to say, these are the facts. I have nothing against the guy. But I do wish he was up front about where this could lead, but pass it off as doing something that is not risky for every person.

1. He doesn't have minions chant Medicare for All!
Medicare for all!!!
2. No one said Bernie was complicated anywhere on any post
on any msgboard. If you are trying to say implementing a
universal health care plan or getting off of fossil fuels is not
complicated then you must be a wizard. These are not things
you can completely cover in a TV interview. This is why I think
Bernie and Co does a poor job of selling it.
3. He is the one candidate in 2016 and 2020 who doesn't pretend anything. He believes in what he says and says what he believes. He has been pushing the same agenda for 40 years.
If you hate his agenda, don't vote for him.
4. When giving your subjective opinion, using the word
objectively doesn't make it so.
5. There is no way the financial powers who control both major parties are going to let Bernie Sanders be the president of the US.
1. He doesn't have minions chant Medicare for All!
Medicare for all!!!
2. No one said Bernie was complicated anywhere on any post
on any msgboard. If you are trying to say implementing a
universal health care plan or getting off of fossil fuels is not
complicated then you must be a wizard. These are not things
you can completely cover in a TV interview. This is why I think
Bernie and Co does a poor job of selling it.
3. He is the one candidate in 2016 and 2020 who doesn't pretend anything. He believes in what he says and says what he believes. He has been pushing the same agenda for 40 years.
If you hate his agenda, don't vote for him.
4. When giving your subjective opinion, using the word
objectively doesn't make it so.
5. There is no way the financial powers who control both major parties are going to let Bernie Sanders be the president of the US.

You did a poor job copy and pasting this.
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But the Leftist Dem's want to control the whole system from top to bottom and let's be truthful the Massive corporations are on Board with it.They are all mini oligarchy in league with their partners the Government to control all aspects of our lives”

You are one mixed up individual. Get help.

You offer no evidence or even a meaningful refute my claims.

Really the Leftist Dem's and Massive Corporations don't fit that aspect. The Dem's have created a population dependent on hand outs. Handing out food, Medical care, housing, birth control and on and on. I actually did that for awhile working for the Gov. as Income maintenance worker. I know how those programs work and how the indoctrinate. ..Plus hand outs to the producers....Farm Subs, tax breaks for business, special compensation for blighted area's and the List goes on and on that benefit the Wealthy Liberal elites as well as Old school Capitalist.

The Gov. took control with massive amounts of regulations, red tape and such making it so that small business can't hardly compete or thrive because all the Rules benefit Corporations which they Love. The Dem's drove this aspect of Regulation. Of course now almost all Politicians are in the control business.

Use to be it was just Regulation and Monetary issue the Gov/Dem's wanted to control but now the Gov./DemsCorp wants to control ....Freedom of speech issue...because you know some words are toxic and hurtful so it's Hate speech. The circumvention of the 2nd amendment by the Dem's and Corporations with funds to promote their agenda..while a minimal 11-13 thousand people die a year from gun violence.

As far as Corporations go at one time their was real competition and those corp. where worried about Profit. But now They are in the control the narrative business as well. Examples.....Levi Strauss anti-gun stance even though their demographic is against them and cost them business. Gillette Toxic Male propaganda ad's, Nike CK and Crap on the Flag ad campaign,Hollywood continued Spewing of garbage against the Fly over states and their God,Gun's and religious beliefs. And let's not even go into Big Pharm which since the 70's has pushed a everyone needs a Drug for better living approach making more money than most Countries GDP.

Now if you think I give Republicans a Free pass...I don't they are Flaccid and a non-factor for the most part and just worried about filling their own belly's getting Fatter and softer by the day. As long as they are getting serviced they just let most things slide. Just taking stand on the Tired and boring emotional issues that people tend to vote for or against. Abortion etc etc...

They will eventually knuckle down and Get on board with taking away a lot of 1st and 2nd amendment rights in the guise of doing it for our own good. They will accept the pay outs and become docile for the most part.

This isn't a Red versus Blue issue this is a wealthy Conservative/Liberal elite vs a Common Man issue.
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All Dem candidates will repeal wealthy tax cut.

While Obamacare isn't perfect, he tried to do something. Reps have done nothing. Health insurance and prescription drug costs are breaking the middle class.

I agree but you won't like the solution..almost nobody does it's to distasteful. I work for a hospital so got some insight and see this first hand. First Insurance Co. make a crap ton of profit, which is good and bad. But that is their purpose. And at one time Insurance companies could provide a BENEFIT and offer cheap and affordable healthcare.

But along came the Gov. offering their version of Insurance..medicaid and Medicare....which doesn't pay out enough to cover the Cost HMMMM so the hospitals started charging those who can pay Insurance Co. with outrages prices to cover the gov. shortfall or the non-pay that can't be refused..... a single Tylenol is 20$, a simple Xray is thousands, a toothbrush is 10$ and on and on....Of course Doctors,Administrators,Nurses, etc. all make a pretty good salary as well and this all adds up.

So in response to the Hospital Price gouging of the working Tax payers who also pay the premiums,co-pay's, deductibles etc. the Insurance CO. started inflating all those to maintain a profit margin that is acceptable.

See the issue is those who are not producing and paying their fair share. Now I'm not talking about the Blind,Mentally handicapped, or those in wheel chairs etc. I think almost everyone is willing to pony up some for them ...Nope I'm talking about the legions of shiftless poor who abuse and use the system for things that the rest of us workers would never dream of using it for because it COST us money.

Take away the access for the Leaches and the system reboots and Private Healthcare Insurance is back on track.

The reality is that their should be two Hospital system's....the Free gov. system with bargain basement care..and Private for pay hospital system for those of us who shell out taxes for the Gov. system and pay premiums for our healthcare. We should get the cutting edge care....they not at all.

Free Healthcare isn't a right...No where in our constitution does it talk about getting access to or payed for free healthcare. It's a service that is paid for simple as that.

A person level of care should be based on their ability to pay. Not unlike what type of car you can afford is based income, or what type of Vacation destination is affordable.
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1. He doesn't have minions chant Medicare for All!
Medicare for all!!!
2. No one said Bernie was complicated anywhere on any post
on any msgboard. If you are trying to say implementing a
universal health care plan or getting off of fossil fuels is not
complicated then you must be a wizard. These are not things
you can completely cover in a TV interview. This is why I think
Bernie and Co does a poor job of selling it.
3. He is the one candidate in 2016 and 2020 who doesn't pretend anything. He believes in what he says and says what he believes. He has been pushing the same agenda for 40 years.
If you hate his agenda, don't vote for him.
4. When giving your subjective opinion, using the word
objectively doesn't make it so.
5. There is no way the financial powers who control both major parties are going to let Bernie Sanders be the president of the US.

Bernie does believe is Spill that is true and bad he Spews a Leftist unrealistic Plan. Universal Healthcare is a hard thing to implement in a Country with 400 million People..and not send the system into a tail spin. His climate change stuff is laughable. Only one way to get off fossil fuel's and that is to go Nuclear which the Leftist would never go for. Oil is our life blood....Plastic,Fertilizer, Fuel etc. etc.

The only way to actually effect world wide climate change is to reduce the worlds population by about 3-4 Billion. Or make that 3 to for Billion live a life style with out Modern convenience that doesn't rely on Petroleum to drive it's engine.

Or maybe someone with come up with a Miracle energy source.

You are correct the Major Corporations would never let the Dem's nominate Sanders. He is to overt and would eventually want to take away their control. Which makes him a with all his crazy Leftist ideas a bit more palatable to me.
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Name the massive corporations coordinating with Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren to take over every aspect of your life.

It's not a coordinated attack. Corporations are almost uncontrollable because those in charge almost never are responsible for the corporations actions or failures.

What happens is Corporations act in their best interest or follow their leaders ideals and then group together with Like minded Parties and Politicians and then enact legislation and policy that takes over every aspect of a person life. Look how Bloomberg pumped massive money into Virgin to get people elected to put forth gun policy's. Or how the Koch brothers pump money and align with politicians to further their agenda and profit. Which end up controlling bit's and piece of our lives.

All of this is done in small bites and is not a Cabal from a Back room star chamber. And really the parties probably believe they are doing what is right for the People because they have so much hubris and look down on the Common folk as uneducated and needing their guiding control to live a better life.
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It's not a coordinated attack. Corporations are almost uncontrollable because those in charge almost never are responsible for the corporations actions or failures.

What happens is Corporations act in their best interest or follow their leaders ideals and then group together with Like minded Parties and Politicians and then enact legislation and policy that takes over every aspect of a person life. Look how Bloomberg pumped massive money into Virgin to get people elected to put forth gun policy's. Or how the Koch brothers pump money and align with politicians to further their agenda and profit. Which end up controlling bit's and piece of our lives.

All of this is done in small bites and is not a Cabal from a Back room star chamber. And really the parties probably believe they are doing what is right for the People because they have so much hubris and look down on the Common folk as uneducated and needing their guiding control to live a better life.

pard, they don’t do anything in small bites.
Corporate lawyers write the actual legislation.
Bernie does believe is Spill that is true and bad he Spews a Leftist unrealistic Plan. Universal Healthcare is a hard thing to implement in a Country with 400 million People..and not send the system into a tail spin. His climate change stuff is laughable. Only one way to get off fossil fuel's and that is to go Nuclear which the Leftist would never go for. Oil is our life blood....Plastic,Fertilizer, Fuel etc. etc.

The only way to actually effect world wide climate change is to reduce the worlds population by about 3-4 Billion. Or make that 3 to for Billion live a life style with out Modern convenience that doesn't rely on Petroleum to drive it's engine.

Or maybe someone with come up with a Miracle energy source.

You are correct the Major Corporations would never let the Dem's nominate Sanders. He is to overt and would eventually want to take away their control. Which makes him a with all his crazy Leftist ideas a bit more palatable to me.

Down deep I believe Bernie and his followers know that M4A is not going to come to fruition, however the longer they maintain that extreme position and make that the goal of more and more people, the further to the left the final solution will be. As in a public option.
pard, they don’t do anything in small bites.
Corporate lawyers write the actual legislation.

Every bit of legislation is a small bite....they didn't just pass one big Legislative bill and change it. Small bites that eventually corrupt the system. But I think you knew that.

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