Stay Classy Blue Springs

It will be interesting to see if there is any suspension on top of the automatic game he has to miss because of rule.
Why when it's a black kid is "thug" always the go-to adjective? Seems like a trend.

I've literally never heard a white person referred to as a thug for any reason.

Well I do recall a group of white football players being called thugs, it was the Fall of 2007, ON THIS EXACT message board.

A poster referred to the 2007 Maysville Wolverines football team as and I quote: "a bunch of thugs in jerseys". And just a little fun fact you Mr Gump, there was not a single Black, Hispanic, Asian or member of any other ethnicity on that football team and I know that to be a fact 100%. Every single player was white.

The term thug refers to ones actions, not their ethnicity.

The crazy soccer fans(or football fans as they call them across the water) are often referred to as football thugs for their streetfighting and rioting after soccer matches in England.
Why is it so hard to believe in the heat of the moment, the kid made a bad mistake? Thug describes who someone is. It doesn't describe their actions.
Wow, I actually agree with Scout.

Kids screw up, often majorly, when they are 15-18 years old. If they are punished and learn from it, then we should all move on.

To call this kid, or any kid, a "thug" based on an incident like this is pejorative at best.

No one isn't saying the kid didn't screw up. The problem is with kids these days, and many times this starts at home, there isn't any consequences anymore for a kids screwing up or making a mistake. Yes he got suspended for one game, but that is because he got ejected, and that suspension comes from the state. There should be some other kind of consequence by the school, but it was done on part or the school and participation of a school activity.

It is no different to me as if a kid gets caught drinking. I believe they are automatically suspended a certain amount of time and that is from Mshsaa and than the school usually has their own punishment. That should be over and above the mshsaa punishment. I mean the kid actually took a step back after he got up, had a few seconds, and even with this his teammates all happy and congratulating him, he took a step or two into the kid and kicked him in the side. If this was in a basketball game and a kid threw a punch at another and knocked him down, you really think he would only get one game? Can anyone tell me if this has happened?

And yes it says, "could" become ineligible, doesn't say he would.

And as far as the word thug goes, society has made the term racist so broad, pretty soon everyone is going to be a racist and the word isn't going to mean much anymore, because you won't be able to say or do anything. Pretty sad for those who experience true racism.
This doesn't have to become a question of nomenclature. One could certainly recognize the behavior as thuggish. Whether he is a "thug" is up to the opinion of his schoolmates and coach that live around him. Not up to the judgment of trolls on a board witnessing one play, and one bad incident. A one game suspension is enough for this offense.

Dick Butkus was a thug.
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This doesn't have to become a question of nomenclature. One could certainly recognize the behavior as thuggish. Whether he is a "thug" is up to the opinion of his schoolmates and coach that live around him. Not up to the judgment of trolls on a board witnessing one play, and one bad incident. A one game suspension is enough for this offense.

So you are ok with a punch in a basketball game only giving out a one game suspension?
So you are ok with a punch in a basketball game only giving out a one game suspension?
You are making a false comparison. Are you okay with PADS and full contact in basketball? Until then, a hypothetical punch in one sport doesn't warrant comparison to the other.
How about a punch in hockey?
Different from a punch at a track and field event? How about a punch at a band contest? Math contest? Some of these sports or events by their very nature create an implied or open liscence for physical contact. Football is one of them..
You are making a false comparison. Are you okay with PADS and full contact in basketball? Until then, a hypothetical punch in one sport doesn't warrant comparison to the other.
How about a punch in hockey?
Different from a punch at a track and field event? How about a punch at a band contest? Math contest? Some of these sports or events by their very nature create an implied or open liscence for physical contact. Football is one of them..

In high school you can't govern emotion. You have to govern acts. It has to be a bit more black and white or you will opening yourself up to a lot of parent lawsuits.
So you are ok with a punch in a basketball game only giving out a one game suspension?
1 game in football equals 10% of the guaranteed games in a season. 1 game in basketball does not.

It's not a valid argument. It would actually equal out to about 2 and a half games in basketball, so in reality, mshsaa has the strictest ejection penalty placed on football already.
1 game in football equals 10% of the guaranteed games in a season. 1 game in basketball does not.

It's not a valid argument. It would actually equal out to about 2 and a half games in basketball, so in reality, mshsaa has the strictest ejection penalty placed on football already.

So I guess you all believe that for high school, there shouldn't be a school punishment on top of the Mshsaa punishment?
I think Coach Donahoe, will handle any additional disciplinary action(s) as he sees fit, and to the school district guidelines. Let's let coaches do their jobs, and if the district feels it should be handled differently, they will take care of the way the coach handles it.
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In high school you can't govern emotion. You have to govern acts. It has to be a bit more black and white or you will opening yourself up to a lot of parent lawsuits.
The pandoras box would have been opened if the illegal contact in this situation resulted in injury. Then you have a strong case for a civil judgment and even criminal liability. However, since that didn't happen...suspension of some kind is warranted to strongly discourage this kind of behavior.
Thug is racist first I time I have ever heard of that in my life. Heck I just called the boy who broke my daughters heart a thug...

I wonder what we would be discussing if it had been the other player doing the kicking....would he be a racist?
The kid hated getting tackled so maybe it was a hate crime.:(

I trust a school like Blue Springs will take care of this following their district rules and policy, and I'm a West fan. Time for this board to move on.
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Yeah, once.
And how frequently do we see convicted rapists getting probation (more than a couple high profile cases there); face it, lack of accountability is a serious problem among young adults in our society today.
Which generation is more entitled: Baby Boomers or Millennials?
Millennials by a mile! (And I'm no baby boomer); why do you ask?
frequently do we see convicted rapists getting probation (more than a couple high profile cases there); face it, lack of accountability is a serious problem among young adults in our society today.
If one were to be swayed by anecdotal evidence, that more of a problem with adults than kids, since they're the ones giving out the punishment.
Millennials by a mile! (And I'm no baby boomer); why do you ask?
Because I vehemently disagree. Since about 1965, baby boomers have given themselves more stuff than any generation in American history without a thought as to how to pay for it. About $20T in goodies at last count. Also have plunged us into eternal conflict in the Middle East, a place where we have very little business being. All gigantic messes they've left for Millenials. Thanks for that!
I lost respect for my coaches when they kept sticking those needles in my teammates knees. Almost lost my scholarship to Brown because of it!
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If one were to be swayed by anecdotal evidence, that more of a problem with adults than kids, since they're the ones giving out the punishment.

Because I vehemently disagree. Since about 1965, baby boomers have given themselves more stuff than any generation in American history without a thought as to how to pay for it. About $20T in goodies at last count. Also have plunged us into eternal conflict in the Middle East, a place where we have very little business being. All gigantic messes they've left for Millenials. Thanks for that!
Hard to argue with the spending and lack of accountability. I completely agree Cow (hell just froze), Baby Boomers are the ones that should be in control. But their lack of control is really obvious. Problem is, there isn't a lot of rebellion against. Baby Boomers are no doubt rebelling against tough economic times and hard-handed discipline during their youth. But I don't really see Millennials changing it back, just growing the trend. There seems to be less accountability each and every day. Things typically move in cycles though, so I suppose it could change.
That more of a problem with adults than kids, since they're the ones giving out the punishment.
Couldn't agree more! (So nice to find common ground! ;))

That's why my very first post in this thread was regarding the respect I'd lose for the adults in the situation if this player was only given a slap on the wrist.
Because I vehemently disagree. Since about 1965, baby boomers have given themselves more stuff than any generation in American history without a thought as to how to pay for it.
The millennials are only just now getting old enough to have the power to do the same (give it time); but to your first point (the one that I whole-heartedly agree with), it is indeed the behavior of the previous generation that is largely to blame for the behavior of the current...
Because that seems to be the go-to pejorative anytime a black person does something wrong. I've literally never heard a white person referred to as a thug for any reason.

Give it a rest. Turning everything into a race issue is tired and overused by the Liberal agenda.
Why is it so hard to believe in the heat of the moment, the kid made a bad mistake? Thug describes who someone is. It doesn't describe their actions.

Im guessing not knowing him and caring less of eithers skin color that by his reaction it wasnt his first rodeo. People whom have unagressive natures regardless of the moment dont kick other people in the midsection. The immediate reaction was attack, sorry that isnt something that all the sudden comes out. Your either that guy or your not. I think one game is laughable and now that it has been seen by thousands I think would be a blackeye on the sport and program. You cant preach sportsmanship etc and have this video floating around without a strong disciplinary action being taken. Two to four games if not the season. And agree with most posts why is everything some of you see only black and white instead of just two players?
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