1) It’s really hard to sit there and say that because 1 Pub voted with Dem’s on this makes it partisan. Even Chris Cuomo said this exact thing when a Pub argued that same point about if 1 Dem voted to acquit.Not 100% partisan ... Mitt Romney. Many times I’ve heard it said that there are many R’s who may have voted differently if it was a secret ballot. They’re just afraid of the repercussions from DJT’s tweets and hateful words during a prayer even
Bolton said he would testify “if the Senate subpoenaed” him.
197-0 in House on both articles
52-1 in Senate on one
53-0 in the Senate on the other
2) Please give proof on where Pubs have said they would vote against in a private setting. I’ve literally watched this hole thing from beginning to end, on multiple channels cause I want to hear it from both sides. Not one channel, while I’ve been watching, has mentioned that.