Snapshot of what is happening on Campuses all over America

Chief Justice

Well-Known Member
May 23, 2016
“Bernie is asking for a political revolution and college students are some of the main demographic he is speaking to,” Elizabeth Prier, communications director for the Young Democrats of Watauga County, told students at Appalachian State University’s Plemmons Student Union.

That was a year ago.

This year, Prier became one of four ASU students arrested for spray painting "F--- Trump," "F--- Cops" and "Black Lives Matter" on a police car and stores in downtown Boone, North Carolina.

Watauga County is divided between rural conservative voters and the students of Appalachian State University. Boone has a smaller population than the number of students at ASU. The tug of war between residents and students made it a swing county going by very narrow margins from Obama to Romney.

The Watauga County Board of Elections had been forced to add an early voting site on campus so that ASU students wouldn’t be expected to walk a few blocks over to vote even while rural voters were being disenfranchised and expected to travel for miles. ASU students won. And the natives lost.

Hillary Clinton won Watauga County, but it didn’t give her the state. And the ASU leftists lashed out.

At four in the morning, the four feminists went to work. The Appalachian Antique Mall, its cozy windows still filled with shining lights and gifts, was defaced with hateful scrawls of “Black Lives Matter” and “Ruled by White Supremacy”. Earth Fare, an organic food supermarket, was denounced for “Neoliberalism”. The term is largely associated with the anti-free enterprise radical left.

The Dan’l Boone Inn, a family restaurant in one of the oldest buildings in town serving Southern Fried Chicken and Black Cherry Preserves, was smeared. The vandals did their worst to a Boone police cruiser.

ASU facilities had also been vandalized making it all too easy to figure out who was responsible. A tip to High Country Crime Stoppers located the culprits who were predictably ASU students.

The four, Elizabeth Prier, 22,, Julia Grainger, 22, Taryn Bledsoe, 22, and Hannah Seay, 21 were part of Appalachian State University’s social justice crowd. The meaning of what happened to them goes beyond the vandalism in downtown Boone. It was the endpoint of the indoctrination into extremism on campuses across the country that transforms students into vandals and violent protesters.

How did Elizabeth Prier go from campaigning from Bernie Sanders to vandalism within a year?

Prier had headed up communications for LIPS: Expressions of Female Sexuality. The self-described “lesbian feminist” had also co-founded FEM Radio to discuss “gender and minority issues”.

Julia Grainger is the Director of Marketing for the Appalachian Social Justice Educators club. ASJE is the center of social justice radicalization at ASU. Its logo is a black power fist. Julia had made headlines in the past for attacking a fraternity’s efforts to combat sexual assault. She had denounced fraternities as, “hyper-masculine, rape culture perpetrating cesspools” and their members as, “sexist, racist, homophobic, ignorant trash.”

During her rant, Julia quoted Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Pedagogy is a Marxist text that is widely used in teacher-training. But its brand of education is indoctrinating students to their role in the struggle between the “oppressors” and the “oppressed”. It is how “social justice educators” are manufactured.

Julia and the other vandals believed that they were the oppressed. They had been taken in as teenagers and had been transformed into exactly what the modern college education had been designed to achieve. The vandalism was not out of step with their education at ASU. It was the intended outcome.

Hannah Seay condemned “environmental racism” and had taken part in the Intersect social justice “three-day immersion retreat aimed at empowering students to take positive action on our campus”. Its logo, like much of campus social justice activism, was also the black power fist. Such retreats can resemble cult indoctrination sessions in which individual identity is beaten down through criticism.

Protesting a North Carolina bill to protect women from being attacked by men in the bathroom, Seay described it as “a reflection of a state that relentlessly enacts violence upon black and brown queer and trans communities.” You did not have to listen too hard to hear the hatred or the radicalism.

Like some of the other alleged vandals, Prier was obsessed with identity politics. Her social media shows the effect that the new academic obsession with deconstructing identity appeared to be having on her young psyche.

"This semester has been such a transformation as far as my gender identity goes and I couldn't be more thankful," Elizabeth wrote early in her time at Appalachian.

"Some days I wake up and I don't feel like a girl at all,"

The gender class that Elizabeth was taking at Appalachian State University had changed her sense of self. And she wasn’t alone. Obsession with gender and identity was a running theme among the vandals.

Identity politics deconstructs identity and takes the resulting confusion, anger and frustration, and directs it outward in pursuit of the left’s radical causes. Identity politics studies resemble classic brainwashing techniques used by cults and totalitarian governments. These brainwashing techniques for deconstructing and reconstructing identity are most effective when practiced on the young.

The four were the product of the same process that has spread protests, assaults and faked hate crimes across so many campuses. Campus identity politics studies are a taxpayer funded violent campus cult that seeks to create a fanatical following willing to do anything in the name of its utopian ideal while expanding its influence through lies and threats. Like cults, identity politics offers a false sense of love while spreading paranoia, violence and hatred among its followers.

While Appalachian may not be the first name that comes to mind when thinking of radical campuses, leftist radicalism had become deeply embedded in the former teacher’s college. Gender, Women’s and Sexuality Studies at ASU is headed by Kim Q. Hall. Hall was the co-author of “Whiteness” which encouraged “resistance” to whiteness. The ASU campus features a “Tunnel of Oppression”.

Controversy flared up last year when racist “white privilege” boards denouncing white students, Christians and women were put up by social justice activists. A student who objected to its hateful leftist message faced harassment and threats. One message said: “This white girl deserves all of the cyberbullying because she’s white and has never experienced oppression.”

The associate director of University Housing-Residence Life refused requests to remove the hate board.

And violence was never very far from the mix. The Appalachian Social Justice Educators club could be seen promoting Rayquan Borum who had shot another protester at a Black Lives Matter protest for Keith Lamont Scott. Even though Borum had admitted to the crime and the attack was caught on video, the racist Black Nationalist movements behind the protests have spread claims that Borum was framed.

Instead of protecting students from social justice hate, ASU administrators instead chose to intimidate them. A Bias Incident Response Team (BIRT) was rolled out to deal with “unwelcome” speech.

But when actual criminal acts are committed by social justice activists, administrations ignore them. They have to because the ugly truth is that left-wing hate on campus does not come from without, but from within. The women who vandalized local businesses and the campus had been radicalized on campus. When ASU administrators refused to denounce hateful acts, such as the privilege hate boards, they opened the door for their racist messages being scrawled on a larger and more illegal scale.

When the Boone police department announced that the women had been identified, social media messages from other radical students cheered the perpetrators. The supporters had social media profiles touting everything from white privilege to the black panthers to white genocide.

What happened in ASU is a snapshot of what is taking place in campuses across America. Radical indoctrination metastasizes into radical action. What begins with online harassment and minor vandalism escalates into physical violence and terrorism. The old lessons of the sixties are being retaught all over again. And the old battles against leftist campus radicalism must be refought.
When the Boone police department announced that the women had been identified, social media messages from other radical students cheered the perpetrators. The supporters had social media profiles touting everything from white privilege to the black panthers to white genocide.
Like the New York Islamists that stood on the rooftops and cheered when the twin towers fell? No way.
Like the New York Islamists that stood on the rooftops and cheered when the twin towers fell? No way.
If you question a reporter, that turned out to be handicapped, even though he'd written a column reporting the glee of Muslims on rooftops, you'll be a marked as a racist.
If you question a reporter, that turned out to be handicapped, even though he'd written a column reporting the glee of Muslims on rooftops, you'll be a marked as a racist.

Is it not a belittling statement to say a handicapped reporter can not handle criticism as well as a non-handicap reporter?
Liberal justice, everyone is a victim...
If you question a reporter, that turned out to be handicapped, even though he'd written a column reporting the glee of Muslims on rooftops, you'll be a marked as a racist.

What if you flail your arms like someone with cerebral palsy when telling a story about a writer who has the disease? Does that earn your vote and support?
Is it not a belittling statement to say a handicapped reporter can not handle criticism as well as a non-handicap reporter?
Liberal justice, everyone is a victim...
Perhaps if Trump had noticed his wrists were deformed. He was too busy calling him out for lying about the article he'd written in aftermath of 9/11, that claimed he saw Muslims cheering on rooftops. When Donald claimed he saw Muslims cheering from rooftops, the reporter went after him like SJW do. They lie, they double down, and they project themselves as victims. The reporter lied about the article he'd written.
Translation Serge Kovaleski is not a herky-jerky disabled person.
I'm not pretending Trump is an angel. But he's not about to put up with that crap, and he certainly didn't know Serge was disabled. BTW, Trump got 4 Pinocchio's on the fact checker. It's fun to go back to fact check and disprove them. The media lies.
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What if you flail your arms like someone with cerebral palsy when telling a story about a writer who has the disease? Does that earn your vote and support?
Didn't happen that way. Never did, never will. Being married doesn't mean you don't hate women, marrying an African-American doesn't mean your not racist, Marrying a Jew, doesn't mean your not antisemitic, working with Aids patients doesn't mean you're not homophobic, and being black, Mexican or Chinese does not mean your not a white supremacist. There's literally no defense against the social justice warriors. There are only soft and hard targets. That's what they look for. The entire democratic party has been built on this since 1990.
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Didn't happen that way. Never did, never will. Being married doesn't mean you don't hate women, marrying an African-American doesn't mean your not racist, Marrying a Jew, doesn't mean your not antisemitic, working with Aids patients doesn't mean you're not homophobic, and being black, Mexican or Chinese does not mean your not a white supremacist. There's literally no defense against the social justice warriors. There are only soft and hard targets. That's what they look for. The entire democratic party has been built on this since 1990.
Never apologize to SJW either. They don't seek apologies for the reasons normal people do. They don't seek a contrite person. They want to dam them to hell and any public punishment is merited. The bigger they are, the more they can push the narratives. For this reason, CEO's, Sports Figures etc...etc... get axed.
Didn't happen that way. Never did, never will. Being married doesn't mean you don't hate women, marrying an African-American doesn't mean your not racist, Marrying a Jew, doesn't mean your not antisemitic, working with Aids patients doesn't mean you're not homophobic, and being black, Mexican or Chinese does not mean your not a white supremacist. There's literally no defense against the social justice warriors. There are only soft and hard targets. That's what they look for. The entire democratic party has been built on this since 1990.

I wasted a good portion of my year following the campaign. Trump, did in fact only flail his arms in that manner one time in the entire campaign. Only while making fun of a crippled reporter. That's the kind of person you want running the country. Sickening. Has nothing to do with PC. Just decency.
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There are a lot of things about Donald Trump that I personally do not like. That being said I think it is time that we clean up politics in the nations capital. We need to gut this pig we call the federal government and give it back to the people.

I think he is exactly the guy for that job.
There are a lot of things about Donald Trump that I personally do not like. That being said I think it is time that we clean up politics in the nations capital. We need to gut this pig we call the federal government and give it back to the people.

I think he is exactly the guy for that job.
By loading up with billionaires, calling out the judicial branch of government every time he doesn't get his way, lying about everything from crowd size, weather, and anything else he deems will put him in a better light. You have a strange idea what gutting the pig looks like. Seems to me we just got a louder, more egotistical and lover of alternative fact pig.:confused:
By loading up with billionaires, calling out the judicial branch of government every time he doesn't get his way, lying about everything from crowd size, weather, and anything else he deems will put him in a better light. You have a strange idea what gutting the pig looks like. Seems to me we just got a louder, more egotistical and lover of alternative fact pig.:confused:
The Federal Court over stepped it's boundaries! President Trump has legal right to stop the inflow of possibly dangerous people into our country, in fact it is his duty! When are you people going to understand that this is not the same world as it was for our grandfathers and their grandfathers before them who came to this country for a better life as an American, these people coming now want to kill us and kill the American way and the more we allow into this country the easier it will be when that day comes. It is a fact that Islam and Christianity cannot co-exist with the same laws of the land. Look at Sweden, they are just starting to see that they made a mistake by allowing refugees into their country. To protect the Constitution Of The United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic is the oath I took as a Marine back in 67, and I still stand behind that today! Then it was foreign enemies, with an influx of refugees unchecked, it will soon be domestic enemies and our children will be in the streets as they are in all the war torn countries today.
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The Federal Court over stepped it's boundaries! President Trump has legal right to stop the inflow of possibly dangerous people into our country, in fact it is his duty! When are you people going to understand that this is not the same world as it was for our grandfathers and their grandfathers before them who came to this country for a better life as an American, these people coming now want to kill us and kill the American way and the more we allow into this country the easier it will be when that day comes. It is a fact that Islam and Christianity cannot co-exist with the same laws of the land. Look at Sweden, they are just starting to see that they made a mistake by allowing refugees into their country. To protect the Constitution Of The United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic is the oath I took as a Marine back in 67, and I still stand behind that today! Then it was foreign enemies, with an influx of refugees unchecked, it will soon be domestic enemies and our children will be in the streets as they are in all the war torn countries today.

If this were true then Saudi Arabia and others would have been on the list. He did it to appease his voters without really doing it full go. Did he leave Saudi's out because of his business? You have to admit something is up there.
If this were true then Saudi Arabia and others would have been on the list. He did it to appease his voters without really doing it full go. Did he leave Saudi's out because of his business? You have to admit something is up there.
I think the seven countries was just a starting point and our standings with those countries in general. The more hostile countries are listed. That is not to say that the list cannot be expanded if other countries are found to be a problem. I'm not saying Islam is bad, I am saying Islam is bad for our country and our way of life! I believe that we cannot survive as a nation while trying to support every nation that has a conflict and support those refugees that flee their own country. They would not help their own countries so how can we expect them to help ours in our time of need? We can't. They won't. They see the U.S. as a free ride and that is exactly what they are getting while our Veterans go homeless and uncared for. While we have untold numbers on the street, while our mental health patients go unnoticed until they shoot up a school or a factory. We have so many problems here to take care of before we as a nation can feel good about taking care of the rest of the worlds problems!
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I think the seven countries was just a starting point and our standings with those countries in general. The more hostile countries are listed. That is not to say that the list cannot be expanded if other countries are found to be a problem. I'm not saying Islam is bad, I am saying Islam is bad for our country and our way of life! I believe that we cannot survive as a nation while trying to support every nation that has a conflict and support those refugees that flee their own country. They would not help their own countries so how can we expect them to help ours in our time of need? We can't. They won't. They see the U.S. as a free ride and that is exactly what they are getting while our Veterans go homeless and uncared for. While we have untold numbers on the street, while our mental health patients go unnoticed until they shoot up a school or a factory. We have so many problems here to take care of before we as a nation can feel good about taking care of the rest of the worlds problems!

I don't disagree with you. I have believed in limiting immigration as a means to raise wages for Americans for years. But I don't see the alternative uses for our tax dollars that you listed being top priorities for the republican party.
I think the seven countries was just a starting point and our standings with those countries in general. The more hostile countries are listed. That is not to say that the list cannot be expanded if other countries are found to be a problem. I'm not saying Islam is bad, I am saying Islam is bad for our country and our way of life! I believe that we cannot survive as a nation while trying to support every nation that has a conflict and support those refugees that flee their own country. They would not help their own countries so how can we expect them to help ours in our time of need? We can't. They won't. They see the U.S. as a free ride and that is exactly what they are getting while our Veterans go homeless and uncared for. While we have untold numbers on the street, while our mental health patients go unnoticed until they shoot up a school or a factory. We have so many problems here to take care of before we as a nation can feel good about taking care of the rest of the worlds problems!
This is just too reasonable, it will never work. Sorry. The psychology of the Baby Boomers won't allow it. The naive hardship averse generation who treat Coca-Cola "I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony" commercial as revealed truth. Fighting the system and saving the world from war by propping up a system that expropriates the income of millennials in the form of entitlements.
The Washington elite left is the worst. They live in gated communities, send their brats to Sidwell Friends to learn communism, they don't give a crap. The only thing they know about diversity is an ethnic themed restaurant.
The Boomer right is no better, the Bush Adm. junior staffers walked around for 8 years in their reliving their glory days never running out of taxes to cut, or younger poorer people to kill, and act all neo-victorian hypocrite when somebody didn't want to bang them.
Travel and see for yourself. Some parts of America I have visited are unrecognizable. These folks don't learn to be Americans. It's not like I am for every immigrant to treated with suspicion. Trump's immigration policy is still very generous.

This is just too reasonable, it will never work. Sorry. The psychology of the Baby Boomers won't allow it. The naive hardship averse generation who treat Coca-Cola "I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony" commercial as revealed truth. Fighting the system and saving the world from war by propping up a system that expropriates the income of millennials in the form of entitlements.
The Washington elite left is the worst. They live in gated communities, send their brats to Sidwell Friends to learn communism, they don't give a crap. The only thing they know about diversity is an ethnic themed restaurant.
The Boomer right is no better, the Bush Adm. junior staffers walked around for 8 years in their reliving their glory days never running out of taxes to cut, or younger poorer people to kill, and act all neo-victorian hypocrite when somebody didn't want to bang them.
Travel and see for yourself. Some parts of America I have visited are unrecognizable. These folks don't learn to be Americans. It's not like I am for every immigrant to treated with suspicion. Trump's immigration policy is still very generous.

Not to put words in your mouth or take them out but...not "all" baby boomers excepted the elitist Republicans in Washington.

True we trusted them, they let US down.

Trump though far from perfect is at least on our side.

Right now for least he's the best we have...:(
I think the seven countries was just a starting point and our standings with those countries in general. The more hostile countries are listed. That is not to say that the list cannot be expanded if other countries are found to be a problem. I'm not saying Islam is bad, I am saying Islam is bad for our country and our way of life! I believe that we cannot survive as a nation while trying to support every nation that has a conflict and support those refugees that flee their own country. They would not help their own countries so how can we expect them to help ours in our time of need? We can't. They won't. They see the U.S. as a free ride and that is exactly what they are getting while our Veterans go homeless and uncared for. While we have untold numbers on the street, while our mental health patients go unnoticed until they shoot up a school or a factory. We have so many problems here to take care of before we as a nation can feel good about taking care of the rest of the worlds problems!
Hey man, Americans kill and murder too. That makes it OK.
This is just too reasonable, it will never work. Sorry. The psychology of the Baby Boomers won't allow it. The naive hardship averse generation who treat Coca-Cola "I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony" commercial as revealed truth. Fighting the system and saving the world from war by propping up a system that expropriates the income of millennials in the form of entitlements.
The Washington elite left is the worst. They live in gated communities, send their brats to Sidwell Friends to learn communism, they don't give a crap. The only thing they know about diversity is an ethnic themed restaurant.
The Boomer right is no better, the Bush Adm. junior staffers walked around for 8 years in their reliving their glory days never running out of taxes to cut, or younger poorer people to kill, and act all neo-victorian hypocrite when somebody didn't want to bang them.
Travel and see for yourself. Some parts of America I have visited are unrecognizable. These folks don't learn to be Americans. It's not like I am for every immigrant to treated with suspicion. Trump's immigration policy is still very generous.

Are you going to accept your social security payments Fistoh? You know, that "entitlement" program that my dad paid into for 45 years. The program that has prolonged the lives of millions of Americans.
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The Federal Court over stepped it's boundaries! President Trump has legal right to stop the inflow of possibly dangerous people into our country, in fact it is his duty! When are you people going to understand that this is not the same world as it was for our grandfathers and their grandfathers before them who came to this country for a better life as an American, these people coming now want to kill us and kill the American way and the more we allow into this country the easier it will be when that day comes. It is a fact that Islam and Christianity cannot co-exist with the same laws of the land. Look at Sweden, they are just starting to see that they made a mistake by allowing refugees into their country. To protect the Constitution Of The United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic is the oath I took as a Marine back in 67, and I still stand behind that today! Then it was foreign enemies, with an influx of refugees unchecked, it will soon be domestic enemies and our children will be in the streets as they are in all the war torn countries today.
Sure wish the refugee family you came from would have stayed at home. Limiting immigration is one thing, what he said he was going to do. Ban all Muslims is what got him in trouble. Quit tweeting and making stupid statements and he might be able to get some stuff done. I have no problem with extreme vetting or the exporting of criminals that are in this country but please be reasonable. Words and tweets have consequences now that he is the Pres. I take my 1st comment back if you are a Native American
You do understand that the Obama Adm. has had extreme vetting and has already been deporting criminals, but let's not get hung up on facts.
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Are you going to accept your social security payments Fistoh? You know, that "entitlement" program that my dad paid into for 45 years. The program that has prolonged the lives of millions of Americans.
Yes! Yes! and YES. Do you not realize that the disclaimer of my argument is our system of SS won't work with open borders! That unrestricted immigration is not going to solve the problems of entitlement funding, it's going to make it impossible!
Do you not understand that shiftless immigrants grow the welfare state at the expense of the private sector?
If you take out feelings involved with "invite the world" policy, and just make an economic argument, you can't defend it.
By loading up with billionaires, calling out the judicial branch of government every time he doesn't get his way, lying about everything from crowd size, weather, and anything else he deems will put him in a better light. You have a strange idea what gutting the pig looks like. Seems to me we just got a louder, more egotistical and lover of alternative fact pig.:confused:

I remember Obama standing at the State of the Union address one year admonishing the Supreme Court on national TV so don't get too self-righteous about that.

I'd also rather have billionaires going in the office then having people go in to office as everyday people and leaving politics as multimillionaires.....on my money.

When you have people like Bernie Sanders serving and they've never had a job until they're in their 40s and then they leave politics with millions of dollars there is something seriously wrong . That garbage happens on both sides of the aisle is one of the biggest problems we have in this country.

These people are not serving....they are self-serving
If you take out feelings involved with "invite the world" policy, and just make an economic argument, you can't defend it.

You are preaching to the choir. I was blasting Hillary and associates for that from day one of the campaign. Bernie wanted universal health care but continued immigration makes it too costly.
Anytime the government plays Robinhood and takes from one group to give to another the results are always the same. Obamacare is just the latest example of that.
Sure wish the refugee family you came from would have stayed at home. Limiting immigration is one thing, what he said he was going to do. Ban all Muslims is what got him in trouble. Quit tweeting and making stupid statements and he might be able to get some stuff done. I have no problem with extreme vetting or the exporting of criminals that are in this country but please be reasonable. Words and tweets have consequences now that he is the Pres. I take my 1st comment back if you are a Native American
You do understand that the Obama Adm. has had extreme vetting and has already been deporting criminals, but let's not get hung up on facts.
And just maybe you should not have been born at all! Or aborted like you on the left seem to think is such a good idea. I have earned my status in this nation with sweat and blood, as my ancestors before me have in the defense of this country, probably more than we can expect from the refugees of today. There are always exceptions to the rules, but for the most part I would not want to trust them to have my backside.
Anytime the government plays Robinhood and takes from one group to give to another the results are always the same. Obamacare is just the latest example of that.

Well let me explain something. Our population has and will continue to get older. Demand for healthcare is not going to shrink. A free market with increased demand is not going to lower prices. Left to their own devices, the health insurance companies won't cover sick people. Without government regulation poor people and sick people and many old people will be screwed. The government regulates your electric company and my electric works great and is affordable. We need government regulation to make sure people can afford health care. Otherwise, what is your solution? And don't tell me insurance Companies Competing across state lines will fix everything. That is absurd.
And just maybe you should not have been born at all! Or aborted like you on the left seem to think is such a good idea. I have earned my status in this nation with sweat and blood, as my ancestors before me have in the defense of this country, probably more than we can expect from the refugees of today. There are always exceptions to the rules, but for the most part I would not want to trust them to have my backside.
Ok! I have posted on here many times that I deplore abortion, but believe that it is judged by God not government so you show your A$$ on that one and with the rest of your post.:p:p:p:p I will say this since you got me figured. By your post you sound just like a republican elitist. Sorry to have hurt your feelings by being here on this earth and not agreeing with your holier than though ideas.
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Ok! I have posted on here many times that I deplore abortion, but believe that it is judged by God not government so you show your A$$ on that one and with the rest of your post.:p:p:p:p I will say this since you got me figured. By your post you sound just like a republican elitist. Sorry to have hurt your feelings by being here on this earth and not agreeing with your holier than though ideas.
"Sure wish the refugee family you came from would have stayed at home" is what you said to me, just responding to your nastiness. I took that as a personal attack. And actually I vote for the man and not the party. Yes I voted for Obama once, hoping he could make a difference in the racial divide, but instead he divided us more by choosing sides. He chose to honor thugs and not law enforcement. I really hate that this "Sports" board has become a "Political" board where people like you and Gubba bump or what ever his name was took it over and just complained about Trump. Get used to Trump, he is staying and hopefully doing some good for America. Sorry I hurt your feelings, guess I'm just an old man who calls it like I see it.
"Sure wish the refugee family you came from would have stayed at home" is what you said to me, just responding to your nastiness. I took that as a personal attack. And actually I vote for the man and not the party. Yes I voted for Obama once, hoping he could make a difference in the racial divide, but instead he divided us more by choosing sides. He chose to honor thugs and not law enforcement. I really hate that this "Sports" board has become a "Political" board where people like you and Gubba bump or what ever his name was took it over and just complained about Trump. Get used to Trump, he is staying and hopefully doing some good for America. Sorry I hurt your feelings, guess I'm just an old man who calls it like I see it.
Just made a statement that would hopefully grab your attention about migration not the death or birth of somebody.There is a bit of difference. If my comments were nasty I would like to know where you rank yours. If you read the heading of this particular board it is called political crap board. If you want sports there are plenty of options for that. Apology accepted.
Well let me explain something. Our population has and will continue to get older. Demand for healthcare is not going to shrink. A free market with increased demand is not going to lower prices. Left to their own devices, the health insurance companies won't cover sick people. Without government regulation poor people and sick people and many old people will be screwed. The government regulates your electric company and my electric works great and is affordable. We need government regulation to make sure people can afford health care. Otherwise, what is your solution? And don't tell me insurance Companies Competing across state lines will fix everything. That is absurd.

Now that the federal government has totally botched up an already messed up system I really don't know what they can do. The idea our founders had was that we all have an opportunity, not a safety net. Our society has been headed this way since FDR, so there isn't any turning back at this point.

Where does it all end Duck? If healthcare is a "right" then how about food, housing, retirement, life insurance, etc? That doesn't even take into consideration those that believe college is now a "right".

We can't afford all the so called "rights" some people believe we should have.
Well let me explain something. Our population has and will continue to get older. Demand for healthcare is not going to shrink. A free market with increased demand is not going to lower prices. Left to their own devices, the health insurance companies won't cover sick people. Without government regulation, poor people and sick people and many old people will be screwed. The government regulates your electric company and my electric works great and is affordable. We need government regulation to make sure people can afford health care. Otherwise, what is your solution? And don't tell me insurance Companies Competing across state lines will fix everything. That is absurd.
Consider this, we have 400 years of additional historical precedent as well as recent examples of communism, and yet we still don't understand how the free market is superior to communism. To say in the essence of your argument that when the government forcibly takes the fruits of your labor and gives it to others to “spread the wealth around”, then that’s “good for everybody”, is why you supported Bernie. I'm not bashing you. That's your choice. Speaking anecdotally, I just don't totally agree.
My heart is softened when I see the reality of the poor. But to say, that old saying coming from USSR is in part, true. "While they pretend to pay us, We pretend to work". To deny the fact human nature will take the path of least resistance is a fallacy. The abuses of the Free Market have never been the free market, it's the people that control the market for their own greed that destroys it. In this, I agree with you.
We can't afford all the so called "rights" some people believe we should have.
We can afford healthcare as a right. In fact, it would be the fiscally prudent thing to do, having a national healthcare system.

And yes, I do believe a person has a right to food.
Limiting immigration is one thing, what he said he was going to do. Ban all Muslims is what got him in trouble.

Did he ban all Muslims?
Did he attempt to ban all Muslims?
How many Muslims traveled here during this supposed "Muslim ban"?

Disagree and criticize the ban all you want but be factual about what it was......a TEMPORARY travel ban on ALL people from countries with high terrorist activity.
Did he ban all Muslims?
Did he attempt to ban all Muslims?
How many Muslims traveled here during this supposed "Muslim ban"?

Disagree and criticize the ban all you want but be factual about what it was......a TEMPORARY travel ban on ALL people from countries with high terrorist activity.
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