few fun items to add....
there are great arguments both ways...
why punish hard workers, unscrupulous, unchecked "non-school coaches" giving private lessons,kids being pulled too many directions, obtrusive club coaches, etc
I find myself agreeing with both sides at times...BUT
-parents complained about contact to administrators who do the voting on the mshsaa ballot....passed dominantly to limit contact.
-it might be easy to think that there is a divide between coaches and their admin on this issue except that the BB advisory committee heard all sides of the issue and that group of coaches chose to go on the record by voting to leave it at 20 (it was NOT unanimous though). I think of that being a bit of a compromise number between the 2 sides.
-someone mentioned keeping attendance.....some nefarious coaches skirt the attendance issue by keeping records for possible health or injury records/claims later. You and I both know that the kids see coach checking names they "know what the score is".
the silent majority does not weigh in on the message board....but right now, they don't want unlimited contact by the school coaches in the summer.
so....whoever said "agree to disagree"....may have hit it on the nose.