Hey I was a school teacher and see what is going on. Sure I hate to see adults living off welfare who are perfectly capable of working. But I also see the kids of the poor and how hard life is for them. It's not their fault that they are poor, regardless of the adults' circumstances. The odds are stacked against them and it's not right to cut programs for them that will make life harder.
It dang will make life a lot harder and that will be the catalyst that breaks the cycle. You have to work and struggle your way out of poverty, you can't educated and provide all a persons basic needed and expect a vast majority of that group to strive to choose a different lifestyle and get out of poverty. Why would they what is the incentive to really get out?
It's a down ward spiral when the Birthrate of the poor far exceeds the Birthrate of the working class and then all of those generations are socialized into a entitled mindset where they expect free food,housing, a check and most healthcare being paid for.
I still recall in the 90's the state started a program called Futures. It's design was to get people off assistance. They paid for college, gas to and from sometimes a car allowance etc. Several Women signed up and several women graduated from college most with Social science degree's.
Almost everyone of them went back into the system because they all said it was easier to do that than work, pay for childcare etc..They would not work for the Pay and benefits I was working for they said we all where stupid. Not a bad analysis really.
One of my friends basically quit the job because he saw that it would never be a success. He is now a Insurance adjuster and much happier. We still swap crazy stories about our days in the Welfare system.
I get it most people never go behind the curtain and see the truth. Just seeing some poor kid in the class room on the street or in town, who's parents are wasting their GOV. Assistance can pull at the heart strings.
But to truly break the cycle some suffering and striving is going to have to happen. I am fully confident that the poor once the safety net is cut will work their way out of poverty and start valuing a true education and develop a work ethic.
As long as we keep them addicted to FREE then the problem will only get worse.
I actually want to fix the issue not keep people and their children in a cycle of poverty.