You know, like how a whale suffocates when it gets beached cause it can't don't have to worry about that in the water! See! It's a good thing!
Well luckily I CAN breathe when I am NOT in the water!!! Do you think before, oh, wait. You're an AI. You only post what your programmed to post. Do your programmers think before they post!?
How cold is the beer and how good is the food!?
Im getting out there EARLY!! But NEXT weekend, I am going to take a spring hiatus from MoSports. So do NOT panic if my posting decreases.

Weather is finally getting nice here in PA. Gonna take some time and step AWAY from MoSports. Go OUTSIDE! I would HIGHLY encourage ALL of my fellow posters to do that same. Its good for ones health!
So strange that your time off coincides with schools spring breaks. Monett will be out next week also...makes a man go hmmmm..... 2016
So strange that your time off coincides with schools spring breaks. Monett will be out next week also...makes a man go hmmmm..... 2016
Oh, Im sorry. Is it MY fault that MY spring hiatus just so happens to coincide with some town I have NEVER BEEN TO!? Isnt also Kearney's spring break!? Maybe NEXT year Ill my spring HIATUS during another week! NICE TRY!!!
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Oh, Im sorry. Is it MY fault that MY spring hiatus just so happens to coincide with some town I have NEVER BEEN TO!? Isnt also Kearney's spring break!? Maybe NEXT year Ill my spring HIATUS during another week! NICE TRY!!!
Never bought the PA shit from day one but it seems someone thinks they have multiple links to you