More transfer news


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Aug 2, 2005
Apparently star player at Nevada leaving for Class 1 team that was 3-17 last year and lost 76-16 to 10-15 Weableau. Interesting.

KIckapoo junior guard headed to Chaminade. Probably would have been top 10 player in SGF area this year.
I have a really hard time with this, I'm definitely not in favor of giving parents and families with the resources to buy three homes a free pass to do whatever they want because they can physically move into a new district. It seems that is all you really need to do to have a free pass to get away with anything.

And I’m not in favor of opening up an investigative service that is going to micro manage every move and punish some kids (most of whom probably won’t have representation) and push all sorts of agenda’s and retributions.

The more I’ve thought about it, the more I’ve become an advocate of a split the baby type scenario.

A) Anyone can transfer at any time for any reason provided they meet the requirements the incoming district deems necessary.

B) All transfers must sit out 2/3 of the following season in all sports and at all levels. No exceptions under any circumstance.

Problem solved. You have to really want to get out of the situation you’re in to attend a new school. You give up a lot, but on the other hand, no one misses an entire season in the process.
Apparently star player at Nevada leaving for Class 1 team that was 3-17 last year and lost 76-16 to 10-15 Weableau. Interesting.

KIckapoo junior guard headed to Chaminade. Probably would have been top 10 player in SGF area this year.
He moved to northeast vernon?
I agree with a slightly similar provision that seems to be gaining support. It's simple like yours and requires very little investigation and enforcement. More than yours though.

All transfers are ineligible for varsity competition for 365 days with two exceptions. Transfer upon promotion to HS, and for very rare, legitimate, hardship cases for seniors that can be verified by a strict set of criteria. In the case of seniors, I would piggyback off of yours and add to this proposal to say that even if they are approved, they are ineligible until after Christmas. Or just say go if you want as a senior, but ineligible for the first half of the season and therefore remove the investigative side of this. It's not like much investigation or enforcement is happening anyway.

Something has to be done. This isn't free agency and the transfer carnival is going to eventually gut the sport at this level in the schools.

Not a fan of 365, penalizes kids that quite possibly might have a legit reason for a transfer.

I actually hope that does not happen.

I think missing 2/3 of a season is fair and will make kids and parents seriously think twice about moves before following through. Kid still gets to play, but at a significant penalty. Also reduces the chances of coaches and communities meddling, which in my experience, happens way more than anyone wants to admit.

If a kid is only going to be able to play 1/3 of a season, odds are, he’s going to have to be really good in order for it to be worth the upheaval of a kid coming into the line-up with a season 2/3 over.

I think my 2/3 rule should also apply to coaches kids too.
So a coach who does a good job at a small school gets an offer to go to another school to make more money and they move from Area A to Area B of the state. Coach happens to have a kid who may or may not be a player. That kid has to sit out 2/3 of year because his parent got a better job????
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So a coach who does a good job at a small school gets an offer to go to another school to make more money and they move from Area A to Area B of the state. Coach happens to have a kid who may or may not be a player. That kid has to sit out 2/3 of year because his parent got a better job????

The arguments can be real but no one should be penalized for moving into another district, period. The trick for the MSHSAA is to enforce the the present rules on recruiting. In the case of moving to another district, this should be a given right to do so.
The MSHSAA should have a level playing field for our 574 high schools and they appears to be doing a good job.
Metro doesn't think any transfers happen for athletic reasons or any recruiting goes on....unless its Sikeston. Then he thinks it's always questionable. Whatever Sikeston did to him in the past must be bad because he's always on their case either about transfers or scheduling
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Since most schools nowadays have shed their Athletic Director titles for Activities Director, does this mean if a student transfers to a District because they have a top notch robotics program or something along those lines that those students must also sit out 2/3 of the "season" of competitions?
Who cares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let kids play wherever they want to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Schools that have jerk/super-ego/nut-job coaches who run kids off, they'll be punished when their teams lose and then those coaches will lose their jobs once the rival school across town wins big with the other schools players!!!!!

If you want to make in coaching today, who've got to kiss ass!!!!!

If you can't do that, then DON'T GET INTO K-12 coaching. THE END! Try coaching at the collegiate level where you can get away with being a tin-pot dictator.
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I agree with letting kids play where they want. I probably wouldn't make the argument like that though.
No, No, No...I wasn't talking about "open enrollment," but if MSHSAA doesn't have any official investigative powers, then what's the answer???

If a family or guardian (whomever is in control of the kid) physically moves, then (regardless of the reasons) they should be allowed to play.

What I'm against is the old rent an apartment (i.e. Rob Will at Kickapoo in '97-'98) and then the kid can play varsity right away. I'm completely against that.

The main issue seems to be just how legit a lot of these "hard ship" cases are. I'm still fuming over the Trey Starks/Hillcrest deal.
If a family moves, their kid should be eligible to play at that new school providing they meet all academic requirements.

This is America. You can live anywhere you want. It doesn't matter if it is for athletic reasons or any other reason. If you feel like another school provides better opportunities for success in life and believe strongly enough to move residences, then have at it.
If a family moves, their kid should be eligible to play at that new school providing they meet all academic requirements.

This is America. You can live anywhere you want. It doesn't matter if it is for athletic reasons or any other reason. If you feel like another school provides better opportunities for success in life and believe strongly enough to move residences, then have at it.
Nobody is telling them they can't move. Just that they can't play varsity athletics for a yr if its for athletic reasons. Decisions have consequences sometimes.
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Apparently star player at Nevada leaving for Class 1 team that was 3-17 last year and lost 76-16 to 10-15 Weableau. Interesting.

KIckapoo junior guard headed to Chaminade. Probably would have been top 10 player in SGF area this year.
Word around jasper county is northeast vernon had 10 boys and 7 girls transfer in
Nobody is telling them they can't move. Just that they can't play varsity athletics for a yr if its for athletic reasons. Decisions have consequences sometimes.

As long as they move, I can't see how forcing to sit them out because they were motivated by sports would be defensible (different animal if they don't actually move).

I have never figured that one out. If a kid has an opportunity to improve their chances of success in life (via sports or whatever), who is to say they shouldn't?
As long as they move, I can't see how forcing to sit them out because they were motivated by sports would be defensible (different animal if they don't actually move).

I have never figured that one out. If a kid has an opportunity to improve their chances of success in life (via sports or whatever), who is to say they shouldn't?

Tony Irons agrees with you on this one and so does all Metro Catholic high schools in St. Louis. Jay Blossom @ Webster is also on board.

The Wrestling and football high schools in St. Charles county could care less. ( The Zumwalts, Howells and the Wentzville high schools ) As a rule, basketball players do not move to these schools however Wrestlers and Football talent look for homes in these big class 5 schools.
Obviously it is the rule. Defend the rule, please.

If someone moves to a district, they are eligible. A family could be declared ineligible if there were undo influence to move. ( An example--giving a family a rent-free house )
If someone moves to a district, they are eligible. A family could be declared ineligible if there were undo influence to move. ( An example--giving a family a rent-free house )

There are some high profile players who changed physical residences be declared ineligible because they believed they moved for academic reasons...
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The one and most obvious is that allowing unlimited moves for athletic reasons runs contrary to the main educational mission of secondary education. Some people think sports are already too big of a thing, if this rule didn't provide any type of barrier to school-hopping it would become the only thing in a lot of places, and destroy many smaller school sports programs in the process. There's a couple. Might not agree but it's been defended.

It takes a pretty strong personal commitment to move residences, so I suspect the number of kids deliberately moving multiple times is exceptionally low. Pretty hard to prove that sports is the motivation for moving---but somehow MSHSAA and member schools are given that telepathic power?

So if a kid is going to change districts multiple times due to another activity like debate or marching band, they shouldn't participate in those either? What if I scout out what bands are going to high profile parades and move to those schools. Should I be ineligible?
No, No, No...I wasn't talking about "open enrollment," but if MSHSAA doesn't have any official investigative powers, then what's the answer???

If a family or guardian (whomever is in control of the kid) physically moves, then (regardless of the reasons) they should be allowed to play.

What I'm against is the old rent an apartment (i.e. Rob Will at Kickapoo in '97-'98) and then the kid can play varsity right away. I'm completely against that.

The main issue seems to be just how legit a lot of these "hard ship" cases are. I'm still fuming over the Trey Starks/Hillcrest deal.
Doesn't Springfield have open enrollment?
Doesn't Springfield have open enrollment?

Yes, but (as stated above) before frosh year. Of course, because of "hard ship" Starks was able to go from Glendale to Hillcrest without sitting out 365. That handed Hillcrest a state title. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
msubearssuperfan1 should do a "Where are they now?" episode on that Hillcrest State Champion team.
All over the place, BUT they won the big one (for a second time) while Glendale HAS NEVER EVEN PLAYED for it!
All over the place, BUT they won the big one (for a second time) while Glendale HAS NEVER EVEN PLAYED for it!

Sikeston and Vashon appears to be neck and neck enrolling new basketball players to their roster for 2018. Vashon has enrolled two or more new players while Sikeston is reporting two twin guards and Keith Blisset who has played the last couple of years @ Scott County Central but has always lived in Sikeston. Keith's dad was employed as an asst. coach @ SSC before changing position this year. Since Keith's dad is no longer working for the SSC school district, the MSHSAA could declare Keith eligible to compete @ Sikeston this year. One of the twins enrolling @ Sikeston appears to be a talented 3-point shooter which could make the Sikeston Bulldogs an even bigger threat to win their second class 4 state championships since 2011.

Reports out of St. Louis has class 5 Webster and class 4 Vashon as our top two teams in St. Louis. Class 4 Wentzville Liberty and Parkway Central are on the radar screen as threatening class 4 final four teams in Springfield next March. St. Mary's hopes appears to be fading with all the move ins @ Sikeston, Vashon and Wentzville Liberty. The Liberty hopes are based on K. Catching from CBC enrolling and being eligible by the MSHSAA.
St. Joe has this.
When you transfer (without moving), you have to file for a waiver. I have seen some situations where a student transferred that got to play varsity where another in a very similar situation didn't. It is not applied consistently.

I think if your family moves, then you should get to play. If your family doesn't move, then you should have to sit out and only play JV. The superintendent at North Harrison has his youngest son at his third different school/town in 3 years due to job changes. He is a sophomore this year and shouldn't be penalized for his dad getting a job.
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I just wish they would divide private and public.

I just wish they would divide private and public.

The public high schools in Missouri are getting transfers. The privates schools usually enroll their students the first five days of the students 7th and 9th grade year. This is perfectly legal by the MSHSAA. The public schools can legally enroll out of district students just like the privates providing out of district tuition is paid. It appears Scott County Central is in a class of their own when enrolling out of district students. The legal Scott Count Central out of district students pay $1500 dollars.

School district who have interest in enrolling out of district students for athletic or academic reasons should lower their tuition rate.

Essex-Richland should lower their tuition rates to $500.00 or less. Basketball players from Dexter might flock to Essex-Richland to play basketball or the high academics might be attractive for some Dexter students. This Tuition rate might bring back old times of enrolling Sikeston athletes. Remember the Cole and Sims families. Corey Gibson was a Sikeston resident before moving to the Richland district. Corey is now an asst. coach @ Missouri State in Springfield, Missouri.
The public high schools in Missouri are getting transfers. The privates schools usually enroll their students the first five days of the students 7th and 9th grade year. This is perfectly legal by the MSHSAA. The public schools can legally enroll out of district students just like the privates providing out of district tuition is paid. It appears Scott County Central is in a class of their own when enrolling out of district students. The legal Scott Count Central out of district students pay $1500 dollars.

School district who have interest in enrolling out of district students for athletic or academic reasons should lower their tuition rate.

Essex-Richland should lower their tuition rates to $500.00 or less. Basketball players from Dexter might flock to Essex-Richland to play basketball or the high academics might be attractive for some Dexter students. This Tuition rate might bring back old times of enrolling Sikeston athletes. Remember the Cole and Sims families. Corey Gibson was a Sikeston resident before moving to the Richland district. Corey is now an asst. coach @ Missouri State in Springfield, Missouri.
If they reduce the tuition to less than residents pay in taxes I'd bet some school board members wouldn't be in that position very long.
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I just wish they would divide private and public.
The problem with dividing is that you have few private schools outside of Kansas City and St. Louis metro areas. They tend to be smaller schools. And it still doesn't address issues of transfers between public schools.
The problem with dividing is that you have few private schools outside of Kansas City and St. Louis metro areas. They tend to be smaller schools. And it still doesn't address issues of transfers between public schools.
I thought he meant just for state championships. Not that they couldn't schedule or play each other.
Yor Anei, 6'10 PF, 2018 from Shawnee Mission South to Lee's Summit West. If eligible, he makes them a legit Class 5 contender.

Huge presence in the middle, athletic shot blocker. Doesn't always play hard, has some serious intensity issues, but has a lot of upside and that will be the most talented front line in Missouri by a mile.
I just wish they would divide private and public.

Might just be me, but a state title wouldn't mean much if they took some teams I should be competing against out of contention.

This is not going to happen, but there are only two things I wish would occur with regards to private schools.

First is a more transparent process for how financial aid is awarded for students that are athletes. I don't want to take opportunities away from kids just because they are athletes and they meet the financial aid criteria of that particular private school. But there are some situations involving athletes at private schools with large tuition rates that seem a bit fishy.

Secondly, I don't think any out-of-state residents should participate in MSHSAA events. A couple of years ago the Missouri Coaches POY in class five basketball was actually from Kansas but played for Rockhurst. That doesn't seem right to me.
Might just be me, but a state title wouldn't mean much if they took some teams I should be competing against out of contention.
Should be competing against? Should teams competing against each other have the same rules in regards to attendance?

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