More anecdotal evidence on the utility of masks

Once again, this should be a football forum. If you are trying to change the minds of insurance company execs, then talk to them. Feel free to make up any PHD or MD titles you want.
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Once again, this should be a football forum. If you are trying to change the minds of insurance company execs, then talk to them. Feel free to make up any PHD or MD titles you want.
I'm not trying to change anyone's mind. I'm still inquiring about this stuff myself. This relates to teachers and students and specifically coaches and football players. I see them on the football fields with masks on and ask myself whether it is best for their health or not. I don't know what your last sentence means.
I'm not trying to change anyone's mind. I'm still inquiring about this stuff myself. This relates to teachers and students and specifically coaches and football players. I see them on the football fields with masks on and ask myself whether it is best for their health or not. I don't know what your last sentence means.
it means this is the wrong forum to do it because nobody will read the article that you posted,
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Physician with 36 years of experience shows how masks are ineffective in spreading aerosols. Case closed. They dont do jack squat.

Physician with 36 years of experience shows how masks are ineffective in spreading aerosols.
Can you state his name and credentials as per above?
I notice he has to remove every mask to vape in, i.e. inhale germs/viruses/etc.

Wonder why he’s not keeping the masks on to suck in the vape?

I refuse people are dumb enough to not read. Multiple studies (not carried out by MoSports posters or Twitterjocks.) Good to build a little false sense of security.
I also encourage you to find better sources. FEE is a libertarian/economic think tank that stood to benefit a lot from putting out a bogus study just to make people feel comfortable going out and spending money so that our overlord Mr. Dow would start going up.
Only thing I know for sure is from my own experience. I work on old cars a lot. When I am shooting paint I use a very good fitted respirator with HEPA grade filters as well as charcoal filters for fumes and it works very well

When block sanding primer dry I usually will just use a 3M N95 mask. At the end of the day when I take it off the outside and inside of my nose is white from the paint dust particles that got past the mask. I have a feeling if they won’t keep out paint dust they won’t keep out much smaller microbes.
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I also encourage you to find better sources. FEE is a libertarian/economic think tank that stood to benefit a lot from putting out a bogus study just to make people feel comfortable going out and spending money so that our overlord Mr. Dow would start going up.

There were two other sources there, and I can find a multitude of them...including my friends that run large departments at area hospitals and my friend that is a retired state health official, that worked in public health for over 30 years. Social distancing works. Masks give a false sense of security. Period.

They did a survey and the Ethan Hunt mask and sixty percent of the time it works every time.

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