Makes Sense...

Serious question here, and first here is my "I'm not a racist, I love everybody, I think everyone should be treated equal" disclosure. Do people really look at a box of rice or pancake mix and feel pain from inequalities of the past, racism, or hatred? Or do they just look at it as an advertisement for rice? I'm paraphrasing, but I've read where Aunt Jemima is derived from a minstrel show, and I've read where she was hired by the company and traveled as a good will ambassador of the brand and was loved by all.

Like everything now, you don't know what you are reading is true or garbage.
Serious question here, and first here is my "I'm not a racist, I love everybody, I think everyone should be treated equal" disclosure. Do people really look at a box of rice or pancake mix and feel pain from inequalities of the past, racism, or hatred? Or do they just look at it as an advertisement for rice? I'm paraphrasing, but I've read where Aunt Jemima is derived from a minstrel show, and I've read where she was hired by the company and traveled as a good will ambassador of the brand and was loved by all.

Like everything now, you don't know what you are reading is true or garbage.
Yes. All the news is garbage. The movie classic Gone with the Wind is racist. All art is racist. Everything is racist. After everything is removed, and we go full communist, we'll all have the freedom to sit around a finger paint.
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Clearly the have the right to do this....Clearly this is Pandering to appease the nutter Left wingers.

And Yes she does have a Dubious Past but Clearly that is not what she is seen as today....

I do hope they replace them with Cartoon Characters or White Characters just to be safe. I mean gosh forbid that any young kid Grows up loving Uncle Ben,the Cream Of Wheat Chef and Aunt Jemima and believing and associating that Those black People are wonderful Spokesperson's and Great Representatives for Good products and a symbol that Black People are on equal footing with all the White representation of products.....Now let's get that Black Lady off the Air who keeps Hawking Popeye's Chicken. I'm disgusted, by it!!

The destruction of Pop culture and the Outright censorship is scary and 1984 Ministry of Truth esque.

They are now going after D&D as well. Never was a player so it won't effect me but in some way the Hidden LEFTIST racist see the Orcs as Representing certain Minority groups....WHAAATTTTT the FUDGE!! How can anyone compare fictional Characters from a mystical realm that look nothing like any human race or act like any human's be a representation of any human??

I've read and watched the Lord of the Rings Dozen and Dozens of times and clearly Orcs/Goblins are not like any race of human and where not created by JRR Tolkien to represent anyone. They are the Bad guys, the Villains and henchmen in the story that are there to battle the Hero's. They where created by a evil wizard to lay waste to Middle Earth.



My question is just how bigoted and prejudiced is the hearts of the people who look at something like that and see anyone human being represented??

Of course D&D caved and is reworking the Orcs their back story, history etc. to appease the Nutters.

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