LOL. You have zero clue of these "referenced" rural losers. (Spell Check your words you make yourself look like garbage with spelling that awful)
These kids don't need those pretty all inclusive athletic scholarships to get to college. Most will get academic scholarships as they will pick the place they want to go based upon the program of study they want to pursue not the college that will allow them to play football 3-4 more years.
These rural losers come from a close knit community where everyone supports each other. Where happiness is not dictated by trying to find a way out of the local neighborhood to escape the crime and gangs. O no. These rural losers are looking for ways to contribute to their rural community by occupation and family.
O yes there are people that graduate from those rural loser areas and play a professional sport. Unlike others though they don't get up and move away from where they grew up. Most will play their years of professional sports, move back home, donate to local and state charities, and do their best to be a real positive role model to others.
So go ahead and troll those rural losers... most of fans of those rural losers will laugh at your attempts that you make, making yourself look like an idiot.
Be a positive influence in MSHSSA sports, not an embarrassment.