A quick search and there appears to be zero Legion teams in SWMO. Really?? Was it ever popular in places like Webb, Joplin, Nixa, Springfield????
I don't get the advantage to travel teams vs Legion ball for high schoolers. Sure, travel ball is big everywhere, but around here it's legion ball once you get in high school. St Louis has the SLAABA and Metro leagues and a few elite travel teams for high schoolers, but still fields several Legion teams in the metro area.
Our Legion teams play about 40 games a summer against good competition, all within an hour or two from home, except for a couple overnight weekend trips. Our local American Legion is a very generous sponsor and cover most of the costs to play. State championship is this week so the kids get a break before football begins. Why wouldn't a kid and parents prefer that kind of program instead of shelling out hundreds of dollars on travelling weekends to play baseball?? I would stack up several area legion teams in competition against any travel team.