Is Roger Goodell in trouble?

WCS Coach

Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2003
Past few weeks have not been good for the league or for Goodell. Think he is in trouble?

I did read a funny tweet by one of the former NFL players to Goodell....

"ain't much fun when the rabbit gets the gun"
Originally posted by WCS Coach:

Past few weeks have not been good for the league or for Goodell. Think he is in trouble?

I did read a funny tweet by one of the former NFL players to Goodell....

"ain't much fun when the rabbit gets the gun"
That was a great line from James Harrison, but some of his hits deserved to be punished.

NBCNews poll says that it hasn't changed opinions of Goodell or the league. Until Anheuser-Busch and a few others start to stop spending money nothing will really happen.
This whole deal may have consequences for the NFL that have nothing to do with domestic violence, denials and coverups. It has drawn a lot of attention to the NFL being a "non profit" under current law. Their profit went from a little shy of $900 million in the late 80's to 9.5 BILLION in 2012. I think it's ridiculous they are able to evade federal taxes on that kind of money and somebody on congress is introducing a bill to put a stop to it. We'll see where it goes with all the lobbyist money they can muster.
Are you serious? First I have heard of that.
This post was edited on 9/20 10:17 PM by WCS Coach
The "league" doesn't pay taxes.
Through for-profit companies, the NFL sells licenses to use NFL intellectual property, broadcast games, etc, making a ton of money. That money is then distributed to the individual teams. The individual teams, in turn, pay their "dues and assessments" to the NFL. I don't intend to mislead -- some taxes certainly get paid here. The teams are considered for-profit and pay regular taxes. The teams' tax liability is significantly reduced, however, when they pay their tax-deductible "dues and assessments." How much and what gets taxed is just not publicly available. And it should be if the NFL is going to enjoy tax-exempt status
Wow I learn something new every now and then hanging you wise people on this board! Did not know this. Another example of money talks. I'm not sure that businesses are people as our wonderful supreme court would have it, but I know money is a person. The more of it there is in one concentrated area the more powerful person it becomes!
Professional football teams were added to the list of 501C's by some lobbyist back when it was still the AFL and NFL. It has not been a well known issue for that long. A republican and a democrat on Meet the Press this morning were there to talk about our new war, or wars, or what ever we call this. Then they were each asked about the 3 bills now in congress that would take away the NFL's tax exempt status and how they would vote. The democrat said he would vote for such a bill, the republican wouldn't make a comment on it except to say he has too many more important things on his mind to even think about it. I guess a sitting U.S. Senator can't handle more than one issue at a time and doesn't care that the NFL is not even close to being non profit organization.

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