I think there are electable people to the right of Romney and Jeb. They're just not the ones who get a lot of play in the right wing media. Carson, Cruz, Bachmann, and the other media darlings are generally unelectable. Those guys are sound bite machines and nothing more. But, someone like Scott Walker? I think he has a chance. I think Rubio has a chance, too, if he gets to the general election.Originally posted by 3Rfan:
Neither Romney nor Bush will appeal to the hard right of the party but anyone they would nominate has very little chance in the general. They will at some point have to acknowledge that if they want the White House among their prizes. Scout says they should never give in and nominate somebody like that just to their foot in the door.
You can win a Presidency being more conservative than Jeb or Romney; you just have a run a campaign that isn't focused on being the most right-wing President in the history of America.
The challenge is, I don't know how easy it is to win a Republican primary while keeping yourself clean enough for the general. This was a problem for Romney.