Interesting Read: "Greening Ourselves to Extinction?"

Nobody has responded..... is this not what I've been pointing out in all the It's the End of the World Climate change Threads? My point has been attacked over and Over again!!!

That yes climate change is happening but the Power Brokers are weaponizing it and leveraging it for $$$$$ and power/control. It's pretty obvious if you follow the money trail.

All the Elites are doing nothing about Climate change while flying to Davos and partying it up and deciding how we should live our lives under their control... by hatching their next propaganda crises to scare us so they can convince the Serfs they need to get ready to eat bugs and live in a cubicle!!

Ask yourself this question.... most of the Great Costal property is owned by the Elite Classes and Smart investor folks. Why are they buying more costal property as opposed to selling? Wouldn't that be a bad investment if the oceans are going to rise at a fast and incredible rate?

This dude is speaking a lot of truth in the article he actually did some research and looked into how most Green alternatives/Recycling etc. uses more energy/pollutes more than the current means. I loved how he attacked the Carbon Credit industry a scam of the Rich to pollute.

Ironic that the UN is going to steal the Indigenous peoples land across the world under the guise of conservation... I guess they are taking that play from America and Indian Territory land grab. Thought we was past that.

His end point is also true but undoable.... People are not going to give up our Current civilization peacefully. Coal and Oil cannot be withdrawn without a equally viable clean alternative, food production cannot change that drastically because even the most forgiving estimates going green like he wants to can only feed 4 billion people on this planet if that.... 4 billion plus would have to go.
Is any of this this really much of a surprise to anyone who knows how economic systems work? It's just capitalism doing its thing.
Any economic system even more socialist ones that are structured on catering to the wants and desires of the citizenship are going to put the environment second to those demands.

In a capitalist system the Consumer/Customer can easily do a bit of research and look for alternative sources of products that are actually better for the Planet, people could even invest in legit green companies and green products. The Customer can also make drastic Lifestyle changes in a effort to reduce their footprint. We have to take a huge part of the blame because our spending habits and gathering of readily available information to make wise decisions.

But in reality people Get over emotional over the idea of saving the world, Make a lot of noise about it, Place blame on others for being the problem, do some meaningless things.... protest, wear t-shirts, get rid of plastic straws, and then go back to drinking Starbucks 7 days a week, trolling their Cobalt laden Phones and claiming their EV and Planting of tree's will fix the Issues plus believing all the Green Virtue signaling from corporations is fixing the issue. I don't want to even delve into the insane idea's of the Climate warrior activists either who's drastic measures would meet resistance and cause chaos.
Any economic system even more socialist ones that are structured on catering to the wants and desires of the citizenship are going to put the environment second to those demands.

In a capitalist system the Consumer/Customer can easily do a bit of research and look for alternative sources of products that are actually better for the Planet, people could even invest in legit green companies and green products. The Customer can also make drastic Lifestyle changes in a effort to reduce their footprint. We have to take a huge part of the blame because our spending habits and gathering of readily available information to make wise decisions.

But in reality people Get over emotional over the idea of saving the world, Make a lot of noise about it, Place blame on others for being the problem, do some meaningless things.... protest, wear t-shirts, get rid of plastic straws, and then go back to drinking Starbucks 7 days a week, trolling their Cobalt laden Phones and claiming their EV and Planting of tree's will fix the Issues plus believing all the Green Virtue signaling from corporations is fixing the issue. I don't want to even delve into the insane idea's of the Climate warrior activists either who's drastic measures would meet resistance and cause chaos.

In and ideal capitalist system people could try to do those things. The problem is the multi-billion dollar companies do everything they can to obscure information that might be environmentally damning. The average person has no defense for that.
In and ideal capitalist system people could try to do those things. The problem is the multi-billion dollar companies do everything they can to obscure information that might be environmentally damning. The average person has no defense for that.
I saw just the other day the "experts" say the earth is warming faster than they thought. They talk about it in terms of how many degrees it warms per year I guess and now they say it could become a critical issue by 2035, not a hundred years from now.
I also read a study from independent Experts/Scientist who say that to much data is being drawn and taken from urban and suburban area's that has a large amount of people, industry, overlayment of concrete/asphalt, houses, buildings, etc. and that this data naturally artificially inflates the effects and speed of global warming. They stated that the models are flawed that the mainstream scientist use because the data inputted into the system is flawed, because they don't draw enough climate data from rural and minimally inhabited area's. They didn't say Climate change wasn't happening but that it was at a much much lower rate hat some are speculating.

But if they are wrong and 2035 is the date the toll must be paid we are past backing out now, Adapting is the only course of action possible. But I suspect this is akin to the Al Gore end of the world predictions from decades ago.....
I also read a study from independent Experts/Scientist who say that to much data is being drawn and taken from urban and suburban area's that has a large amount of people, industry, overlayment of concrete/asphalt, houses, buildings, etc. and that this data naturally artificially inflates the effects and speed of global warming. They stated that the models are flawed that the mainstream scientist use because the data inputted into the system is flawed, because they don't draw enough climate data from rural and minimally inhabited area's. They didn't say Climate change wasn't happening but that it was at a much much lower rate hat some are speculating.

But if they are wrong and 2035 is the date the toll must be paid we are past backing out now, Adapting is the only course of action possible. But I suspect this is akin to the Al Gore end of the world predictions from decades ago.....
I don't think the concrete in NY is causing glaciers to melt at a faster rate than ever.
I don't think the concrete in NY is causing glaciers to melt at a faster rate than ever.
You missed the point, they didn't say that climate change wasn't happening they said the models and their predictions was off by a lot. And if you don't think that urbanization including the reflection of heat from concrete,steel etc. and all the Energy it takes to Heat,Cool, provide lights etc. is a massive contributor to climate change then really what are you trying to say?

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