Interesting info on gas and oil


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
Despite industry’s claims to the contrary, President Biden has not hobbled US oil and gas development. In fact, much to my deep disappointment and protest, this administration actually approved more US drilling permits per month in 2021 than President Trump did during each of the first three years of his presidency. Before the pandemic, oil and gas production from public lands and waters reached an all-time high, and the current administration has done little to change that trajectory over the last 13 months.

Fossil-fuel companies and their backers in Congress also profess that more drilling on public lands and waters would lower gas prices for Americans. But if that’s true, why hasn’t record oil extraction from both federal and non-federal lands over the last decade done anything to consistently lower, or at least stabilize, prices at the pump?

The fact is that crude oil is a volatile global commodity. Worldwide supply, demand, and unpredictable events – like wars – influence the price of gas, not the current administration’s decision to approve a few new leases or permits.

Even if we take industry’s claims at face value, nothing is keeping fossil-fuel companies from more drilling on public lands right now. The oil industry already controls at least 26m acres of public land and is sitting on more than 9,000 approved drilling permits they’re not using.

They have a similarly gratuitous surplus offshore, where nearly 75% of their active federal oil and gas leases, covering over 8m acres, have yet to produce a single drop. Any new leases issued today wouldn’t produce anything of value for years, or even decades in some cases.

With the facts laid bare, we see the fossil-fuel industry’s crocodile tears for what they are

If industry did start to ramp up production from federal leases, the overall increase to the total US supply would likely be marginal. In 2020, public lands and waters only accounted for 22% and 11% of oil and gas production, respectively. The vast majority of oil and gas resources are beneath state and private lands – not public lands or federal waters.

With the facts laid bare, we see the fossil-fuel industry’s crocodile tears for what they are – the same old demands for cheaper leases and looser regulations they’ve been peddling for decades. These pleas have nothing to do with countering Putin’s invasion or stabilizing gas prices, and everything to do with making oil and gas development as easy and profitable as possible.

Some folks get duped so easily by the alt-right media.
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We are being duped by Big Oil and have been getting duped for decades.
How are we being duped? Big oil is in the Profit business not in the supply cheap Energy Business cause it's the right thing to do. I'd say that suspending oil leases and being sued in court and losing gave Big Oil all the leverage they needed to sway the public and send a message to the Administration.

A federal judge ruled Biden couldn't suspend Big 0ils leases and would be held in contempt. So Biden was forced to issue those Leases. Do you think he would of if he hadn't lost? Now Big Oil is driving home the fact that our Whole System is based on Cheap Energy. Biden's Love For Climate change BS policies is what has initiated the current response from Big Oil. Of course the Current situations in Russia etc. have ramped it up to a even higher degree.

Biden will feel the full on Brunt of these he should. It's no different than Trump getting blamed for a Virus he couldn't control. Such is politics.

Clearly Biden and his Handlers are no friends of the oil industry and love them Some Laughable green dream energy.

I don't blame the Oil Industry for sitting on massive amounts of Oil leases and hoping for a higher profit margin when a more Oil friendly Administration comes into office.

Biden Looks like a doofus to the masses with this green lie when gas is hitting 4$ a gallon around the nation.

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How are we being duped? Big oil is in the Profit business not in the supply cheap Energy Business cause it's the right thing to do. I'd say that suspending oil leases and being sued in court and losing gave Big Oil all the leverage they needed to sway the public and send a message to the Administration.

A federal judge ruled Biden couldn't suspend Big 0ils leases and would be held in contempt. So Biden was forced to issue those Leases. Do you think he would of if he hadn't lost? Now Big Oil is driving home the fact that our Whole System is based on Cheap Energy. Biden's Love For Climate change BS policies is what has initiated the current response from Big Oil. Of course the Current situations in Russia etc. have ramped it up to a even higher degree.

Biden will feel the full on Brunt of these he should. It's no different than Trump getting blamed for a Virus he couldn't control. Such is politics.

Clearly Biden and his Handlers are no friends of the oil industry and love them Some Laughable green dream energy.

I don't blame the Oil Industry for sitting on massive amounts of Oil leases and hoping for a higher profit margin when a more Oil friendly Administration comes into office.

Biden Looks like a doofus to the masses with this green lie when gas is hitting 4$ a gallon around the nation.

There's a shock. You take the Anti-American stance.
but the stickers down at the conoco said it was biden!!!!!
Who else you going to blame? Trumps not the president but I’m sure you want to blame him. Do you remember when Trump was president and the Democrats were crying about high gas prices.
Who else you going to blame? Trumps not the president but I’m sure you want to blame him. Do you remember when Trump was president and the Democrats were crying about high gas prices.
Did you read the original post?
There's a shock. You take the Anti-American stance.
How is it Anti-American? Big Oil is as American as you can get, They have supplied the cheap energy to keep this Republic afloat and as the Number 0ne nation for a long time.

I still can't wrap my head around how you think a Business with thousands of employee's and investors doing what is best for themselves is Anti-American? Freedom of choice and Freedom of the individual is paramount to the American way.

And I guess it was Anti-American for a Judge to determine only congress could stop handing out opposed to the President acting like a dictator and putting a halt to them?

But I guess it's Pro American for Biden and his Cronies to had out billions to their minions in Green Subsidy's that will never effect Climate change one bit. Just pure grift of the taxpayers labors.

You do buy into the Religion as a true believer.

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