Interesting developments MICDS vs Hillsboro

So if everyone takes those weekends off, and you head to the lake. I guess you should expect no one to be working at the boat slips and there to help you fill up your boat with gas. As you say it is sacred so the working world shuts down and everyone is off. Got It.
Misunderstood. Sacred for those away from "The Lake" but of tremendous of importance to those at "The Lake. Different for different people because those kids at the lake are making their gravy this weekend.
Misunderstood. Sacred for those away from "The Lake" but of tremendous of importance to those at "The Lake. Different for different people because those kids at the lake are making their gravy this weekend.
Hope that forfeit is worth it
Just scanned Week 1 MSHSAA scoreboard this now shows as a 13-zip forfeit for Hillsboro.
Just went to look and it's back to no result, also earlier when on schedule page for micds it showed them winning 21-14 and on Hillsboro it showed a 13-0 forfeit win. Those too now show blank.
Show me in the rules where it states the home team decides the time and date to resume the game.
Show me in the rules where it states the home team decides the time and date to resume the game.
While it may not say that you do understand that it is a week 1 contest and that week 1 runs Thursday to Wednesday. Furthermore the reasoning for completion in the week is quarter limits. Honestly I'm not sure why you are so butthurt over MICDS but it's getting comical. Noone is stating anything but the rules and you are taking hard.
LOL I have zero love for the big privates. Just taking MICDS coach's point of view. We don't know if other options were discussed. Was Mon or Tues discussed? I know I wouldn't like another school telling me the game will resume tomorrow night at 7 or you forfeit, with no discussion or input from my side. I, too, am just going by the rules and they do not give Hillsboro the sole authority to set the time and date to resume the game.
LOL I have zero love for the big privates. Just taking MICDS coach's point of view. We don't know if other options were discussed. Was Mon or Tues discussed? I know I wouldn't like another school telling me the game will resume tomorrow night at 7 or you forfeit, with no discussion or input from my side. I, too, am just going by the rules and they do not give Hillsboro the sole authority to set the time and date to resume the game.
Big privates. Hehe
LOL I have zero love for the big privates. Just taking MICDS coach's point of view. We don't know if other options were discussed. Was Mon or Tues discussed? I know I wouldn't like another school telling me the game will resume tomorrow night at 7 or you forfeit, with no discussion or input from my side. I, too, am just going by the rules and they do not give Hillsboro the sole authority to set the time and date to resume the game.
That was discussed already in a post from Hillsboro. Other rescheduling options were discussed on Friday morning and after the game Friday and MICDS according to Hillsboro turned everything down. Hence the dispute. Nobody ever mentioned anything more than what was put out for the public to read by Hillsboro and then what is stated in the rulebook.
LOL I have zero love for the big privates. Just taking MICDS coach's point of view. We don't know if other options were discussed. Was Mon or Tues discussed? I know I wouldn't like another school telling me the game will resume tomorrow night at 7 or you forfeit, with no discussion or input from my side. I, too, am just going by the rules and they do not give Hillsboro the sole authority to set the time and date to resume the game.
Since Hillsboro is the hosting school and other games and activities may be scheduled there then yes it is pretty much on Hillsboro to schedule it.
Since Hillsboro is the hosting school and other games and activities may be scheduled there then yes it is pretty much on Hillsboro to schedule it.
It’s honestly astonishing that people truly believe grown adults in a professional setting didn’t do their due diligence before taking an issue as this to the next level (in this case getting MSHSAA involved). People love to just assume the worst.
Since Hillsboro is the hosting school and other games and activities may be scheduled there then yes it is pretty much on Hillsboro to schedule it.
OBJECTION: Statement has no basis within the MSHSAA rules.

You can't make the rules up as you go along.
Correct I'm not a private school so I can't.
However rule book has been quoted multiple times
"other games and activities may be scheduled there" is no where to be found in the rulebook. The game must be finished within the week of play, meaning they have until Wednesday (per this fancy rulebook). Hillsboro tried to take this to the court of public opinion, but miscalculated how much power that court had. I'm as anti private school advantages as the next guy, but MICDS wasn't the only one trying to pull wool over your eyes, at least, and at most, Hillsboro tried to make rescheduling a nightmare and then run to social media and blame MICDS. I'd wager the truth is somewhere in between. But to say that the home team has anymore than 50% of the say on a make up time is silly and completely wrong, per the rule book.
"other games and activities may be scheduled there" is no where to be found in the rulebook. The game must be finished within the week of play, meaning they have until Wednesday (per this fancy rulebook). Hillsboro tried to take this to the court of public opinion, but miscalculated how much power that court had. I'm as anti private school advantages as the next guy, but MICDS wasn't the only one trying to pull wool over your eyes, at least, and at most, Hillsboro tried to make rescheduling a nightmare and then run to social media and blame MICDS. I'd wager the truth is somewhere in between. But to say that the home team has anymore than 50% of the say on a make up time is silly and completely wrong, per the rule book.
You must not understand hosting party it's ok I'll forgive ya
You must not understand hosting party it's ok I'll forgive ya
Been involved with it enough to understand it just fine. No skin off my back either way. Just trying to prevent the overuse of the "MSHSAA always sides with the private schools" argument so we can use it when it actually happens.
"other games and activities may be scheduled there" is no where to be found in the rulebook. The game must be finished within the week of play, meaning they have until Wednesday (per this fancy rulebook). Hillsboro tried to take this to the court of public opinion, but miscalculated how much power that court had. I'm as anti private school advantages as the next guy, but MICDS wasn't the only one trying to pull wool over your eyes, at least, and at most, Hillsboro tried to make rescheduling a nightmare and then run to social media and blame MICDS. I'd wager the truth is somewhere in between. But to say that the home team has anymore than 50% of the say on a make up time is silly and completely wrong, per the rule book.
My thoughts exactly, O Line. I smelt something fishy from the start of this thing.
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Plain and simple...MSHSAA exists for Nothing!!! No one and I MEAN NO ONE follows their rules!!!! Private schools will always win in disputes with public schools...I refer to the late great philosopher George Carlin, "these people don't care about you, they own you." "It's all one big club and you ain't in it"
Fred offered to start at 6 to avoid the rain. Hillsboro said no.
I'd tell them to fly a kite too.
So Hillsboro has to move the game to 6 (even though the forcasts Friday Morning showed storms at 6) and its their fault, but when Hillsboro asked to move the game to Saturday to avoid the whole mess, MICDS does not have to comply.
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So Hillsboro has to move the game to 6 (even though the forcasts Friday Morning showed storms at 6) and its their fault, but when Hillsboro asked to move the game to Saturday to avoid the whole mess, MICDS does not have to comply.
neither have to do anything.
That's why we have so much crying on message boards.
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This whole situation as stupid. As long as I can remember, when a game is stopped for weather and not finished in Friday, you finish it Saturday. I went to games where that happened when I was a kid, I remember a West Platte/Tarkio game getting stopped for the weather and finished the next day probably 25 years ago and they finished it on Saturday. MICDS refusing because the parents and the kids wanted to party at Lake of the Ozarks is just ridiculous.

I hope anyone who they try to schedule in the future remembers this crap.
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This whole situation as stupid. As long as I can remember, when a game is stopped for weather and not finished in Friday, you finish it Saturday. I went to games where that happened when I was a kid, I remember a West Platte/Tarkio game getting stopped for the weather and finished the next day probably 25 years and they finished it on Saturday. MICDS refusing because the parents and the kids wanted to party at Lake of the Ozarks is just ridiculous.

I hope anyone who they try to schedule in the future remembers this crap.
A precedent has certainly been set for the future. If you are leading, and weather (or whatever) causes the game to not be able to be continued , why would anyone come back and play? "Sorry, we got starters doing something this weekend, we win". Just cite the case of Hillsboro v. MICDS 2024, case closed.
You have this completely backwards. Hillsboro is the ones that offered to move the game Friday morning due to incoming weather. This was stated on twitter/X the Friday night almost immediately following the delay by one of the Hillsboro coaches. I would assume that is why the school is frustrated. MICDS is in the wrong here. To further prove that below is a direct quote from the MSHSAA Football Manual that shows that MICDS will either have to call the game a wash or forfeit because its very evident both schools did not agree on ending the game with 17 minutes of playing time left.

MSHSAA Football Manual (page 11 section H part J)

Note: Games interrupted because of events beyond the control of the responsible administrative authority shall be continued from the point of interruption, unless the teams mutually agree to terminate the game with existing score

MSHSAA Football Manual (page 9 Section E part 14)

“Forfeited Games: Are defined as those games scheduled and never contested, games started but not concluded because one team refuses to complete the contest or when a team uses an ineligible player”
Seems cut and dry.


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