I Side With...

1. The person who washed the top window on the back of your house is a novice.
The person who washed the top window on the back of a 100 story skyscraper is an expert.

2. My mistake, won't happen again.

3. I have know idea what you know.

I do know that I worked 600' above the ground on the outside of a skyscraper .

Does that make me an expert?
Yes it does...
I'll be glad when you're expert enough to the know the difference between know and no.
As I said before, I wasn't talking to you.

Your quote above implies the same thing;

"Bunch of idiots"...

I'm assuming you have not met personally all of RUSH's audience...


News Flash!
This board is just for fun.

There are no brilliant experts on here, only brilliant egos...

No offense intended... : )
Darn Scout I thought I was brilliant

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