I care as much about GA football as i do hockey...

Yes sir, I will take a Red, White and a Can. No Draft beer for me.
Girl's tennis, truck racing, pro wrestling, figure skating and dart competitions .

Probably why you're an IGNORAMUS! Kinda reminds me of this clown from SOCAL, who I met during my inquisition into the military in the late 60's! He fancied hisownself as a high school football aficionado! And as we delved into the inner workings of the subject at hand! He discovered that I was from the Peach State, and asked if we had any decent teams back there! I told him WELL, there is this team forty miles down the path from my hometown named Valdosta, home of the Wildcats! He responded rather matter of factly, NEVER HEARD of UM! And that he had no issues with proclaiming that his team El Rancho, and many OTHERS in the SO CAL area, would mop up the floor with them CATS! LOOOOOOONG story short, I informed him that the team he was talking about mopping up, was the 1962 and 1968 NATIONAL CHAMPIONS!***ROTFLMAO***
Probably why you're an IGNORAMUS! Kinda reminds me of this clown from SOCAL, who I met during my inquisition into the military in the late 60's! He fancied hisownself as a high school football aficionado! And as we delved into the inner workings of the subject at hand! He discovered that I was from the Peach State, and asked if we had any decent teams back there! I told him WELL, there is this team forty miles down the path from my hometown named Valdosta, home of the Wildcats! He responded rather matter of factly, NEVER HEARD of UM! And that he had no issues with proclaiming that his team El Rancho, and many OTHERS in the SO CAL area, would mop up the floor with them CATS! LOOOOOOONG story short, I informed him that the team he was talking about mopping up, was the 1962 and 1968 NATIONAL CHAMPIONS!***ROTFLMAO***
Wait, does this mean you are in your upper 60's, possibly 70's? I had you pegged as a 20 something that was having a hard time moving past your high school football days. This changes many of your comments from annoying to kind of sad.

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