History Question for old timers,,,Cardsbeatwriter???

I thought there was a booked published some time back that had every score of every game all-time in it with Webb City football history not to mention the website which I completely forgot about until this question was brought forth ... what happened to the Webb City football history website?
Not sure it happens this year but it could. I still expect them to beat Ozark and willard. If they find 2 more they finish above 500
I am not sure exactly the year but it was probably the year before Coach Kill was hired. Their records used to be online back all the way to I think 1980 or maybe before but I don't think that site is up anymore. 1998 I think is the only .500 season since they became the WC that we all know today.

Webb will likely beat Ozark and Willard. The others at this point all look at least capable of beating Webb City but I still think Webb City finishes with a winning record. They will get more experienced and should get some kids back from injury. We'll see. They have had a few truly ugly starts in the past but always looked respectable by the end of the season. They looked epic bad in the first 2 games of... 2016 I think?
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I thought there was a booked published some time back that had every score of every game all-time in it with Webb City football history not to mention the website which I completely forgot about until this question was brought forth ... what happened to the Webb City football history website?
I think the guy who did it moved away and stopped paying whatever monthly fee is required to keep the site.
I am pretty sure they won their district last year. In fact weren't they one point from going to the state championship?
Yeah. Let's say he goes 3 years without winning a district. This year would be 2.
Not winning a district is not end of the world if your team is well prepared and playing the best they are capable of.

For Webb to have a losing regular season record would not set well in this community
I am pretty sure they won their district last year. In fact weren't they one point from going to the state championship?
Yeah. Let's say he goes 3 years without winning a district. This year would be 2.
Last year if you look at it was really a pretty solid finish. Now I do know some dads who were really upset because they felt like it was a game that should have been won and would have been won with better coaching.

This year may or may not shape up to be an actual turd. It looks a lot like Roderiques second year. No matter what happens, especially considering injuries, this year is what it is. Salvage what you can and look to the future. People will move on if the next few years are good.

It's well understood that there is a lot of promising talen coming up next year and beyond. So in my mind utilizing that talent and getting results in that time frame will be important. I don't think he has to win state but what definitely cannot happen is establish a reality that being in Webb CIty's district is not a death sentence.
Last year if you look at it was really a pretty solid finish. Now I do know some dads who were really upset because they felt like it was a game that should have been won and would have been won with better coaching.

This year may or may not shape up to be an actual turd. It looks a lot like Roderiques second year. No matter what happens, especially considering injuries, this year is what it is. Salvage what you can and look to the future. People will move on if the next few years are good.

It's well understood that there is a lot of promising talen coming up next year and beyond. So in my mind utilizing that talent and getting results in that time frame will be important. I don't think he has to win state but what definitely cannot happen is establish a reality that being in Webb CIty's district is not a death sentence.
Webb has a really good freshman class so he will be judged on how they do.
Not sure it happens this year but it could. I still expect them to beat Ozark and willard. If they find 2 more they finish above 500
I'll give you Ozark and Willard. Those sure seem to be gimmies. Then you've gotta have two of Neosho, Joplin, Carthage, and REPMO. REPMO is on the road, which is a huge deal. Neosho, Carthage, and Joplin are all at home. Less of a deal because they're all "west" schools. My gut tells me they're probably a 4/5 seed in districts. Probably puts them at a rematch with Carthage in the semis. I could see a scenario where they're 4-5 in regular season and need two dist wins to be at or above .500 on the year, and that semi game to determine it all is at Carthage. I wouldn't be shocked to see Webb win that district as that 4/5 seed either.

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