He is the lyingest piece of camal dung ever to walk the face of this earth....


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2002
and the people that continue to defend his bullsh!t are the same.

The lyingest sleaze bag in the History of mankind with all his garbage lies many times daily, and his uneducated, sometimes bigoted followers can't see it.

MIAMI/MOSCOW (Reuters) - During the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald J. Trump downplayed his business ties with Russia. And since taking office as president, he has been even more emphatic.

“I can tell you, speaking for myself, I own nothing in Russia,” President Trump said at a news conference last month. “I have no loans in Russia. I don’t have any deals in Russia."

But in the United States, members of the Russian elite have invested in Trump buildings. A Reuters review has found that at least 63 individuals with Russian passports or addresses have bought at least $98.4 million worth of property in seven Trump-branded luxury towers in southern Florida, according to public documents, interviews and corporate records.

The buyers include politically connected businessmen, such as a former executive in a Moscow-based state-run construction firm that works on military and intelligence facilities, the founder of a St. Petersburg investment bank and the co-founder of a conglomerate with interests in banking, property and electronics.

People from the second and third tiers of Russian power have invested in the Trump buildings as well. One recently posted a photo of himself with the leader of a Russian motorcycle gang that was sanctioned by the United States for its alleged role in Moscow’s seizure of Crimea.

The Reuters review of investors from Russia in Trump’s Florida condominium buildings found no suggestion of wrongdoing by President Trump or his real estate organization. And none of the buyers appear to be from Putin’s inner circle.

The White House referred questions from Reuters to the Trump Organization, whose chief legal officer said the scrutiny of President Trump’s business ties with Russia was misplaced.

“I can say definitively that this is an overblown story that is media-created,” Alan Garten said in an interview. “I’ve been around this company and know the company’s dealings."

The tally of investors from Russia may be conservative. The analysis found that at least 703 – or about one-third – of the owners of the 2044 units in the seven Trump buildings are limited liability companies, or LLCs, which have the ability to hide the identity of a property’s true owner. And the nationality of many buyers could not be determined. Russian-Americans who did not use a Russian address or passport in their purchases were not included in the tally.


The review focused on Florida because the state has a large concentration of Trump-branded buildings, and determining the ownership of properties is easier there than in some other states. The resort town of Sunny Isles Beach, site of six of the seven Trump-branded Florida residential towers, stands out in another way: The zip code that includes the Sunny Isles buildings has an estimated 1,200 Russian-born residents, among the most in the country, U.S. Census data show.

The Trump organization advertises all seven Florida buildings on its website as it pursues similar branding deals around the world. Exactly how much income Trump has earned from the buildings is unclear.

Six of the seven properties were the product of an agreement the New York property magnate struck in 2001 with father-and-son American developers Michael and Gil Dezer. The six buildings operated by the Dezers in Sunny Isles would bear Trump’s name under a licensing agreement.

In an interview, Gil Dezer said the project generated $2 billion in initial sales, from which Trump took a commission. Dezer declined to say how large a commission, citing confidentiality agreements. Garten, the Trump Organization’s chief legal officer, said Trump’s income was a mix of flat fees and percentages but declined to disclose them.

Edgardo Defortuna, a leading Miami developer, estimated that Trump likely made between one percent and four percent in initial sale commissions, based on the standard fees paid on similarly branded projects. If so, Trump stood to reap a total of $20 million to $80 million in Sunny Isles.

Trump receives no commission on subsequent sales in all seven of the Florida residential towers.

He continues to make money from one of the six Sunny Isles buildings, however, according to disclosure forms Trump filed in the 2016 U.S. presidential race. The disclosure form states that Trump received between $100,000 and $1 million from a business called Trump Marks Sunny Isles I LLC. Dezer said these funds came from the Trump International Beach Resort, a hotel and condominium complex.

Trump reported no income on his disclosure form from his seventh Florida property, the Trump Hollywood in the city of Hollywood. How much he has made over the years from that property’s 200 units is unclear. BH3, an investment fund which took over 180 units in a foreclosure sale, paid Trump a licensing fee of $25,000 for each unit, according to Daniel Lebensohn, a principal at the fund. If the remaining 20 units generated the same fee, Trump’s take would have been $5 million. Garten declined to confirm Trump’s commission.

Informed of the Reuters analysis of Trump’s Russian condo investors, two Democratic opponents of the president, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), renewed their calls for greater disclosure of his finances.

“While the president has denied having invested in Russia, he has said little or nothing about Russian investment in his businesses and properties in the United States or elsewhere,” said Rep. Adam Schiff, ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee. “This should concern all Americans and is yet another reason why his refusal to release his tax returns should be met with considerable skepticism and concern.”

Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) and Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), the Republican chairs of the Senate and House intelligence committees, declined to comment.

Schiff, as well as two U.S. intelligence officials and one former senior law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the Russian government sometimes directs funding at prominent individuals in the United States and Europe in hopes of improving their perception of Russia. Reuters found no evidence of such an effort with Trump. Garten, the Trump Organization’s chief legal officer, scoffed at the idea.

“This is politics at its worst,” he said.


The glimpse inside the condominium dealings offers a look at how the wealthy in Putin’s Russia use foreign property to stow cash.

One wealthy Russian buyer was Alexander Yuzvik. In 2010, he and his wife bought unit 3901 of Trump Palace in Sunny Isles for $1.3 million, according to Florida property records. The three-bedroom apartment has 2,100 square feet and panoramic views, according to an online real estate listing.

From 2013 to 2016, Yuzvik was a senior executive at Spetstroi, a state-owned company that has carried out construction projects at military facilities.

The Spetstroi website says the firm was involved in construction projects at the Moscow training academy of the FSB, Russia’s primary civilian intelligence service and successor of the KGB. Spetstroi also did construction work in the administrative building of the general staff of the GRU, Russia’s military intelligence service.

In a statement sent to Reuters, Spetstroi said Yuzvik worked there until he stepped down in March 2016.

Employees of some state-owned Russian companies are typically required to disclose their assets and income. Yuzvik and his wife filed a declaration for 2013. In that declaration, which is publicly available, they list only assets inside Russia. The Florida condo isn’t included.

Yuzvik could not be reached for comment.

Andrey Truskov, another Trump condo owner, is a founder and co-owner of Absolute Group LLC, a holding company involved in wholesale electronics, banking and property development, with projects in Moscow, London and New York. The wholesale electronic business is the biggest in Russia, an Absolute representative told Reuters. The company does not disclose its financial results.

Truskov bought apartment 1102 in the Trump Hollywood building for $1.4 million in 2011. The three-bedroom, 3.5-bath unit is 3,100 square feet, according to online real estate listings.

In a telephone interview, Truskov confirmed that he purchased the Trump Hollywood unit. He said the Florida apartment was the same price as a three-room apartment outside Moscow at the time, and Florida was a nice place to have a property. He said the purchase was a personal decision that had no connection with his business.

Several wealthy buyers were from Moscow and St. Petersburg, the country’s two largest cities, according to interviews in Russia, Florida public records and the Bureau Van Dijk company database Orbis. Among them: Alexey Ustaev, the founder and president of St. Petersburg-based Viking Bank, one of the first private investment banks established in Russia after the fall of Communism.

A donor to orphanages and chess clubs in St. Petersburg, Ustaev has received awards from the Russian Sports Ministry and the St. Petersburg chamber of commerce for his banking and charitable work, according to his biography on the bank’s website.

See more at:

(Additional reporting by Jack Stubbs in Moscow, John Walcott, Mark Hosenball, Jonathan Landay, Arshad Mohammed and Warren Strobel in Washington, and Astha Rajvanshi in New York. Editing by David Rohde and Christian Lowe)
Ahh, the world of Yahoo.

Jekyll, Somebody nominated you for dogcatcher, and even the dogs objected.
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Be nice fist. Your Avatar is a piece of crap too. Yahoo has as much credibility as fox.
I'll tell you like I told 3R, get off your high horse. Your party is dirty. Dirty as it gets.

Remember that the Russians paid the Clintons at least $500,000 directly in bribes, and as much as $250 million in slush fund money laundered through the Clinton Foundation. That's what the New York Times, a pro-Clinton newspaper, is reporting:

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock...Clinton Foundation, headed by a former president who relied heavily on foreign cash to accumulate $250 million in assets even as his wife helped steer American foreign policy as secretary of state, presiding over decisions with the potential benefit the foundation’s donors.
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CNN needing to remind viewers that their not FAKE NEWS is like asking me to believe that it never rains in Southern California.
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CNN needing to remind viewers that their not FAKE NEWS is like this guy reminding you that he's not Black.

Dude, wtf, that's tasteless.
All of this talk about the Russians is really interesting considering no one wanted to talk about Hillary Clinton and the Russians.

If you guys haven't figured it out by now most of the people that are in politics are not there to benefit us, they are there to benefit themselves.
Dude, wtf, that's tasteless.

Has nothing to do with tastelessness.

Just pointing out the fact that Hillary gets $750,000 for "one" speech by the Super Rich and she's held up as the "Democrat Champion of Poor Minorities" by CNN.

That FAKE NEWS organization is just a tool of the DNC.
Fist and WCS wanna be coach this post is about your boy, it has nothing to do with Clinton, if you think she did wrong lock her up just like camel dung said he was going to do. The pathetic liar. In fact lock them both up. I could care less.
Fist and WCS wanna be coach this post is about your boy, it has nothing to do with Clinton, if you think she did wrong lock her up just like camel dung said he was going to do. The pathetic liar. In fact lock them both up. I could care less.

Typical Democrat,
Love, praise, adore, cherish, support, believe, trust, and worship their Leftist Leaders...

until they lose of course then throw them under the bus.
Fist and WCS wanna be coach this post is about your boy, it has nothing to do with Clinton, if you think she did wrong lock her up just like camel dung said he was going to do. The pathetic liar. In fact lock them both up. I could care less.
Funny how you leaped to the conclusion that Trump was in league with Putin in hacking the DNC. Still waiting for proof of that.
Typical Democrat,
Love, praise, adore, cherish, support, believe, trust, and worship their Leftist Leaders...

until they lose of course then throw them under the bus.

Please show ANY pre election posts where anyone was "worshipping" Clinton. If you can't find any, kindly shut up.
Funny how you leaped to the conclusion that Trump was in league with Putin in hacking the DNC. Still waiting for proof of that.
Please show a post where I ever said t rump was in a league with putin in hacking the DNC, or anything remotely similar to that scenario.
All of this talk about the Russians is really interesting considering no one wanted to talk about Hillary Clinton and the Russians.

If you guys haven't figured it out by now most of the people that are in politics are not there to benefit us, they are there to benefit themselves.
Darn Pres. Clinton is really screwing this country up. Oh wait she is not the Pres.
Mr. Coach, Fistoh, Scout, Miller and associates:

Instead of tearing into me and calling me another liberal, mentioning the Clintons, saying "fake news " or posting some bizarre picture, could you please explain how Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, and Flynn can all have ties and dealings with Russians and you won't admit there could a serious issue with the Trump campaign? If you came out and said that you suspect foul play that could be the starting point for actual progress in our discussions.

In 2008, Don Jr specifically said a "huge" percentage of their business is with Russia.
Mr. Trump made $60 million off of the sale of one home in Florida to the Russian oligarch who is Putin's buddy. A house he never used nor needed.

Our secretary of state was personally given a medal by Putin as CEO of Exxon because of their dealings in Russia and that companies massive holdings over there.
His secretary of commerce owns a bank that has been busted for laundering Russian money.

It is one campaign advisor and cabinet member after another. Faced with all of this you still act like you would rather ridicule your fellow Missourians than tell the truth about a new York gangster turned president.

I'm guessing you also believe LBJ never lied about Vietnam casualties, Nixon didn't cover up Watergate, Clinton didn't have sexual relations, invading Iraq has worked out well, and Obamacare will save every family $2500/year and everyone can keep their doctor.

It is time to man up. Stop being stubborn and tell Houston we have a problem.
Mr. Coach, Fistoh, Scout, Miller and associates:

Instead of tearing into me and calling me another liberal, mentioning the Clintons, saying "fake news " or posting some bizarre picture, could you please explain how Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, and Flynn can all have ties and dealings with Russians and you won't admit there could a serious issue with the Trump campaign? If you came out and said that you suspect foul play that could be the starting point for actual progress in our discussions.

In 2008, Don Jr specifically said a "huge" percentage of their business is with Russia.
Mr. Trump made $60 million off of the sale of one home in Florida to the Russian oligarch who is Putin's buddy. A house he never used nor needed.

Our secretary of state was personally given a medal by Putin as CEO of Exxon because of their dealings in Russia and that companies massive holdings over there.
His secretary of commerce owns a bank that has been busted for laundering Russian money.

It is one campaign advisor and cabinet member after another. Faced with all of this you still act like you would rather ridicule your fellow Missourians than tell the truth about a new York gangster turned president.

I'm guessing you also believe LBJ never lied about Vietnam casualties, Nixon didn't cover up Watergate, Clinton didn't have sexual relations, invading Iraq has worked out well, and Obamacare will save every family $2500/year and everyone can keep their doctor.

It is time to man up. Stop being stubborn and tell Houston we have a problem.

You may as well be talking to one of these.
How could you possibly return a post from a guy who is talking to himself!!! lol:p:p:p

As disgusted as I was with people defending Clintons foundation and wall street speeches, this Russia thing just blows me away. How can the entire country, including Trump voters not be up in arms? Agent Orange is so in bed with Russia he was rooting for Ivan Drago when he watched Rocky Four.
Mr. Coach, Fistoh, Scout, Miller and associates:

Instead of tearing into me and calling me another liberal, mentioning the Clintons, saying "fake news " or posting some bizarre picture, could you please explain how Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, and Flynn can all have ties and dealings with Russians and you won't admit there could a serious issue with the Trump campaign? If you came out and said that you suspect foul play that could be the starting point for actual progress in our discussions.

In 2008, Don Jr specifically said a "huge" percentage of their business is with Russia.
Mr. Trump made $60 million off of the sale of one home in Florida to the Russian oligarch who is Putin's buddy. A house he never used nor needed.

Our secretary of state was personally given a medal by Putin as CEO of Exxon because of their dealings in Russia and that companies massive holdings over there.
His secretary of commerce owns a bank that has been busted for laundering Russian money.

It is one campaign advisor and cabinet member after another. Faced with all of this you still act like you would rather ridicule your fellow Missourians than tell the truth about a new York gangster turned president.

I'm guessing you also believe LBJ never lied about Vietnam casualties, Nixon didn't cover up Watergate, Clinton didn't have sexual relations, invading Iraq has worked out well, and Obamacare will save every family $2500/year and everyone can keep their doctor.

It is time to man up. Stop being stubborn and tell Houston we have a problem.

So refreshing to read the perspective from Mars.
Reading this was like listening to Elizabeth Warrens Senate reading of a 30-year-old letter by Coretta Scott King.
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So refreshing to read the perspective from Mars.
Reading this was like listening to Elizabeth Warrens Senate reading of a 30-year-old letter by Coretta Scott King.

OK. If you can tell me one thing in my post that is not true, I will kiss your ring, buy you a drink, and defend you to my dying death.
And not your opinion. Show me an actual falsehood.
OK. If you can tell me one thing in my post that is not true, I will kiss your ring, buy you a drink, and defend you to my dying death.
And not your opinion. Show me an actual falsehood.
Drinking is a solitary sport and I don't wear jewelry. I don't need defending and I don't pretend to even try to change the mind of liberal.
Drinking is a solitary sport and I don't wear jewelry. I don't need defending and I don't pretend to even try to change the mind of liberal.

I'm fine with any independent investigation about any issue regarding Russia. What I refuse to consider are news articles put out by the media at this point because they have just continued to lie, mislead, and fabricate for too long.

There comes a point when you cry Wolf over and over and over that people just don't believe you anymore. I'm at that point with all of the mainstream media.

If you want to use them to base your opinions on, then I guess you will just continue to live in a world of lies, fabrications, etc.
I'm fine with any independent investigation about any issue regarding Russia. What I refuse to consider are news articles put out by the media at this point because they have just continued to lie, mislead, and fabricate for too long.

There comes a point when you cry Wolf over and over and over that people just don't believe you anymore. I'm at that point with all of the mainstream media.

If you want to use them to base your opinions on, then I guess you will just continue to live in a world of lies, fabrications, etc.
Cry with the Clintons? That's different though right?
I'm fine with any independent investigation about any issue regarding Russia. What I refuse to consider are news articles put out by the media at this point because they have just continued to lie, mislead, and fabricate for too long.

There comes a point when you cry Wolf over and over and over that people just don't believe you anymore. I'm at that point with all of the mainstream media.

If you want to use them to base your opinions on, then I guess you will just continue to live in a world of lies, fabrications, etc.
You really shouldn't talk about our so called Pres. like that.
Largest crowd ever
3 to 5 million illegal votes
Obama not US citizen
1000s on roofs
Need I go on.
Please show ANY pre election posts where anyone was "worshipping" Clinton. If you can't find any, kindly shut up.

NewProbably ought to investigate Benghazi again also. After all she the worst person in the world

Sarcasm, Dems love her...:rolleyes:
I'm for investigating everything. Let's do Obama, Clinton, Gore, Trump, Bush, Cheney...the whole stinking thing.
You really shouldn't talk about our so called Pres. like that.
Largest crowd ever
3 to 5 million illegal votes
Obama not US citizen
1000s on roofs
Need I go on.
Trump had the help of Hillary too. She was a crook, liar, and idiot.