Has the Senate called in Tara Reade yet?

In trumpy's first 2 fiscal years in office, trump family members took 3,298 trips requiring secret service, most involving Trump family business. Obama family took 933 his entire time in office.

Trump businesses should reimburse treasury for family business trips. Why should I be paying for their business trips?
Sorry he had a business long before he thought about being president?
I thought he gave up his business interests while president. But what's he do - he hires D Jr, Jared, and Ivanka as senior advisors, and they continue to run the family business FROM the White House, and using taxpayer money to do it.

Don the Con has stuck it to all of us, and you continue to worship the ground he walks on. NO THANKS
The difference between lefties and you right wing nut jobs is that I agree with the other side sometimes. Biden should be dropped. Get him out. There are 30 Dems I like better.

So now you can can dump Trump and run someone else. Call me what you want, I’m no hypocrite. But you hypos can’t even get yourself to admit that other than cutting taxes, appointing judges and gutting regulations, Trump is a horrible leader who divides the country and has all but destroyed our government.

Plenty of us admit Trump is a womanizing Dbag, with a blunt attacking attitude. HE is just getting done some of the things that need to be done. And Obama divided the country long before Trump took office. His Socialist unAmerican creed and anti rural and working class belief system forever has alienated many and Drove Trump into office.
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I thought he gave up his business interests while president. But what's he do - he hires D Jr, Jared, and Ivanka as senior advisors, and they continue to run the family business FROM the White House, and using taxpayer money to do it.

Don the Con has stuck it to all of us, and you continue to worship the ground he walks on. NO THANKS
Are you worse today then you were 4 years ago? And no, the virus situation does not count. That could have happened to anyone while they were president.
And if you had kids you wouldn't let them run it

Yes run the business. But they are in no way qualified to be on the gov payroll. And by being part of the trump admin, their business interests are a HUGE conflict of interest.
I know you and I respect your opinion but if you or your family is getting something tghat will help them you would
Yes run the business. But they are in no way qualified to be on the gov payroll. And by being part of the trump admin, their business interests are a HUGE conflict of interest.
Oh and Hunter getting 83k a month from a corrupt company in Ukraine with zero experience in the oil industry isn’t a conflict of interest.

You’re worse than CNN, Kask. You don’t even beg to ask the question about it.
Oh and Hunter getting 83k a month from a corrupt company in Ukraine with zero experience in the oil industry isn’t a conflict of interest.

Was Hunter Biden an employee of the US government? NO
Are the Trump kids doing personal business from the White House employees of the US government?? YES There is your conflict of interest.
I know you and I respect your opinion but if you or your family is getting something tghat will help them you would

Help them, yes....hire them to a prestigious high government position to the president with NO experience, no
Biden still has yet to have been asked about Tara Reade. And of course Hillary endorses him and won’t bring it up. Because she’s all for that behavior.

The “I believers” sure are quiet on this one.
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Biden still has yet to have been asked about Tara Reade. And of course Hillary endorses him and won’t bring it up. Because she’s all for that behavior.

The “I believers” sure are quiet on this one.

Trump has already proven you can mistreat women and be a stable genius leading our country to greatness. Why are you so obsessed with Biden’s similar proclivities?
It reeks of desperation.
Trump has already proven you can mistreat women and be a stable genius leading our country to greatness. Why are you so obsessed with Biden’s similar proclivities?
It reeks of desperation.
And when you raised hell about Trump and Kavanaugh it wasn’t desperation?

I’m just trying to figure out why your tune is different here.
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The “I believers” sure are quiet on this one.
This is the issue! If you are going to say the woman MUST be believed, ALL women must be believed.
In both cases I have the same stand......provide least evidence why I should believe you. Everyone should be heard but it takes evidence to prove something.
With Trump there was nothing to was on tape. The voters can decide whether it matters or not, whether it is credible or not, or if it is a smear tactic (Kavenaugh) but, they have to be heard which this one is being buried. Why bury a non starter?
You could search day and night and not find one post from me regarding Cavanaugh’s womanizing.

Regarding Trump, I made it clear that any piece of crap who would ride Stormy bare back while his wife was at home nursing their newborn is not worthy of the WH. I supported John Edwards until he pulled that crap.
You are barking up the wrong tree, dog.
Under which username should I look for?
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Ok then I'll say this when Trump resigns for his accusers complaints I will get up and jump up and down and scream Biden must resign and is unqualified to be President. Until then you can find me in my basement or back porch!

I think what you really meant to say was, now that the candidate I support for president is also an accused of being a sexual predator, I will no longer question others why they continue to support their candidates, who also have been accused of misconduct, because just like them my allegiance is to the party and not my morals, because winning the office with an accused sexual predator is more important than not winning at all....
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seriously Bullit.

If Biden was running against Pence, then it would be fair to use this allegation against him. But to even bring in up when he is running against Trump is a laugh out loud joke.

I think Biden has issue, my daughters who are big Democrats have even said you can watch him and the way he acts around woman is very creepy. They both are planning to vote independent this election because they cannot support Biden and will never support Trump.

And I am not saying Trump is a saint either... hell no and I think I have been very clear on that, I just don't think Biden is innocent, and when it comes to sexual misconduct is any better than Trump. Sure if you want Trump out you are going to have to overlook these allegations, but by supporting or continuing to support Biden those Dems will lose credibility going forward, when it comes to how to treat those who accuse or are accused of sexual misconduct.

I also think the main stream media is not sure how to handle this right now, it is clear they want Trump out, but they also have to show they are going to take all allegations serious. I think those who have been around Biden long enough know the man is probable guilty...hell we have all seen how he smells woman out in the open, you have to wonder how empowered he feels behind closed doors.
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I haven't heard Reade speak about it. I think you can tell a lot about the truth hearing the victims own words and I want to hear what she has to say before passing judgment. But I will say this...I believed Monica, Paula Jones and other Clinton accusers, Anita Hill, Stormy and other Trump accusers, Christine Ford, so I'm not putting it past Biden. OK Stormy is a pro whore, but most of these women have legit professional careers and backgrounds, and not all are publicity seeking.

Let's face it - there are a lot of powerful, rich, and famous men who think they can boink any women and will try to take advantage.

I do have a problem when someone comes out with accusations many years later, but evidently Reade did tell her mom and another close friend about it when it happened.

My vote is the same - anybody but trump.
I am not a Biden guy. I led the charge against Hillary. I criticized the hell out of Obama. And I have called repeatedly for new blood to take over Dem leadership instead of the geriatric team currently in place. I hate corporate Dems as much as I hate republicans.

But voting third party says you are fine with Trump gutting regulations protecting workers, investors, the environment, and our national parks. He has tarnished the FBI, the CIA, our generals, and our court system. I can’t equate the things I hate about Biden with the destruction this man does.

And I think what you are saying is exactly right and people will have to make that decision.

People who want Trump out are either going to have to hold their nose and vote for Biden or probable deal with four more years. I don't like Trump but I am the exact opposite, I voted independent the last election, but I am going to have to hold my nose and probable vote Trump. Yeah he has done some crappy things I wish he would keep his mouth closed sometimes. But he has also done some things I like, Nafta and he has gone after China. Sure what we got was not prefect with Nafta but with the Dems we would have done nothing, you and I know it, but yet they want to say Trump sold them out? I say bull $*(^ it was a Democratic President who signed it into law and not even Obama would change a thing to it after he promised he would. Biden is already on the record saying we don't have to worry about China and we need China so if he is elected look for things to go back to normal, I am sure he is going to try and walk that back a bit now during the election cycle. But if he gets into office look for him to roll back Tariffs and make it easy on business to go back to normal over there.
Most of today's dems would sell out labor so the banks could make a penny more on some widget they manufacture. They are not the dems of old. Again I don't like Trump really wish we had a better option but the Dems are not going to give us that, but while not prefect he has tried to do more for the working class in his time in office than the Dems have done since Clinton was elected. All they have done is sign Nafta and tried to give us TPP, and say sorry all manufacturing is going over seas live with it adapt and move on. Well we all know how letting manufacturing move over seas is working out during this pandemic......
I haven't heard Reade speak about it. I think you can tell a lot about the truth hearing the victims own words and I want to hear what she has to say before passing judgment.

Uh, isn't that the problem being stated? No one has even heard of her or her story because it's being buried.
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OMG Don't you think one TV station would interview her if she wanted to be interviewed. I guess every TV station in the country is in on the conspiracy and don't want to be the first to break the next BIG story.

Give me a break. The paranoid pubs have never met a conspiracy they didn't like!!
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bullit - I agree with a lot of what you and mitch said but best I can tell, China just went other places to get our agriculture. Farmers are plowing under crops. All of trumpy's foreign policy deals are a bunch of unenforceable, immeasurable promises that other countries have no intention of keeping. Trump has been a failure on foreign policy and just p*ssed off our alies.
OMG Don't you think one TV station would interview her if she wanted to be interviewed. I guess every TV station in the country is in on the conspiracy and don't want to be the first to break the next BIG story.

Give me a break. The paranoid pubs have never met a conspiracy they didn't like!!
She has publicly spoke out about this. And has been interviewed. Just google her name. Her recent interview is up and free to watch.

Don’t pass judgement and say you’ve never seen her talk just because the Herald or KFVS hasn’t covered her story.
She has publicly spoke out about this. And has been interviewed. Just google her name. Her recent interview is up and free to watch.

Don’t pass judgement and say you’ve never seen her talk just because the Herald or KFVS hasn’t covered her story.
If it's not in the Herald it's not worth paying attention to.
bullit - I agree with a lot of what you and mitch said but best I can tell, China just went other places to get our agriculture. Farmers are plowing under crops. All of trumpy's foreign policy deals are a bunch of unenforceable, immeasurable promises that other countries have no intention of keeping. Trump has been a failure on foreign policy and just p*ssed off our alies.

I think there will be pain, anytime you try to make changes there are going to be growing pains. I don't like that farmers are suffering, but most of those farms are big commercial farms, sure a few are maybe family owned, but they sold out to corporations long ago, we are not talking small farms. My granddad had what I thought was a big dairy farm 450 acres in Barry county when I was growing up, hell that would be small compared to what these huge corporate dairy farms of today, yeah they put some guy on TV saying how he is hurting which they might likely are, but it is like Apple hurting, not the mom and pops, they put the small mom and pops out of business long ago. My Granddad was basically run out of business by them, because the little guy could not compete any more with those huge dairy and beef farms who have large corporations money behind them.

The problem will be Trumps policies not be enforceable is because the dems don't want them to be, because their donors don't want them. Don't allow yourself to get sucked into what they are saying. If Biden gets elected and continues to be hard on China and the next president and next then things will change. You guys all worried about Russia interference last election, well you just wait, China wants Biden and they have already been caught spinning the news cycles here and there. This is going to be interesting Russian and China battling it out over who gets to be our president. China has a lot to lose this election, Biden when elected will stop the tariffs all in the name of helping the little guy, but really it it is the large corporations profits that it will help and China, so they want a Biden win. Trump wins and China's got at least 4 more years to either try and wait Trump out or come to the table. Right now they are waiting on our election cycle hoping Biden gets in, that should really tell you Dems something about where the Dems stand on labor and fair trade.... when China wants a Democrat to win!

Now as for our alias, I don't like a lot of what Trump has done or said, but it has been refreshing at times to see American needs being put before other countries needs, all in the name of diplomacy
LOL OK watched it. She's wasn't comfortable in front of the mic. Still don't know but wouldn't doubt it.
The problem will be Trumps policies not be enforceable is because the dems don't want them to be, because their donors don't want them. Don't allow yourself to get sucked into what they are saying

Trump's policies are unenforceable with China, North Korea, Iran, and other countries know Trump is just playing to the headlines and can claim a victory with a vague agreement with promises that may or may not be fulfilled. They know they can just play along, let Trump play the big shot diplomat, and they can go along with business as usual.

Dems aren't making the policies. And big donors are on both sides.
Yes they do. Went by last summer and was shocked. Major donor. They've come a long way since I last coached there in 95
LOL OK watched it. She's wasn't comfortable in front of the mic. Still don't know but wouldn't doubt it.

She seem actually pretty credibly, when she was telling her story about what Biden said, "Come on man I thought you liked me" seems exactly something Joe would say. She just sounds like somebody that cannot believe this actually happened to her. But really knowing that Biden's camp is involved in the defense fund (times up) and they have refused to help her, makes them look bad makes this all look bad sort of like what was going on with Trump. If this didn't happen they need to get this out so it can be looked into and discredited.
And I think what you are saying is exactly right and people will have to make that decision.

People who want Trump out are either going to have to hold their nose and vote for Biden or probable deal with four more years. I don't like Trump but I am the exact opposite, I voted independent the last election, but I am going to have to hold my nose and probable vote Trump. Yeah he has done some crappy things I wish he would keep his mouth closed sometimes. But he has also done some things I like, Nafta and he has gone after China. Sure what we got was not prefect with Nafta but with the Dems we would have done nothing, you and I know it, but yet they want to say Trump sold them out? I say bull $*(^ it was a Democratic President who signed it into law and not even Obama would change a thing to it after he promised he would. Biden is already on the record saying we don't have to worry about China and we need China so if he is elected look for things to go back to normal, I am sure he is going to try and walk that back a bit now during the election cycle. But if he gets into office look for him to roll back Tariffs and make it easy on business to go back to normal over there.
Most of today's dems would sell out labor so the banks could make a penny more on some widget they manufacture. They are not the dems of old. Again I don't like Trump really wish we had a better option but the Dems are not going to give us that, but while not prefect he has tried to do more for the working class in his time in office than the Dems have done since Clinton was elected. All they have done is sign Nafta and tried to give us TPP, and say sorry all manufacturing is going over seas live with it adapt and move on. Well we all know how letting manufacturing move over seas is working out during this pandemic......
There's one way I would vote for fat donnie, if the Democrats would win the house and flip the senate. The misery he would suffer would be worth the show. Impeached again and escorted out of the WH in a orange jump suit. Assigned to pick up trash along the highway. Oh happy days!!!
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There's one way I would vote for fat donnie, if the Democrats would win the house and flip the senate. The misery he would suffer would be worth the show. Impeached again and escorted out of the WH in a orange jump suit. Assigned to pick up trash along the highway. Oh happy days!!!
Shoot if that happen he would turn into a Democrat in 5 seconds and claim he was always a Dem
LOL OK watched it. She's wasn't comfortable in front of the mic. Still don't know but wouldn't doubt it.
I mean her mother called into the Larry King show to talk about it in 93. That video is out there too. There have been 4 witnesses that have publicly come out and said Tara told them about this when it happened. There is a police report.

But she doesn’t look comfortable in front of a mic?? That’s what you took from that??

Come on man. You’re so much better than that. She was sexually assaulted man. You think she’s going to be jumping up and down for joy?