And I think what you are saying is exactly right and people will have to make that decision.
People who want Trump out are either going to have to hold their nose and vote for Biden or probable deal with four more years. I don't like Trump but I am the exact opposite, I voted independent the last election, but I am going to have to hold my nose and probable vote Trump. Yeah he has done some crappy things I wish he would keep his mouth closed sometimes. But he has also done some things I like, Nafta and he has gone after China. Sure what we got was not prefect with Nafta but with the Dems we would have done nothing, you and I know it, but yet they want to say Trump sold them out? I say bull $*(^ it was a Democratic President who signed it into law and not even Obama would change a thing to it after he promised he would. Biden is already on the record saying we don't have to worry about China and we need China so if he is elected look for things to go back to normal, I am sure he is going to try and walk that back a bit now during the election cycle. But if he gets into office look for him to roll back Tariffs and make it easy on business to go back to normal over there.
Most of today's dems would sell out labor so the banks could make a penny more on some widget they manufacture. They are not the dems of old. Again I don't like Trump really wish we had a better option but the Dems are not going to give us that, but while not prefect he has tried to do more for the working class in his time in office than the Dems have done since Clinton was elected. All they have done is sign Nafta and tried to give us TPP, and say sorry all manufacturing is going over seas live with it adapt and move on. Well we all know how letting manufacturing move over seas is working out during this pandemic......