California's old Riley Field (last played on in 2013) was a hell of a place to have a football game. There was no track, and fans completely surrounded the field. Riley Field was always painted so well, too. You couldn't go anywhere without seeing a horseshoe or the word "Pintos". They'd been playing on that field since the 50's, and the rich history was always the first thing that popped out at you as a visitor. Even on the way to the stadium, you would pass through all of the historic buildings and park into a beautiful setting in downtown California.
I hate California's new stadium. It's some turf field by their high school (in the middle of nowhere), the stands couldn't feel any further away from the action, and worst of all, there is ZERO atmosphere. I guess that getting rid of the old stadium pissed off quite a few alums because now every time I go there, the stands are half-empty. The only character the stadium has is that it's right across the highway from a grain elevator, giving it a blue-collar, Friday night lights type of feeling. But that's it