If you think I am jealous of a teams success then again you have not followed me on this board very long. If you think I am jealous of a kids going off to a great college and getting recruited then again you don't know me. Lamar won 7 titles in a row the beat the crap out of my cubs some years...I never complained. Webb has won many titles again if we move back to class 4 they will probable stand in our way of a district title it is what it is I went to watch them play this Saturday. Cassville over the last decade has had continued success and has sent my beloved Cubs home in the district game. John Boroughs beat us twice in the Semi's and really not a lot of fans from Monett complained even about them being a private school. I think there is talk of even erecting a billboard that will say Home to Zek Elliot for one game just outside our city limits LOL.
What you do not realize about the recruitment process is these kids were going to be recruited with or without these coaches. I can tell you every one of LN and Trinity players would have the same offers even if they played down here in SWMO for Pierce City, because they have what college coaches are looking for and that is Measurables, they have size, they have speed and just Gawd given talent that others don't. Trinity and LN coaches want to beat their chest like they are doing something special for these kids and I call bull. My Daughter never played one inning in high school softball her high school coach did not have a clue when it came to knowing the first thing about the recruitment process who to contact or what to do, but guess what she had played in College and got a scholarship, why because coaches saw her play in summer leagues and they don't miss many players that can help them in any sport.
I am glad those kids are going to get a good education, I hope they go onto College and become a great success and get a good education! I really do honestly hope these kids succeed!! I myself fostered kids we adopted three!! I always love rooting for the underdog.
What upsets me is these coaches and small private schools are using top notch players to help enrich themselves. How many kids that don't have talent have they cast to the gutter or not helped ... probably many. Now I could be wrong but you don't see them crowing about any NAIA or NCAA II players. You don't see them tweeting anything about the kids who are just going on to college on academic scholarship, so that sort of tells me they only care about big names and what they can do to help them get recognition as D1 coaches and be known as scholarship high. Again I could be wrong I hope I am wrong, and I really want these kids to succeed, but I want to see even the kids that are not going on to Power 5 programs succeed. By your demeaning talk and what you have said about our kids down here is SWMO because they are not going on to power 5 schools and will not amount to anything and all of us SWMO hicks will end up working at Dairy Queen and it is obvious from your post you don't care.