Doc guys .....Forever!!

You know if Shoot can get in as an Doc guy I should be able too, I am Bullitt d@mn it.


Easy there buddy! Not anyone can just become a Doc Guy! Shoot90draw has been here since the beginning and we have all made the Doc Guys what they are TOGETHER!! No one can just barge in and demand to be a Doc Guy. Now dont cross me!!!
Ok Doc Guys!! The most recent vote is in!! And it looks like were having a quick re vote tomorrow! The vote to decide if Fake Mox has a real vote not passed 5 votes yes to 2 votes no. Voting will being Friday, April 21st at 7AM central standard time and ends Friday, April 21st at 3PM central standard time. Voting went as follows

Voting no, that Fake Mox does NOT have a real vote
Real J. Moxon
Coach Nickerson/Fox

Voting yes, that Fake Mox DOES have a real vote
Ok Doc Guys!! The most recent vote is in!! And it looks like were having a quick re vote tomorrow! The vote to decide if Fake Mox has a real vote not passed 5 votes yes to 2 votes no. Voting will being Friday, April 21st at 7AM central standard time and ends Friday, April 21st at 3PM central standard time. Voting went as follows

Voting no, that Fake Mox does NOT have a real vote
Real J. Moxon
Coach Nickerson/Fox

Voting yes, that Fake Mox DOES have a real vote
What the heck are we even voting on tomorrow?? Calvin and Gerry again?
What the heck are we even voting on tomorrow?? Calvin and Gerry again?
Yes. Some people *cough* GerryBertier *cough* threw a fit because Fake Mox shouldnt count. If you subtract his votes, CalvinCandie and GerryBertier are tied in the voting. Well, since we voted that Fake Mox doesnt count and is not a Doc Guy, we must re vote
I can't get on for 1 day and all hell breaksloose. Hey Moroxon if you get these guys to let both Bertier and Calvin in the doc guys I'll never post on here again! Something to consider!
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Ok Doc Guys! The time is upon us yet again. Since yesterday the majority of us voted to determine that Fake Mox does not count, therefore his votes did not count. That ended up with a tie in vote to decide of CalvinCandie and GerryBertier are inducted into the Doc Guys. So on today, April 21st, 2017, you have until 3pm central standard time, to cast your vote. Vote YES if you believe CalvinCandie and/or GerryBertier should be made Doc Guys. Vote NO if you believe they shouldnt. Each candidate must have a majority of YES votes to be inducted. Lets do this TOGETHER!

My vote is;
CalvinCandie Yes
GerryBertier No
Ok Doc Guys! The time is upon us yet again. Since yesterday the majority of us voted to determine that Fake Mox does not count, therefore his votes did not count. That ended up with a tie in vote to decide of CalvinCandie and GerryBertier are inducted into the Doc Guys. So on today, April 21st, 2017, you have until 3pm central standard time, to cast your vote. Vote YES if you believe CalvinCandie and/or GerryBertier should be made Doc Guys. Vote NO if you believe they shouldnt. Each candidate must have a majority of YES votes to be inducted. Lets do this TOGETHER!

My vote is;
CalvinCandie Yes
GerryBertier No

I was wondering when the polls were gonna open! Geez Bosko!

CalvinCandie Yes
GerryBertier No
Ok Doc Guys! The time is upon us yet again. Since yesterday the majority of us voted to determine that Fake Mox does not count, therefore his votes did not count. That ended up with a tie in vote to decide of CalvinCandie and GerryBertier are inducted into the Doc Guys. So on today, April 21st, 2017, you have until 3pm central standard time, to cast your vote. Vote YES if you believe CalvinCandie and/or GerryBertier should be made Doc Guys. Vote NO if you believe they shouldnt. Each candidate must have a majority of YES votes to be inducted. Lets do this TOGETHER!

My vote is;
CalvinCandie Yes
GerryBertier No
Thanks again for the vote Bosko! At least I know that you and Shoot90 have some common sense! Everyone is yet to be determined!
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Been doing some soul searching myself and I think if we continue to vote and let other Doc guys in this will water down our commitment to each other and what we accomplished in our football Docs...SO

CalvinCandie while I do enjoy watching your Doc I am voting no.
GerryBertier While he was a stud and was in football Doc he passed away in 1981, so I am voting no.

Ok. So today is super slow work day. With our recent thread reply record we broke, I compared us to other threads on MoSports. We currently have 512 replies on our thread. Of course, we did that TOGETHER!! There are some forums that our ONE THREAD ALONE has the entire forum beat!!! Here is a quick break down

Forums we are close to passing
Track and field 582 messages
Baseball 545 messages
Forums we are beating
Roundball Review 414 messages
Athletic Directors Information 350 messages
Coaches Only 347 messages
Weights and Speed training 54 messages
All of the Youth sports forums!!
STEPH is also an immature child. I think Bosko would agree!
Easy now Calvin! Stef was an immature hot head as a teenager. You can see me set him straight when he comes and talks to me in the bar! But we have over come our differences, set aside our pasts, and have come TOGETHER to form the Ampipe Boys! Which we have now all become the Doc Guys!
The Mox has put some time, effort and serious thought into today's vote. The Mox feels that maybe he rushed into judgment with both Gerry and Candy Cane. I have went back, re-lived and re-read our past. I have looked into the relationships that both have developed with each and everyone of the Doc Guys. I have painstakingly played out all of the scenarios of both Gerry and Candy Cane being IN and OUT of the Doc Guys.


Gerry Bertier: No...based on the fact that we cancled FAKE Mox's votes because he is FAKE. We know Gerry is dead, so he must be an imposter, thus fake, and cannot be part of the Doc Guys.

Calvin Candie: No...based on his on again/off again post about taking over and his constant sucking up and then bashing of ALL of the Doc Guys, specifically STEPH. STEPH and I may not always see eye-to-eye, but I respect the heck out of him for being the founding member here on MOSports. Gee, he is the one who brought me over to this board. If you can't respect STEPH, I can't respect you. Sorry Candy Cane.
The Mox has put some time, effort and serious thought into today's vote. The Mox feels that maybe he rushed into judgment with both Gerry and Candy Cane. I have went back, re-lived and re-read our past. I have looked into the relationships that both have developed with each and everyone of the Doc Guys. I have painstakingly played out all of the scenarios of both Gerry and Candy Cane being IN and OUT of the Doc Guys.


Gerry Bertier: No...based on the fact that we cancled FAKE Mox's votes because he is FAKE. We know Gerry is dead, so he must be an imposter, thus fake, and cannot be part of the Doc Guys.

Calvin Candie: No...based on his on again/off again post about taking over and his constant sucking up and then bashing of ALL of the Doc Guys, specifically STEPH. STEPH and I may not always see eye-to-eye, but I respect the heck out of him for being the founding member here on MOSports. Gee, he is the one who brought me over to this board. If you can't respect STEPH, I can't respect you. Sorry Candy Cane.
The Jonathan Moxon ladies and gentlemen!! Wow that was a well thought out and well written post good sir! I think we can all thank Stef for bringing us TOGETHER on this board! He was the first and certainly wont be the last.