Did this forum get shut down or something?


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2002
Or did the Trump folks finally give up on him doing anything honest while in the highest office in the land. :rolleyes:
Just libs tiring of trying to make bogus things up.
Yea it’s kind of funny how yesterday the “Whistleblower” really wasn’t privy to Trumps conversation. His story was third hand crap, and not a story anyway as Trump did nothing wrong. It appears a former VP Biden extorted the Ukraine govt and bragged about it on an open mic

1. Hunter Biden had no experience st all in the Ukraine much less laws concerning its energy sector.
2. Hunter Biden had absolutily no experience in the natural gas industry anywhere much less the Ukraine
3. Hunter Biden was hired as an advisor and board member for Ukraine energy company making millions of dollars for apparently no work at all
4. Ukraine prosecutor was investigating company Hunter was paid by, and was wanting to talk to Hunter Biden about his business dealings.
5. Joe Biden threatened to withhold billions of dollars in foreign aid unless the prosecutor was fired and the investigation dropped( on tape)
6. Joe Biden swore he had never even talked to his son Hunter about his dealings in the Ukraine, even though Hunter told people they had spoken about it. Biden makes a big deal about being a loving family man,,it’s hard to imagine he didn’t talk to Hunter about his work in the Ukraine

Nothing wrong at all in Trump telling a foreign leader that something stinks and they should look into it.

Ukraine foreign minister says no pressure was applied by Trump
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Yea it’s kind of funny how yesterday the “Whistleblower” really wasn’t privy to Trumps conversation. His story was third hand crap, and not a story anyway as Trump did nothing wrong. It appears a former VP Biden extorted the Ukraine govt and bragged about it on an open mic

1. Hunter Biden had no experience st all in the Ukraine much less laws concerning its energy sector.
2. Hunter Biden had absolutily no experience in the natural gas industry anywhere much less the Ukraine
3. Hunter Biden was hired as an advisor and board member for Ukraine energy company making millions of dollars for apparently no work at all
4. Ukraine prosecutor was investigating company Hunter was paid by, and was wanting to talk to Hunter Biden about his business dealings.
5. Joe Biden threatened to withhold billions of dollars in foreign aid unless the prosecutor was fired and the investigation dropped( on tape)
6. Joe Biden swore he had never even talked to his son Hunter about his dealings in the Ukraine, even though Hunter told people they had spoken about it. Biden makes a big deal about being a loving family man,,it’s hard to imagine he didn’t talk to Hunter about his work in the Ukraine

Nothing wrong at all in Trump telling a foreign leader that something stinks and they should look into it.

Ukraine foreign minister says no pressure was applied by Trump
Save your breath for your blow up doll.
Yea it’s kind of funny how yesterday the “Whistleblower” really wasn’t privy to Trumps conversation. His story was third hand crap, and not a story anyway as Trump did nothing wrong. It appears a former VP Biden extorted the Ukraine govt and bragged about it on an open mic

1. Hunter Biden had no experience st all in the Ukraine much less laws concerning its energy sector.
2. Hunter Biden had absolutily no experience in the natural gas industry anywhere much less the Ukraine
3. Hunter Biden was hired as an advisor and board member for Ukraine energy company making millions of dollars for apparently no work at all
4. Ukraine prosecutor was investigating company Hunter was paid by, and was wanting to talk to Hunter Biden about his business dealings.
5. Joe Biden threatened to withhold billions of dollars in foreign aid unless the prosecutor was fired and the investigation dropped( on tape)
6. Joe Biden swore he had never even talked to his son Hunter about his dealings in the Ukraine, even though Hunter told people they had spoken about it. Biden makes a big deal about being a loving family man,,it’s hard to imagine he didn’t talk to Hunter about his work in the Ukraine

Nothing wrong at all in Trump telling a foreign leader that something stinks and they should look into it.

Ukraine foreign minister says no pressure was applied by Trump
I think this was a dual purpose ploy.
1) It is something new they can accuse Trump of (with no evidence of course).
2) They can expose the obviously over matched Biden who is simply there because the rest of the field is loony tunes and guys like 3R need someone they can claim is sane to vote for.
I think this was a dual purpose ploy.
1) It is something new they can accuse Trump of (with no evidence of course).
2) They can expose the obviously over matched Biden who is simply there because the rest of the field is loony tunes and guys like 3R need someone they can claim is sane to vote for.

The DNC gets a twofer,

They plan on it hurting Trump and Biden. They hate Trump and they want Biden out of the way because they know he will lose to Trump.

Now all they need to do is find someone that can beat Trump. So far, it ain't lookin good.
The DNC gets a twofer,

They plan on it hurting Trump and Biden. They hate Trump and they want Biden out of the way because they know he will lose to Trump.

Now all they need to do is find someone that can beat Trump. So far, it ain't lookin good.
Biden is polling better than about any other D out there in H2H vs. Trump, and the DNC is headed by an Obama cabinet official who isn't exactly from the super left wing of the party. This makes no sense.
The DNC gets a twofer,

They plan on it hurting Trump and Biden. They hate Trump and they want Biden out of the way because they know he will lose to Trump.

Now all they need to do is find someone that can beat Trump. So far, it ain't lookin good.
Yea back in June ABC ran a story how Biden refused to answer questions about the Hunter/Ukraine issue and when they continued the questioning Biden’s security people ushered them away.

The China mess is worse,,,there is video of Hunter getting off of the plane with his dad in China, then just a few weeks later he lands a fat job with people over there

No telling at all what really happened but it sure looks bad
Did you not learn anything about polls back in 2016???
Trump could hold a rally in Nome Alaska and draw 30,000 just like 2016. Biden can't draw flies if hiding in a dead animal. That rally in New Mexico looked like it was held at an indian reservation in Mexico City.
Either Trump will win 40 states or 10. I'm thinking 40 unless the Dems scrap the whole lot and pull a rabbit out of their hat.
You still have to win Iowa or New Hampshire if you are Biden. The party is trying like hell to help him. Allowing caucus sights in nursing homes but not college campuses in Iowa. A move to kill Bernie and help Biden.

The media is doing their work showing pictures of Dem contenders and “accidentally” leaving Bernie’s picture off on MSNBC. CNN had a segment this weekend on whether Bernie should drop out. I’m not kidding. But.....

Biden is polling better than about any other D out there in H2H vs. Trump, and the DNC is headed by an Obama cabinet official who isn't exactly from the super left wing of the party. This makes no sense.

So number 1. You think the DNC wants Biden?

So number 2. You think Biden can debate with Trump?
So number 1. You think the DNC wants Biden?

So number 2. You think Biden can debate with Trump?
1. I think they are fine with him because they think he can win. Plus he's a good soldier and a D lifer. He knows everyone.

2. Do you really think this matters all that much? Trump was not exactly amazing in the debates yet he won.
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You still have to win Iowa or New Hampshire if you are Biden. The party is trying like hell to help him. Allowing caucus sights in nursing homes but not college campuses in Iowa. A move to kill Bernie and help Biden.

The media is doing their work showing pictures of Dem contenders and “accidentally” leaving Bernie’s picture off on MSNBC. CNN had a segment this weekend on whether Bernie should drop out. I’m not kidding. But.....

You have to win IA or NH if you're anyone, in all likelihood. Sanders gets a leg up in this in NH. He's not looking that good in IA, but it's a long way to January.

I can see someone saying Bernie has been undercovered compared to, say, Beto or Kamala or Buttigieg, who are as likely to be President come Jan. 2021 as I am.

But it should be a bit concerning for Bernie fans to see the demographic split of who is supporting other candidates. Bernie probably needed Kamala to take more of the black vote from Biden, and she looks pretty weak. He also needed to poll a little better among old people, since they have this habit of actually voting.
Yea back in June ABC ran a story how Biden refused to answer questions about the Hunter/Ukraine issue and when they continued the questioning Biden’s security people ushered them away.

The China mess is worse,,,there is video of Hunter getting off of the plane with his dad in China, then just a few weeks later he lands a fat job with people over there

No telling at all what really happened but it sure looks bad
Appearances matter, I agree. But you know what else looks far worse? ADMITTING ON TV THAT YOU WITHHELD AID WHILE TELLING ANOTHER COUNTRY TO INVESTIGATE YOUR POLITICAL OPPONENTS. He admitted it out loud.

I think we have to see the document, but we've already moved into the stage where Trump admits he did it and expects his fans to believe it's ok solely because he did it.

Sending Rudy to Ukraine on this mission was insane and dumb enough. Saying it yourself? unthinkably out of bounds.
I think this was a dual purpose ploy.
1) It is something new they can accuse Trump of (with no evidence of course).
2) They can expose the obviously over matched Biden who is simply there because the rest of the field is loony tunes and guys like 3R need someone they can claim is sane to vote for.
Then why not go by the law, and past practice, and let the whistle blower's claim go through the proper channels AND release the transcript of the call. Why do they insist on hiding/blocking everything that come up when they always claim there is nothing to see?
1. I think they are fine with him because they think he can win. Plus he's a good soldier and a D lifer. He knows everyone.

2. Do you really think this matters all that much? Trump was not exactly amazing in the debates yet he won.

1. Ok, they can think that.

2. Trump will have Biden blabbering, and crying for his momma.

It's their funeral.
Appearances matter, I agree. But you know what else looks far worse? ADMITTING ON TV THAT YOU WITHHELD AID WHILE TELLING ANOTHER COUNTRY TO INVESTIGATE YOUR POLITICAL OPPONENTS. He admitted it out loud.

I think we have to see the document, but we've already moved into the stage where Trump admits he did it and expects his fans to believe it's ok solely because he did it.

Sending Rudy to Ukraine on this mission was insane and dumb enough. Saying it yourself? unthinkably out of bounds.
Did Trump break some law??
Appearances matter, I agree. But you know what else looks far worse? ADMITTING ON TV THAT YOU WITHHELD AID WHILE TELLING ANOTHER COUNTRY TO INVESTIGATE YOUR POLITICAL OPPONENTS. He admitted it out loud.
I guess i've been sheltered from this. Got a link?
Then why not go by the law, and past practice, and let the whistle blower's claim go through the proper channels AND release the transcript of the call. Why do they insist on hiding/blocking everything that come up when they always claim there is nothing to see?
How can a whistle blower be a whistle blower if he never heard or saw anything?
This "I heard through the grapevine" stuff has to stop.
You don't just give out conversations with foreign leaders for obvious reasons.
How can a whistle blower be a whistle blower if he never heard or saw anything?
This "I heard through the grapevine" stuff has to stop.
You don't just give out conversations with foreign leaders for obvious reasons.
You surely do NOT believe somebody made this kind of complaint if they didn't see or hear anything. A Trump appointed IG checked it out and said it was a credible complaint and was an URGENT matter! Once that is done it is supposed to be delivered to congress. IF Trump did nothing wrong why did he not just let that happen and be done with it?
You surely do NOT believe somebody made this kind of complaint if they didn't see or hear anything. A Trump appointed IG checked it out and said it was a credible complaint and was an URGENT matter! Once that is done it is supposed to be delivered to congress. IF Trump did nothing wrong why did he not just let that happen and be done with it?
It's a serious charge. There simply is no support for it. There is no evidence of it.
No evidence? Congress strongly voted to make the funds available so the Ukraine could defend itself from Russia. Trump withheld the funds. He did it and he said he did it.

Trump clearly stated three days ago he attempted to get the Ukraine president to investigate the Bidens.

It is against U.S. law to try to get foreign help to win an election. He learned nothing from the Russia affair other than he thinks he is above the law.

His administration then refused to let a whistleblowers story be shared with congress. This is also against the law. The corruption is blatant. Using your tax dollars for personal gain and then obstructing justice.
Where is the support for the claim he withheld funds? I have yet to see where Trump "admitted" anything.

Trump said on the phone call there were things that happened that they should look into. If Ukraine helped the Dems in 2016 or Biden threatened them to help his son, neither of those should be ignored. Trump never asked for help for himself. Trump asked for help determining if there was election the Dems.

I believe he is trying to get the "whistle blower" to
You surely do NOT believe somebody made this kind of complaint if they didn't see or hear anything. A Trump appointed IG checked it out and said it was a credible complaint and was an URGENT matter! Once that is done it is supposed to be delivered to congress. IF Trump did nothing wrong why did he not just let that happen and be done with it?

Do you ever watch the news? Mitch said he has been unable to get an explanation why the Ukraine had not received their funds weeks ago. Someone posted a video on this website showing Trump giving various reasons why HE didn’t release the funds. He made stuff up.

In the transcript, after the Ukraine president asked about where the cash/assistance was, Trump said he wanted a favor. Try doing some reading. Trump has admitted a lot of this.

Ben Sasse is even saying this stinks. Trump called and begged Nancy to make a deal with him instead of impeaching. This is really getting sad.

I thought they received their funds in full?

Ad lib much?

Sasse the asse?
Trump BEGGED Nancy??? Really now.
Hear it is Mr Bleach

Senator Sasse (R-NE) after reading the whistleblower complaint: "...Republicans ought not to be rushing to circle the wagons to say there’s no there there when there’s obviously lots that’s very troubling there..."
That is one "never Trumpers" interpretation NOT the there there.
Where is the support for the claim he withheld funds? I have yet to see where Trump "admitted" anything.

Trump said on the phone call there were things that happened that they should look into. If Ukraine helped the Dems in 2016 or Biden threatened them to help his son, neither of those should be ignored. Trump never asked for help for himself. Trump asked for help determining if there was election the Dems.

I believe he is trying to get the "whistle blower" to
Trump is trying to get the Ukrainian President to see if he can find some evidence that Russia didn't interfere in our election. He WON!! Why is he going back there and stir that up again? Only reason I can think of is help Putin say he had NOTHING to do with election interference and then Trump can take the sanctions off that he didn't want to put on to start with.
Trump is trying to get the Ukrainian President to see if he can find some evidence that Russia didn't interfere in our election. He WON!! Why is he going back there and stir that up again? Only reason I can think of is help Putin say he had NOTHING to do with election interference and then Trump can take the sanctions off that he didn't want to put on to start with.

That is one "never Trumpers" interpretation NOT the there there.
If there is NOTHING wrong with his call why won't they release ALL of the transcript, or batter yet the actual phone conversation that you know was recorded. Barr in this neck deep too.
Awful lot of stupid white men all-in for Democrats. Exactly what is that statement supposed to mean?

Duck is a full out racist, it appears.

But I don't know of anyone that cares what his ignorant opinion is any way. No one has responded to him for months. He is a never was.
Trump is trying to get the Ukrainian President to see if he can find some evidence that Russia didn't interfere in our election. He WON!! Why is he going back there and stir that up again? Only reason I can think of is help Putin say he had NOTHING to do with election interference and then Trump can take the sanctions off that he didn't want to put on to start with.
Do you know that Russia and Ukraine are different countries?
I thought they received their funds in full?

Ad lib much?

Sasse the asse?
Trump BEGGED Nancy??? Really now.
They got the funds months later after loads of Congressional pressure when Durbin threatened withhold $5 B in military funding. The withholding of funds never made any sense until you saw the call and the complaint.
If there is NOTHING wrong with his call why won't they release ALL of the transcript, or batter yet the actual phone conversation that you know was recorded. Barr in this neck deep too.
We don't actually record all of these calls, FYI. Nixon scared the Exec Branch out of recording everything.